
Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
You said they wanted to find her and any offspring. I expressed doubt, since to me, they don't seem to want to use their abilities on Maelys at all. Just dump her on the next dragon, as long as she's still standing. This means they don't care to find her, which is completely spearate from them caring about Maelys. 'Care' means different things in different contexts.

If you're going to accuse people of not reading between the lines, at least try to read what they write first. If you don't get it, ask, don't start accusing.
.... And by your logic, them dump her on a dragon, let her get raped into oblivion and pump out naga after naga without giving a single fuck. If you can't see where your logic fails, I can't help you.

I am also not going to read from 'between the lines' for someone who is a self-announced 'Not a native english speaker.' I could read all sorts weird crap out of your statements this way, and I don't think either of us wants that.
So because I'm not a native english speaker, I don't know how to write english ? Is that what you mean ? If you think so little of non-native english speaker, why the fuck are you even responding to me, then ? For fuck sake, dude. Don't act so fuckign entitled about a native language.
Plus, I mainly mean typos, not "I don't know what I'm typing". More often than not I end up noticing mixed up words after some time, because I have to switch languages around in my head, which gets confusing. So I'll sometimes write "of" instead of "or", or the opposite, or slide a word in my native language instead of english or something like that.
I still have more than half my life of experience using english on a daily basis. I might not be a native english speaker, but I'm still confident enough in my english level to be posting here nearly every day and most likely fool most people, sign aside.

Images I'll grant you, these are overwhelmingly snake-women.

Are dragons known for not impregnating their victims? If not, then caring about defilement and pregnancy are pretty much the same thing unless she's getting regular 'uncaring' check-ups after each mission. Maelys's griefing about their activities didn't sound like that to me.
We don't know. We don't have much informations about the behavior of previous dragons aside from them being assholes who'd rape and destroy everything, basically. But seeing as there's quite a lot of kobolds, which are born from dragons breeding apparently any person who's not an elf, I'd say there's a good chance they'd try to breed elves too, given the chance.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2019
We don't know. We don't have much informations about the behavior of previous dragons aside from them being assholes who'd rape and destroy everything, basically. But seeing as there's quite a lot of kobolds, which are born from dragons breeding apparently any person who's not an elf, I'd say there's a good chance they'd try to breed elves too, given the chance.
For what I understood, if it's not a (officialy?) consort, dragons and anything else (no elf) offspring is a kobold, so makes me wonder, if its an "official" consort, then is when they give birth "true" dragons?


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
For what I understood, if it's not a (officialy?) consort, dragons and anything else (no elf) offspring is a kobold, so makes me wonder, if its an "official" consort, then is when they give birth "true" dragons?
I can tell you that it's false, since you can't make Val a consort, yet she can be Malice's mom. So likely that doesn't nécessarily matter.
What matters though is that only the royal bloodline makes dragons. Though, I suspect our boy isn't actually a "true" dragon...
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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2019
I can tell you that it's false, since you can't make Val a consort, yet she can be Malice's mom. So likely that doesn't nécessarily matter.
What matters though is that only the royal bloodline makes dragons. Though, I suspect our boy isn't actually a "true" dragon...
True, I forgot about the royal bloodline thing...
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
.... And by your logic, them dump her on a dragon, let her get raped into oblivion and pump out naga after naga without giving a single fuck. If you can't see where your logic fails, I can't help you.
Maybe they don't know she gets pregnant. Maybe they think she's immune to pregnancy. Maybe she is immune. Maybe they have good reason to think she's immune and she's actually not. Maybe they let her connection be severed because weaker connection means no abominations and she should be over the threshold ten times over. Maybe they expect her to self-report (hah!).

They might not care about her getting defiled with good reason. They may not. You're jumping to conclusions and acting as if they're god-given truths.

Edit: I'm actually kinda surprised that Maelys always seems to come out on top immediately. Maybe she's lying, and there have been several dragons who kept her around for a while, got their own Nagas, let them roam free and then got offed by Maelys. Who was then smart enough to not report it because she's now likely to be sent after the Naga, alone, and just die. /edit

But seeing as there's quite a lot of kobolds, which are born from dragons breeding apparently any person who's not an elf, I'd say there's a good chance they'd try to breed elves too, given the chance.
Which means the elven cabal should care quite a lot about Maelys being defiled, and put her on abomination-detectors after each mission. Yet she's only been in contact with Valzira for a long time, and there doesn't seem to be much rapport between them, or procedures to be followed. Well, her being a witch might mean Maelys is getting regular checkups.

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Bob Jared

Active Member
Sep 22, 2017
I've done a run being fully nice every single time, and the same happened anyway. She begged for me to do her after having a talk with darling Heloïse, and ended up broken anyway.
This is the the outcome I had already expected which is why I immediately refused and then told her that she is "too important to me" when she demanded to know why. Seemed to have a very positive effect on her mood and her opinion of the dragon but maybe that's just me.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
This is the the outcome I had already expected which is why I immediately refused and then told her that she is "too important to me" when she demanded to know why. Seemed to have a very positive effect on her mood and her opinion of the dragon but maybe that's just me.
Really ?
.... Looks like I have some retkoning to do on my run.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2022
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Are dragons known for not impregnating their victims? If not, then caring about defilement and pregnancy are pretty much the same thing unless she's getting regular 'uncaring' check-ups after each mission. Maelys's griefing about their activities didn't sound like that to me.
If you search in google images either naga or lamia it gives snake girls in both cases. Deal with it.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
A word's usage is defined by Google image search now? 'Deal with it' shows me lots of sunglasses, does your last sentence mean you're promising to send me a pair? :p
  • Haha
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Jun 2, 2018

Our last update added the option to take Chanwe 'down a different path' during her conversion. Lubbio has been kind enough to oblige us with some beautiful new art variants to match! It's so very kind of the dragon to keep her maidenhood intact.
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Jun 2, 2018

State Of The Realm: May
It’s a beautiful time of year, where I am: the weather grows warm, the days grow longer, and my to-do lists grow shorter. Act V has ceased to seem such an insurmountable mountain, and new chunks of it fall into place each week. So how’s it all going?
We’ve finished our first phase of Act V playtesting, and we’re getting ready for our second. Over fifty thousand words (and a hundred new artworks) are in place, with more on the way every day. Those numbers will be higher still when we’re done - I am not content to make our final Act an afterthought, so every member of our cast is being given a full set of new (and deeper) interactions.
Such ambition is not without cost. I’ve talked about how this has been a difficult winter of development for us - some of that I could have foreseen (there is a plague going on, after all), some of it I could not. It seems doubtful that I’ll hit my target of releasing v500 in the first half of the year, but it won’t be very long after that either. I detest any kind of delay, but I detest short-changing you on quality a lot more than that: Act V will be the very best we can make it, the very quickest we can do so.
And that’s no passive goal. This last month I’ve expanded our operations considerably, thanks to the support we’ve received. Korwu will be joining us as our second scene artist; her style is very compatible with Lubbio’s, and I’m sure you’ll all enjoy the results. Voice acting has been rebooted in a big way, with a deluge of new recordings - you’ll hear the first of those in the next interim update, arriving soon. Translation efforts are now properly organised, and we have developed some bespoke tools to support them. And we have a couple of exciting pieces of news on the writing front that are not quite ready to announce just yet.
I’m about to head back to the grindstone, but I’ll finish on a request - if you would like to help translate Ravager into your native tongue, please let us know on our Discord! It would be amazing to be able to share the game with more of the world, and for that we need our bilingual friends.
In any case - stay safe, stay awesome, and I’ll have more updates for you soon.
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Active Member
Dec 13, 2018

Completing our couplet of "hot waifus that aren't in the game yet, but definitely will be", the lovely 6Lushy has made us some design sprites for Tuhakka. Tuhakka will be your fourth general, stepping up to command the centaur horde once they become recruitable. As well as fulfilling other responsibilities.
View attachment 1660145
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That Centauress looks very delicious. Can't wait for the dragon to taste her ;)


Jun 2, 2018

Lubbio continues to expand our roster of illustrated fate scenes. Right now, our priority is making sure that every waifu and horde has at least one each - so you can look forward to ones for Chanwe, Naho, and the Proteans in the near future. And this one, for Issa!

Once these are done, we have freedom to choose which fate scenes come next. If you're a senior backer, pop on over to #content-votes on Discord and let your voice be heard!
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Jun 2, 2018
Version 4.3.11, Asses & Aesthetics

EDIT 22/05/20: Several people have reported issues with the non-PC builds. I have temporarily taken them down while I work out what it is, and fix it.

Dev Notes

  • We’ve finished our first phase of playtesting for Act V, and are getting content ready for the second. Which means our writers are all very busy - but our artists and voice talent have an opportunity to catch up! Please enjoy this tasty chunk of new media.
  • MVPs of this build are Emery Aylar for a whole host of great performances as Sabetha, and Robin Peakway for stepping up as the new voice of Malagar.

  • Art: Chanwe’s denial (Lubbio).
  • Art: Issa’s mercenary fate (Lubbio).
  • Art: Marie-Anne’s lap pets, remastered (Lubbio).
  • Art: Valzira’s kobold fate (two variants, Lubbio).
  • Art: Portrait sprites for the court herald (Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: Broken emote portraits for Chanwe (Irrelevant Art).
  • Animation: Darja’s animated idles, remastered (three variants, Amon Ra).
  • Animation: Garren’s animated idles (Amon Ra).
  • Animation: Inej’s animated idles, remastered (Amon Ra).
  • Animation: Maelys’s animated idles, remastered (Amon Ra).
  • Animation: Maelys’s animated idles, battle damage variant (Amon Ra).
  • Animation: Maelys’s animated idles, new dress variant (Amon Ra).
  • Animation: Maelys’s animated idles, severed variant (Amon Ra).
  • Voice: Cooch’s part in drinks with Darja, overindulgence path (Morpha).
  • Voice: Cooch’s summary of her tragic backstory (Morpha).
  • Voice: Cooch’s kobold fate (Morpha).
  • Voice: Cooch’s infernal fate (Morpha).
  • Voice: Cooch’s protean fate (Morpha).
  • Voice: The beginning of Darja’s drinks with Cooch (Nyah).
  • Voice: Inej’s part in Sabetha’s Revenge (Gruella).
  • Voice: Malagar’s introduction to experimentation (Robin Peakway).
  • Voice: Malagar’s part in the first phase of Heloise’s science experiment (Robin Peakway).
  • Voice: Sabetha’s part in the rogues’ mercenary fate (Emery Aylar).
  • Voice: Sabetha’s part in the rogues’ eavesdropping, and their revised offer (Emery Aylar).
  • Voice: Sabetha’s part in the Backdoor Break-In (Emery Aylar).
  • Voice: Sabetha’s part in Sabetha’s Revenge (Emery Aylar).
  • Voice: Sabetha’s part in the rogues’ promotion to consorts (Emery Aylar).
  • Translation: On first bootup, the game will detect your system’s locale and automatically assign the matching language, if a translation exists for it (Trigan and Soulphase).

  • Stage direction for Darja’s puppet show has been slightly improved.
  • The ‘Torture’ content flag has been renamed, more accurately, as ‘Mutilation’.
  • Heloise has been granted a hymen for her initial scenes, courtesy of Mattrex, if your content preferences allow for it.
  • Sound effects have been added to Valzira’s kobold fate.
  • Issa and Valzira’s newly-illustrated fate scenes have been added to the Gallery.
  • Valzira’s kobold fate scene has been given appropriate content flags.
  • Preference settings for autoforward have been disabled, as Ravager does not currently support autoforward.

  • Resolved (I think) a bug that would cause crashes on some Android devices during first bootup.
  • Morale and Prosperity rewards for the convent have been fixed for assaults led by Breaker or Issa.
  • After choosing a different path during Chanwe’s conversion to the Sun, the correct followup scene will play.
  • Chanwe will no longer repeat her ‘graduation’ discussion every time you visit her after affirming her faith.
  • Visiting the kobolds while Darja is in a state of quantum superposition will no longer collapse reality.
  • The day counter will properly reappear after gifting Heloise to Malagar.
  • Malagar will give the right line of dialogue when you propose to attack Pale Rock.
  • Killing Rhyll in Act III does not entitle you to conquer Gutter’s Cove more than once.
  • Sabetha has been reminded to face the right direction in her animated sprites. Yet again.
  • Sprite layering in Valzira’s kobold fate followup has been fixed.
  • Zizeryx’s censored animations will now work properly.

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4.60 star(s) 207 Votes