Yeah ill check it out later, but for now i started new run as i ignored that other sword guy and he died in the forced 1v1 fight, it feels like im doing way better no demons till turn 57 ish, apparantly you should avoid invading texas if you dont want demons to spawn early. i probably attacked the cav guys too soon as it took me ages to get rid of them, only managed to capture one cav unit

. any idea how you get the coughing girl to spawn, im pretty sure i went further than last playthrough but havent seen her at all.
Takeda is best avoided until there is just a few houses left. Since I can't see what commanders you have left, it is hard to say, what the best strategy is. As for the coughing girl (Okita Nozomi), she is really not that great in regular battles. She shines in dungeon battles. So if you can't get her, it is not a disaster.
Texas has nothing to do with the Demon Army. It is the houses with gourds (Takeda, Houjou, Uesugi, Akashi, Mouri, Ashikaga, Inukai and his ninjas) that are the issue. Others can be safely conquered without any adverse consequences on the demon army spawning.
From the looks of it, you could really do with a few more commanders. The problem is that Mouri may fall pretty soon, and it is a pain in the arse to get all the Mouri commanders from here, to say the least. That leaves you with Houjou, Masamune and the Takuga commanders to potentially get. Takuga commanders are not that great, so if you miss out on those, it is not a disaster. If you can get them, definitely get the Masamune commanders. They will be difficult to acquire though. Less important are the Houjou commanders (though they might have a few useful ones). But basically: Try to conquer those big nations as soon as possible. The more commanders you can get, the easier it will become.
You could also try to blitz to get the Takuga commanders (you get them upon conquering all their territories).
So my best advice here is to go on a conquering spree as quickly as you can, just to get more commanders, and reduce the demon army territory as a consequence (they will be taking over other clans). Also, if you can get the 4th action fan (160 H-Points required) do that. It makes a bit of a difference. If you have all the reinforcements from Leazas, Zeth, Kenshin Uesugi, and the Masamune commanders, you should be able to grind the Demon Army down from here. But it will be a long slugfest.
Good luck!