3.60 star(s) 25 Votes


Aug 5, 2016
Stuck on the first room of 2nd dungeon, have no idea how to get up on the column


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2017
First off, I want to state categorically that this is a game with great potential both in gameplay and story telling, it is interesting enough that I want to play it, and I heartily encourage continued development. The following comments are meant to point out things in the game that are problems that I hope will be fixed.

This game is a UI nightmare. Very little a player needs to and should know is explained. The control help text that is displayed when you hit escape is cut off on the left side so you can not read what the controls are for each function. The list is also incomplete.

For reasons completely unknown, the developer has decided to abandon decades of UI fine-tuning that has created a common and comfortable interface to use in first person 3D games for this odd and clumsy interface that players constantly mis-key because of their reflex from other like games.

Worst of all, almost none of these changes are explained to the player. This is not story discovery, which is a good concept. You spend most of your time fighting the damn interface instead of playing the game. A challenging game is good, but this is not challenging, it is unfairly frustrating because the player is not told how to use the UI to do the things the MC would know how to do. Finding that you can craft a fishing pole and the materials to do so is discovery. However, the player should know how to use the UI to actually use the fishing pole once you've created it. If there is a piece missing, like bait, then the player should be told that because the MC would already know that.

I can see the reasoning behind the older fight UI. Some combat opponents have things that make a left or right strike more or less effective, like a shield. The left-then-right click for a left side cut, and the right-then-left click for a right side cut would've been an interesting and popular UI: IF IT HAD EVER BEEN EXPLAINED TO THE PLAYER. Since no one knew what to do or why, there were a flood of complaints and that UI has now disappeared in favor of the simple left-click alternating strike directions. This is really too bad as the new UI never got a fair chance to be tested since no one knew how to use it or why. It might've been better to simply use left click for left strike and right click for right strike as that would've been much more intuitive, but it should still be explained to the player as part of a UI orientation.

The controls I've been able to figure out so far in v0.6b are:
W, A, S, D    Move forward, left, backward, right
Left Shift    While pressed, run – Burns stamina
Space         Jump
Q, E          Lean left, right
C             Toggles crouch
Left-click    Strike (with object if held) or throw held object
Left Control  Drag the targeted object by moving the mouse
V             Throw held object (doesn’t work, use left-click)
F             Collect items and interact
Tab           Toggles inventory
Caps Lock     While pressed, list of items to hold
<unknown>     Reload held object (what does that mean?)
T             Put held object away
G             Use the glider to glide down safely when in the air
Z             Whistle for your horse if nearby
F1            Cheat XP +20
F2            Cheat sneak skill increment
F9            Toggles cheat item menu
F10           Toggles cheat teleport menu
F11           Toggles wait dialog (advances time)
F12           Toggles cheat skip quest menu
I saw a message saying something about using only right-ctrl for something and ctrl-C with a number but I have no clue what that's about.

IMHO: The lack of a UI orientation in this game is the MAJOR reason why people will drop it. If they can't figure out how to do what would be obvious to the MC, they will give up in frustration. This is not what is meant by a game challenge. Fixing the UI issues and giving the player a clear and complete orientation on the UI should be the #1 priority to fix in this game right now because it will keep people from being able to test play the game as it develops.

And, I hope it does continue to develop because it is worth the time and effort.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2017
Now that the hopefully helpful comments are out of the way, my #1 question:

How do you use that thrice-damned fishing pole?!?!?! :confounded::confounded::confounded:

:eek:penedeyewink: I've created the pole, built a pier (I have no idea if that is required), and got a quest from the sister to go fish. However, when holding the pole over water, absolutely nothing happens with any control combination. While holding the fishing pole over water, the center reticle dot has a squiggly line around it only when in a limited rectangle. There is an image in the water that just seems to be the reflection of the bobber and the white fishing line.

There is some mention in past posts about using the old left-then-right click but that has now effect now. 'Z' only calls your horse and does not affect the fishing pole, and 'B' does nothing.

If the squiggly line is a clue that you need a worm for bait, then it ought to damn well clearly say so as the MC would know that is what is required. I haven't found any worms in the ground anywhere on the island.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. :biggrin:


Nov 22, 2017
Stuck on the first room of 2nd dungeon, have no idea how to get up on the column
u need 50 str to be able to jump properly in D2 besides 1st room u pull one lever in room with monsters on the right and other one in opposite direction u need to jump on platforms and glide to the other end then climb up again to the 2nd lever then u can glide back from that point this will open 1st room door. Gliders are crafted items and u need to hold G after jump to use them, also they break on usage or if u fall down of map a lot.

if im mistaken and u stuck in room where u came out from portal u need to get key that is on a ledge u need to have agin 50 str stat have double jump orb from Velvet and be able to dash is skill obtained from agility stat upgrade. Hope that helps.
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Reactions: Lusteh


New Member
Jun 2, 2018
How to get first dungeon?
I saved two girls...
I defeated the lizardgirl...and catch her
I picked up the pearl...
1.png 2.png


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2017
How to get first dungeon?
I saved two girls...
I defeated the lizardgirl...and catch her
I picked up the pearl...
View attachment 120439 View attachment 120440
To find most things in this game, follow the paths. From where you appeared on the beach, go straight until just before the firepit with three monsters. Follow the left path up into the hills. Over the first rise, ahead and a bit to the left, there is a natural alcove in which you find a statue. Interact with the statue.

Or, maybe you're not asking how to get to the first dungeon but how to get through it?


New Member
Jun 2, 2018
To find most things in this game, follow the paths. From where you appeared on the beach, go straight until just before the firepit with three monsters. Follow the left path up into the hills. Over the first rise, ahead and a bit to the left, there is a natural alcove in which you find a statue. Interact with the statue.

Or, maybe you're not asking how to get to the first dungeon but how to get through it?
I meant how to get out of the dungeon...
On the first image... You need to complete the dungeon, but i killed there all, saved 2 girls and found pearls


May 12, 2017
Sex scenes in General are frozen
I do not know how to solve it because I've tried everything. Is there any way to manually make the moves, because in a version had and did not lock as it is locking in automatic, I'm sorry English is using translator
Can someone help me ?


Nov 13, 2017
I meant how to get out of the dungeon...
On the first image... You need to complete the dungeon, but i killed there all, saved 2 girls and found pearls
It´s a bug y´re suposed to br teleported out of the dungeon them you get the pearl


Jul 22, 2017
Without cheats this game is unplayable. After running trough the whole island three times I found only the mother. So I skipped the quest. Resource spawn is broken, the plant that you need for strings and fabrics is the most needed and the rarest at the same time. So I just cheated.


Furry Gamer
Aug 6, 2016

What easy!?
  • Attack speed of monsters slowed down.
  • Reduces Damage and Move Speed from monster.
  • Platforms in the dungeons move more slowly and easily.
  • Increases damage when you add Strength.
  • Add Skip Dungeon 2 and Show Cirno on Island Button on Skip Quest Panel.
  • Increases Status Point every time you level up.
  • Easier to level up.
  • Fixed and Improved some other things...



May 17, 2017
I dunno but this game seems to be a mess at the moment, been reading through different posts in the forum and it says to do one thing, yet when you try to do that, it doesn't let you. There's something about a monster base, ok cool, I can catch monster girls then...? Or so I thought, finally manage to find a fish girl, and it has the option of detention, but when I go back home there is nowhere to build the damn thing so I can keep my catch. Not sure how I am supposed to catch this lizard that's apparently in dungeon one, if I can't build the detention area. -shrugs- oh well, had fun for the few minutes I did play it, maybe the dev will work it all out and this will be a fun game to play... and maybe they won't lol we shall have to wait and see.


Jun 29, 2018
guy i have a question??
(((my english to bad brain damage on your mind)))
(if u wanna read this u will take spoiler becareful !!!))

So i found all family members , i level up fast , i do tent etc. Catch blue girl , clear 2 dangeons.JUst i cannot find Werewolf atacked girl (wearing blue dress i think and have 4 wings behind) nevermind i do monster girl house etc. so No one give me mission so i finish the demo ???? But i do a little more cheat go lvl 94 maybe up levels give more animations.A lot more animations cliked ( locked or coming) so this is over ??????
3.60 star(s) 25 Votes