i m jumping in ... here my own opinion
- game is 110Mb more or less in size, wich is a correct size for a first release imho. still its a bit short, maybe you should look to optimise your render to win in size. that can help in futur
- very very first point... DO NEVER start like this the introduction.. its an extremly bad way to start yelling at the players even before they start the game. dont say them to not say "oh no a female protagonist etc..." , thats extremly rude from you . be gentle and explain it in a sweet sneaky way is the best option.
- your "toaster with internet" is still able to run iray... congrats.. mine cant ( and so reflect my game ). in this case, no need to mention that
- the transition of lighting is pretty rude and suddent :O . you should cut the beginning. its very... wow... big change suddently.
i dont want to sound rude, but it can make peoples think about a scam attempt.. showing great quality and then BAM ! suddently change. ( just my opinion, not supposed to be taked rude)
- you dont need to add choice if they are NO choice. better to keep the story continu with render instead . i know you want to give a kind of Noire/detective/stressfull mood in the game, and the choice is a part of keeping the player inside the story. but its a bit bad too to have choices but no choices.
- a "x" too much in one the sentence of Myah

- Mc Donald's need caps in name and the "s" is separate
- I'll ... and not Ill ( or unless you talk about being sick , wich is not far away from the game idea XD )
- use the title Re-Demption only, and replace the 1.0 with your game version. check the options.rpy in renpy and you should see the line "The version of the game" where to change that and put your game version
well... it took me a few minutes to get it to the end of this version. not alots of informaton about the game plot for now. also i m not sure to have understand well about the story except the essential ( that she would be able to "jump" into her own memories with objectif to... understand why that other "her" exist and harass her... if its not that, then i dont understood

game have a few english broken, but its correct ( i m not english native soo i cant specifically say except some big typo or else )
the idea is interresting. we'll see where it goes, for now, its not enougth to get the good idea about it.
you really should avoid to put all thsoes "critics" in your game about peoples/players complaining, it make a very bad idea of the game and the dev behind.
thats it from me. hope i helped a bit and not sounded too rude