
Active Member
Jun 11, 2017
For those who haven't played it yet, y'all need to drop what your doing and play Sengoku Rance. It's one of the best adult games of all time; when I first stumbled into the series I stumbled into Sengoku Rance; came for the porn and stayed for the amazingly addictive gameplay, and wicked soundtrack.

EDIT: Also Kenshin is best girl; I'll fight you if you disagree.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
For those who haven't played it yet, y'all need to drop what your doing and play Sengoku Rance. It's one of the best adult games of all time; when I first stumbled into the series I stumbled into Sengoku Rance; came for the porn and stayed for the amazingly addictive gameplay, and wicked soundtrack.

EDIT: Also Kenshin is best girl; I'll fight you if you disagree.
Personally if they didn't add anything new then I'm not interested, also we know the best girl is kouhime.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
Rance is the only rapist who is a good guy, hard to explain...My favorite adult Japanese game, brings back some great memories..
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Active Member
Jun 11, 2017
I kinda wanna download these, but I'm kinda iffy on it. Those are really small files for whole games.
Well the first few games are really, really old, so they don't require a big file size for them. Kichikuou Rance will take you hundreds of hours to clear everything, Rance 6 is basically a full fledged game of its own right, and Sengoku Rance is similar to Kichikuou Rance but slightly smaller scale, still massive and takes hundreds of hours to clear everything.

Drafox said:
Rance is the only rapist who is a good guy, hard to explain...My favorite adult Japanese game, brings back some great memories..
Ha, Rance is anything but good; he just isn't full on evil and cruel, just selfish and full of himself... literally, he thinks he's God's gift to women. He's also a massive tsundere, which is why he's so abusive to Sill but wouldn't give her up for the world.


Apr 23, 2018
For those who haven't played it yet, y'all need to drop what your doing and play Sengoku Rance. It's one of the best adult games of all time; when I first stumbled into the series I stumbled into Sengoku Rance; came for the porn and stayed for the amazingly addictive gameplay, and wicked soundtrack.

EDIT: Also Kenshin is best girl; I'll fight you if you disagree.
Gonna second everything about this. If you don't touch anything else, if you don't think any of theses titles sound interesting, play Sengoku Rance. It's the 26th highest rated TL'd VN on vndb (beating out Tsukihime, what?), not because it's a 200 hour epic on the nature of the human soul, but because it's just solid tongue-in-cheek fun to play.

It has combat, it has strategy, it has rape. Oh my god so much rape. Rance is an inhumanly horrible character, and it's played for laughs so hard you can't help but find the human equivalent of a natural disaster grow on you just a little bit. It's hard to describe how so many things that sound so awful go into making characters you actually like and an SLG actually worth going back for your 4th playthrough to, but give it a shot if you haven't considered it and see for yourself.

Also maybe buy it from Mangagamer or something if you do find you like it, because we need the rest of those games TL'd now that 7 is done!


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
Rance is Life.

Does anyone know if the 3D Game of Rance is fully translated yet? Cause i do not believe its in this upload ^^


Active Member
Jun 11, 2017
Also for those who are new, I strongly recommend perusing the wiki page , as it'll give you numerous tips and micromanaging strategies to almost ensure a really solid experience. That said, your first playthrough, blind or not, you'll probably do horribly, so bad that you'll barely get any score whatsoever for completing the game. That's okay, and is to be expected, but on further playthroughs you can challenge yourself to get a higher score, and you also gain the ability to try out different story routes than what the base game allowed, called IF routes. (you also get a score based on the total amount of routes you cleared)

a higher score means you can get nice benefits for NG+, which allows as much as getting commanders you previously recruited, or getting beneficial items earlier on that will help tremendously. I also strongly recommend constantly being in a state of war with at least one faction; war is a good thing in this game as it allows you to get new territory, troops, money, items, you name it. The game also encourages it by making story events happen where factions will inevitably declare war on the Oda (Rance's faction) one way or another


New Member
Jun 13, 2018
As strategy lover, sengoku is one of my favorite (and i realy can compare it strategy wise with giants like settlers series and anno), but Rance 10 is good to. Im like 5 achievments short in 10 and realy recomend any1 who never played it. Translation actualy less needed for last Rance (vn reader works fine)


Jul 6, 2018
This is gold, I have only played Sengoku Rance before and wanted to try the others at some point, but was too lazy to look for them, F95zone to the rescue once again.



Sep 2, 2017
Which ones would you recommend the most? I've played Sengoku Rance and it wasn't really my thing.
I would honestly recommend you to give it another shot. It's one of the best "Porn games" on the market. Just open a guide to get the action fans as quickly as possible, then finish the game once. Then you will find NG+ which opens up the world to you, you don't need to complete the main story anymore, you can pretty much freely do what you want, or follow guides to alternative stories, etc. NG+ is where the real meat of the game begins.

Initially the RNG part may piss you off, but once you have gotten used to the game, you will just understand that save scumming isn't exactly scummy in this game. You will also understand the depth of learning that can go into this game (Or the scummy things that you need to be careful of, as some things may cause you to lose certain characters, or might cause you to be unable to complete certain character stories).

I legit spent days (Actually weeks if I am fair. From morning till evening) playing this game, completed multiple stories, and even beat the demon area.

P.S: You don't need to protect areas until the fight is in a "castle" tile set, or it's the final battle of the area.

Note to everyone: Sengoku Rance is a legit 10/10 game imho. If you like RPG's then Kamidori Alchemy Master is also a similarly 10/10 game and the "Bunny Black" series is also great.
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May 4, 2019
Seeing this thread pop up here today is the most pleasant of surprises. Rance is the best eroge character I've ever seen, a true legend. Can vouch for Sengoku Rance's incredible depth and quality along with all other users before this. Other games are pretty damn cool too, especially the newer ones.

P.S. Not sure if it's been mentioned before but you can use of Sengoku to get through the game and set you up really nicely for NG+ if you feel overwhelmed for your first playthrough.

All hail Rance!


Jun 7, 2017
If you wanna play a game like this, but without the rape aspects, try it's spiritual predecessor Daibanchou-Big Bang Age. You can tell that the game is old compared to SR, but SR (and KR) pretty much took every aspect of game mechanics that makes it great from BBA, and Rouga (the MC) is a much purer protagonist than Rance. If Rance is a Natural Disaster in human form, Rouga is a Force of Nature in human form. SR is definitely the perfected form of it's gameplay, but I would certainly advise for people to pay homage to it's origins.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2017
Sengoku Rance is one of the best game of the series, it was my first contact with Rance Games and my favorite, thank you very much for sharing it. Lets hope someday we have access of the other ones, i think they are at 9 or 10.
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