First, i don t support this game, and the projets i support are not dead... i was just explaining why patreon don t go down so easily... why do you feel the urge to attack me ? (i can blame you, your kind, pigeons,...) you don t kown me or who i support...
Second, what do you mean by your kind, people who want to support dev on the long time or people too lazy to do it month by month ? You know before it s dead, it s alive and if you like it then you want to support, and like i said " there is no refound if you stop on your own so why stop before your time is over ? " do you read and understand post before say silly things...?
Third, well if you want i can talk a little about me (of my kind)... i m 43 and i m not rich so i have rules, i don t support dev who have not finish at least one game (i say this a lot of time here in f95, even in this thread few time ago...), it s the test for me, this way i can see if the dev is serious (how many game he abandon), if he like milking, how he treat his community, how good he is, etc... i don t drop money on strangers, then i m not be fooled... If there is more of my kind, prudent investor, i think devs start will be really more difficult and we left only those who really want to do game. Not the unmotivated studient who want money and just copy/past games.
To finish you can blame me if you want, i really don t care about what people think about me, i past this age a long time ago... But i think you wrong, devs choose their fate by their act. If they want to work to make good game people will folow, if not people will stop with time. Don t try to remove responsibility to devs of their act or duty by throw the responsability to the ones who want support what they like, it s not fair. The fate of their games are all in the devs hands in the end.
And it not like i don t have nothing else to do than look for porn game... Some time i past 6 or 7 month not looking at them... i have also a live with things more important to do.
You should try to vent your frustration on the right people, go on twiter (or X now) to talk to the dev, i think it will be better if he can hear this than me (even if he block you later)... i can t do or want do anything about his game, but it seem you, you like it.