
Game Developer
May 7, 2019
You can play it by joiplay on android, download from Chplay.
Unfortunately, I have to notify you all that it's a known issue that there are already quit a few people encountered game breaking bugs running it on android with joiplay, like this one:
I never even thought that this game could even be played on android, I don't how it works with joiplay and how it works on the platoon in general, so there isn't really much i could do when it doesn't work.
Sure play it on android if you can, but I really don't have the ability to support it there.

Top scene is bath scene with your knight. you go to palace's bathroom, then you may see this scene.
No, that triggers with the wine cabinet in the bedroom.

Thanks, glad it engages you.
I will do my best to keep it going. But the next update will still take some time.
A bit curious what the "downs" in your eyes are thought.


Nov 15, 2020
Its okay, take your time and don't forget to rest!
Quality contents need time after all.

Just minor few things, which I do not know if its bug or the fault is mine:
- Broken bridge cutscene keep played, even after unlocking gerard cutscene
- Cannot get further than scene 2 from tribal meeting. (Might because I don't try often enough)
- Medieval tend to be rough; while its great that we can choose our own gameplay (like with gerard & duke),
would love to see more forceful do or die situation for the queen. (getting too personal on my own taste here xD)

Hope to see the queen corrupt herself more in next update. Great work author-nim. BrokenTorpedo


Dec 2, 2018
The only think I have to say against this game is the "non negociable losing virginity".

She's a Queen, and not married => her virginity has to be of a critical importance to her. That is THE thing that she MUST keep until her wedding night (or at least, until she meets the guy she knows for sure will be her husband).
I lived this scene like a rape, a treason.

That being said, I can understand people that don't consider this important (don't understand what it means, or just don't want to think about that).
But at least, player should have the choice about that. There are countless possibilities to avoid that.


Active Member
Jul 27, 2017
I think the base idea of the game is how far the Queen can go to save her kingdom and I get it.
But I also agree that if the player have the option to preserve the Queen's honor/pride/pussy then let them do it.

Anyway just a random comment, dont pay attention to me, I love this game.


Game Developer
May 7, 2019
- Broken bridge cutscene keep played, even after unlocking gerard cutscene
- Cannot get further than scene 2 from tribal meeting. (Might because I don't try often enough)
the first one is strange, I'll have to run some test.
the second one is simply because the follow ups are not finished.

Alt+Enter, though the ratio would be ruined so I'd suggest use the "F5" instead.

Welp, besides NC ones, the all the sex scenes are actually optional, so I'd think that'd be enough for it. And I just really don't feel adding the option to end sex scenes would go well with the flow of things. And adding warning before the scenes start feels too artificial.

And maybe I played too much CK2, but I always had the impression that medieval women didn't "really" care about their virginity that much, they only care about the facade of it.

If this turns out to actually bugs a lot of people, then I will consider making something simple for player to block off the events.
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Dec 2, 2018
Welp, besides NC ones, the all the sex scenes are actually optional, so I'd think that'd be enough for it. And I just really don't feel adding the option to end sex scenes would go well with the flow of things. And adding warning before the scenes start feels too artificial.
First of all : thanks fo your answer :giggle::giggle::giggle:

Optional : only if you accept to say "adios" to a whole part of the game ; and you don't even know if this part is absolutely necessary for the rest of the game ; and the way it's presented, it IS necessary. What are the consequences if she refuses ? Probably lose her only ally ?
=> you seem to have the choice, but you don't really have.

And maybe I played too much CK2, but I always had the impression that medieval women didn't "really" care about their virginity that much, they only care about the facade of it.
Well, then it seem you (indeed) played to much CK2 :p
It was way more important for them at this time then it is for most of women in our occidental and modern society.

She knows she will have to get married one day. And that this probably will help her to save her country.
She knows that if she's not a virgin for the wedding, there is 90% chance the marriage will be cancelled.
=> There is NO WAY she could even imagine to give her virginity like that.

If this turns out to actually bugs a lot of people, then I will consider making something simple for player to block off the events.
I don't say you have to "block the event" : I say you should have the CHOICE on what you'll do. There is other ways than vaginal penetration... And much funnier and kinker "ways" :p


Active Member
Jul 27, 2017
Welp, besides NC ones, the all the sex scenes are actually optional, so I'd think that'd be enough for it. And I just really don't feel adding the option to end sex scenes would go well with the flow of things. And adding warning before the scenes start feels too artificial.

And maybe I played too much CK2, but I always had the impression that medieval women didn't "really" care about their virginity that much, they only care about the facade of it.

If this turns out to actually bugs a lot of people, then I will consider making something simple for player to block off the events.
This is totally offtopic but CK2 isnt exaclt a good example of what medieval people do, kings and othwe powefull people prefer a virgin over a woman.

But as I said is offtopic, nothing related to your game, wich I enjoy: is good and is fun.

Deleted member 3392963

Anyone got an updated discord link? The patreon about section link isn't working.


Game Developer
May 7, 2019
and the way it's presented, it IS necessary. What are the consequences if she refuses ? Probably lose her only ally ?
=> you seem to have the choice, but you don't really have.
Nope, you have, I'll assume the example you are suggesting here is the route with the Duke, that route is designed so the vaginal intercourse happens very late in the line. And it's hinted in the game that you can always submit him by force, it's not easy but it's possible, and that is the point.

I plan for virgin run to be possible even for the finished game, but that's not supposed to be a easy run.

And addressing both Armelle69 and [B]Noneless[/B]
I don't want to fixate on the topic too much, But I'd like to ask you guys one question for you to think about, do you believe Elizabeth I was indeed literally a virgin queen though out her life? I for one don't, and neither do many historical researches.

Political marriage is for political gains, the male party would not care for trivial of virginity over the legitimacy that one would gain. For example : Charles VIII married Anne de Bretagne to secure the duchy of Brittany under French rule. Whether Anne de Bretagne's was still virtuous or not didn't really matter compares to the legitimacy he gained from marring her.

Within the scenes, I care more about the flow of the scenes themselves and the progression.
Adding what Armelle69 suggest in the middle would only break the flow.

damn, I ended up still made a reply way longer for this topic than it worth.
Anyway I am this the last of it from my end.

Is there a way to work as a prostitute?
Nope, at lest not yet, and it's not high on priority either sorry.

God of Glory
I checked it's working fine, try again.


Dec 2, 2018
Nope, you have, I'll assume the example you are suggesting here is the route with the Duke, that route is designed so the vaginal intercourse happens very late in the line. And it's hinted in the game that you can always submit him by force, it's not easy but it's possible, and that is the point.

I plan for virgin run to be possible even for the finished game, but that's not supposed to be a easy run.

And addressing both Armelle69 and [B]Noneless[/B]
I don't want to fixate on the topic too much, But I'd like to ask you guys one question for you to think about, do you believe Elizabeth I was indeed literally a virgin queen though out her life? I for one don't, and neither do many historical researches.

Political marriage is for political gains, the male party would not care for trivial of virginity over the legitimacy that one would gain. For example : Charles VIII married Anne de Bretagne to secure the duchy of Brittany under French rule. Whether Anne de Bretagne's was still virtuous or not didn't really matter compares to the legitimacy he gained from marring her.

Within the scenes, I care more about the flow of the scenes themselves and the progression.
Adding what Armelle69 suggest in the middle would only break the flow.

damn, I ended up still made a reply way longer for this topic than it worth.
Anyway I am this the last of it from my end.

Nope, at lest not yet, and it's not high on priority either sorry.

God of Glory
I checked it's working fine, try again.
Thanks for answering.
Yes I'm talking about the Duke route.
Honestly, I don't remember how all this occure : I played the game 1 year ago now ^^
But the fact is that I absolutely didn't see how the hell could I pursue the game without this scene. It was quite obvious that this route was compelling ; and this scene was inevitable in the route.

I'm not a specialist of Elizabeth 1st history, ok ; but I do know that virginity was a HUGE preoccupation for every woman ; and especially for princesses.
That's not because there were some rare exceptions about this, that this changes the way people lived.

But, ok, we are not in the real world, religion has no real power in here... So we can assume that this question isn't so important as it was in our real world.

... That doesn't mean you necessarily have to CLOSE possibilities in your game, just to make sure that the pour MC has to sacrifice her virginity.
It's just absolutely not logical, in the character's psychology you defined for the MC.

That being said : your game is great, really, I love it !
This is the only problem I see in the game.
The only one, but it's still important, because I had the feeling that I had to make this sacrifice for her, to throw in garbage something that was essential.
I lost something at this moment. Something important.
When I continued the game after that, I had to try to imagine that this scene didn't occure, cause it was just impossible for her to do that, not like that anyway.

It's important in any story : if you point the virginity of a character in a game, then it has to be treated as something important (because it is) :
- maybe the goal of the character is to discard this virginity
- or she wants to keep it until the end
- or she can have the choice to give it up at the right moment that SHE chooses.
A lot of men don't comprehend that : ok, I can understand.
But if you want to be psychologically accurate, and have a female MC, it would be better if you could include this problematic ;)
Last edited:


Aug 4, 2018
any brave hero has the save file with all the sex scene for v0.15?
my game saves got corrupted or something ... i could do it all over again ... but it seems it is gone


Game Developer
May 7, 2019
Try re-download it? The file could be damaged with an unsuccessful download.
I downloaded it again myself and the problem doesn't seem to be with the file uploaded.

I will try to finish the next release within this month,
There were some issues IRL that put off the progress, sorry about that.

Can't load the old game save file?
There's a data file "RX_SaveFileInfos" in the game folder next to your save file,
bring it together with it to the new version, it's required for the game to load saves.
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