Ok. I'll start with a few things about that dev-talk between the chapters.
First of all, you can't compare watching porn with playing a game. In porn you just watch two or more people banging and that's it. You don't get to name the "main character" and you don't make any decicions for him, so it's not the same thing. Not everyone playing these games sees them just as fap material.
About Zaida... Some people don't like sharing. It's as simple as that. Personally I don't consider that scene NTR in any way, but I still didn't like the fact that you have that forced sex/bj scene with her in the hospital afterwards. If I'm introduced to a woman, while she's sucking someone's dick, I instantly lose all my interest in her. No, I don't expect every woman to be a virgin and I don't hate women who give blowjobs to other guys. When I meet a someone new I don't care how many guys she banged before me or how wild she was, but there's a difference between a woman having a past and sucking a dude's cock right in front of you. Is it really so hard to understand that this can be a turn off for some of us? I'm not asking to change anything, just don't try to make people who don't like certain things look like they're crazy, with far-fetched comparisons, just because you see those things in a different way. Everyone has different tastes and there's nothing wrong with that.
Btw if you don't fuck her, Bob literally tells her to swallow his cum after the MC leaves, so I'm pretty sure she wasn't just bowing out of respect...
Now, about this last update. I'm glad we got the option to tell her to fuck off this time. Don't get me wrong, I actually like her as a character, both in terms of looks and behavior, but that doesn't change the fact that she's Bob's cum bucket, even after saying how much she dislikes it. You know, first impressions and all that.
In general it was a solid update. I liked the little interactions with Roxanna (even though I wanted more content with her tbh), that gave us a glimpse of what's going on in her head, we found out what the job the MC has to do for Bob is and we got some interesting "clues" about the MC, from that last scene in the office. The "kawaii" assistant was a nice touch.
Don't interpret my little rant in the beggining as shitting on the game or anything like that. I actually like it so far. I just find it annoying when people go straight for the "oh, do you expect every woman to be a virgin?" just because some of us don't like sharing. Some times a "turn off" is just that, it doesn't need to have a whole "life of celibacy" mentality behind it.