
Apr 2, 2019
That makes sense. For now I am using Olicit for all the mobs as a placeholder. Once finished with the forest section I will go back to update the names, to include changing Cloudy. Using Clodia is an interesting idea.

Progress update, believe I am about 30-40% of the way done with the forest section of the game. Finished the intro, main conversations with Cloudy, and final boss scene to include loss. Need to complete the other misc forest dialogs, loss scenes for each forest mob, all forest battles (time to dig into the cursed CommonEvents file) and ensure there is no incompatibilities issues on skills and items now that I merged the patch to v1.08 and stupidly did a batch translation after merging for quick reference of the new items introduced. Didn't realize the scope of that error until it was too late to start over without losing time. Not sure if I will include the dialog that occurs at the base between intro and forest exploration or if that will even be done before each zone. I know that if I skip this now it probably will not get done...

One question, I am unable to locate the section for the load menu item during gameplay. I have looked through the systems file and commonevents. I have done a full search using the original Japanese text for load but am unable to find it. It must exist somewhere since the game has that feature just not sure where to look. The ingame menu looks off with everything in English but load...

Couple of things I have learned so far:
  • Yandex does not like to translate anything pornographic. Love seeing the translation of "I dont know what to do" when I plug Japanese text in.
  • My original plan of "going off the rails" failed almost immediately once I realized the characters changed pictures depending on the story and I refuse to import this game back into RPG Maker to make any higher level tweaks.
  • My respect for those dedicated to fully translate games have skyrocketed. My progress so far took much longer than I originally planned for. Cross checking dialogs and multiple translation sites / modules in translator++ just to understand the context of the dialog, going back to adjust previous text because my translation did not make sense a few lines into the conversation due to poor MTL, and the pure amount of time needed to do this right is eye opening.
  • I have begun to hate ellipses, my god just about every line of dialog has 1-3 sets of ellipses.
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Mar 18, 2018
I'm very interested in the in-battle messages, cause they are not found by neither text hookers nor translator++


Apr 2, 2019
I'm very interested in the in-battle messages, cause they are not found by neither text hookers nor translator++
Through some testing I am able to translate the battle messages but it requires taking the Common Events file and placing in a new RPG Maker MV project. Overall it is easy to change but time consuming compared to using translator++. Does anyone know of a better way to code Common Events in RPG Maker instead of making changes in the Database window?

My first patch will include many of the forest battle messages translated but it does add time needed to finish.


Apr 2, 2019
Another question for those interested. Going to change development level to something smaller so the number doesn't overlap. What makes the most sense Corruption / Taint / Defiled / Perverseness? Or does anyone have a better term to use?

At the start of a the game the v from level is overlapping the two digit number. Figure we have up to 12-13 characters of space available before you begin to overlap a two digit number.


Mar 18, 2018
So in-battle messages are in CommonEvents.json?
You can edit it directly with notepad++ for example (can use JSON Viewer plugin for notepad++ to split file in lines).

Or I can try to make a program to replace original text with translated, if you translate a few phrases and give me a sample file containing both original and translated text - in form of spreadsheet or separated text file for example.
development level
You mean "開発度"? I think "Corruption" is fine, it's basically a name of the genre :)
Also i had a three digit (890) value at game end.


Apr 2, 2019
So in-battle messages are in CommonEvents.json?
You can edit it directly with notepad++ for example (can use JSON Viewer plugin for notepad++ to split file in lines).

Or I can try to make a program to replace original text with translated, if you translate a few phrases and give me a sample file containing both original and translated text - in form of spreadsheet or separated text file for example.

You mean "開発度"? I think "Corruption" is fine, it's basically a name of the genre :)
Also i had a three digit (890) value at game end.
Well this is interesting before importing the JSON into RPG Maker the text for event 182 (random event I used for a test)
{"id":182,"list":[{"code":111,"indent":0,"parameters":[4,1,6,20]},{"code":355,"indent":1,"parameters":["BattleManager._logWindow.push('addText', '\u6355\u3089\u3048\u3089\u308c\u305f\u30a2\u30e1\u30c6\u30e5\u30b9\u306e\u8eab\u4f53\u306b\u30a4\u30ab\u30aa\u30ea\u30af\u30c8\u306e\u89e6\u624b\u304c');"]}

But after importing and saving the file it will display the true text:
{"id":182,"list":[{"code":111,"indent":0,"parameters":[4,1,6,20]},{"code":355,"indent":1,"parameters":["BattleManager._logWindow.push('addText', 'Amethyst is captured by the Squid tentacles');"]},{"code":355,"indent":1,"parameters":["BattleManager._logWindow.push('addText', '媚薬を塗りたくりながら蠢く…!');"]}

I assume during the RPG Maker deployment process it modifies the text for compression and/or encryption.

The issue with doing the changes manually is that each event id does not explicitly state the related mob, event, and multitude of potential influences to the event (many checks for specific triggers/ character states). By importing the JSON into RPG Maker the Database window is cumbersome but has checks to prevent easy file/format corruption. What might be the fastest method is for me to have RPG Maker open to ensure I am working on the right event while making changes in Notepad++. Give me some time to think on this one, I am not planning to work on the combat text today.

Status Update - Completed most (all but Common Events) forest dialog, Boss & Starfish loss scenes, and halfway through the Squid's loss scene. Need to finish the Squid, Slime Girl, and forest related Common Event items. Once those are done I am planning to relook at the skills, items and Bad States (Baste). Reread the dialogs for consistency & flow then finally work on combat texts for the forest fights. I may have a completed patch for the forest by this weekend but don't hold me to it. I do not want to be another Koda (joking here but finish 7F dammit) with completion projections.


Mar 18, 2018
I assume during the RPG Maker deployment process it modifies the text for compression and/or encryption.
It should not. What program do you use to view json?
In notepad++ i clearly see normal japanese text in original files straight from the game (MV uses UTF-8 encoding), same with the .trans file from translator++. Never seen text in \uXXXX unicode notation in any MV games, including this.


Apr 2, 2019
Maybe I have my Notepad++ poorly configured.

Here is CommonEvents JSON from V1.08. This should include some older translation from a previous test I did.

Including the verison of the JSON that was successfully imported back into RPG Maker.


Apr 2, 2019
Another translation question, after rereading some previous text I am not sure how to proceed with the best term to describe the four main bosses.

Initially, I was going to call /reference each boss by name only but after working on the home base I noticed there is a lore book that has a reference to 輝晶オリクトについて. My best literal takes on this is either "About Bright Crystal Ollict" Bright Crystal = Kishō or "About Bright Reflection Ollict" Bright Reflection = Teruaki but both of these seems like a poor term to use in the context of this game.

My thoughts on keeping the context of the game in mind is to use one of the following for reference to the bosses: "Luminous Ollict, Lustrous Ollict , Resplendent Ollict, Illustrious Ollict, Astral Ollict, Preeminent Ollict, Predominant Ollict."



Mar 18, 2018
Probably all are valid, but I'd suggest Shining or maybe Sparkling.
Same term is used also to describe heroines magical form (Kuren Kisho Quarta).


Apr 2, 2019
Probably all are valid, but I'd suggest Shining or maybe Sparkling.
Same term is used also to describe heroines magical form (Kuren Kisho Quarta).
Bah figures, just doesn't feel right calling these big baddies Shining or Sparkling... Should I keep it Kisho Ollict or Teruaki Ollict?


Mar 18, 2018
How about Super Ollict? :)
Or Greater Ollict?
Kisho Ollict is not bad also, the word is already in game title.


Apr 2, 2019
How about Super Ollict? :)
Or Greater Ollict?
Kisho Ollict is not bad also, the word is already in game title.
Kisho it is for now at least. Thanks.

Status Update - Completed all forest related dialog and loss scenes. Reviewed the previous translation of items, armor, and states making tweaks for consistency sake. For the first patch release, while all states are translated I have focused more so on those involved with the forest so in future releases some of the bastes might be further refined/adjusted.

Items left to complete before release - Finish all dialog in the Common Events file (minus loss scenes from the other three areas), update some previous dialogs with new changes, and combat dialog. Common Events will probably take me the longest since there are 4900 lines that Translator++ detects plus all the combat dialogs that are part of script call outs and are filtered from Translator++. The base will be partially translated for the first release, focused more so on lore and system related dialog prompts (i.e. changing difficulties, adjusting graphical settings, etc.).


Aug 16, 2019
Thanks for doing this.

Are you sure that the heroine names don't translate to gem names, like Amethyst and Emerald? Those seem to match their color schemes.


Apr 2, 2019
Thanks for doing this.

Are you sure that the heroine names don't translate to gem names, like Amethyst and Emerald? Those seem to match their color schemes.
Could be and that does make sense. Just trying to find a good name for the boss monsters. For now I will use Kisho Ollict name to describe the boss category similar to Quarta being the name of the order until someone comes up with a better name.

Update - Should have a playable patch for the Forest release in a few hours. Completed all loss scenes, forest story dialog, reworked skills/accessories/items, and many of the battle texts (to include Amethyst's reactions, scrolling attack dialogs at the top of the screen and those status effects that appear on the right). This patch will only focus on the forest but some of the changes should carry over to the other parts of the game.

Just need to finish updating the combat text for the Starfish and Slime girl then it should be ready for anyone who wants to try it.
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Apr 2, 2019
And with no fanfare I present the first patch trying to clean up the current translation. Again I could not have done this without blackjack248 and KingsRaiden laying the ground work and pchmsl being a great sounding board.

If you encounter any game breaking bugs please let me know. I did break the help text for the different skills you can use to dodge restraining attacks and plan to either fix it by next patch or roll it back to Japanese text.

This patch is designed for v1.08, see a few pages back if you need a link. To install, just extract the files in the data folder.

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