You young whippersnappers, ya'll need a history lesson.
Sit a while and listen.
In my day, we didn't have no fancy machine translations. We SURE as hell didn't have some cool dude translate the shit for realz. We just had moon runes, and the hell if we knew what we'se was looking at. But boobies are the same no matter where ya go, and dey was glorious. There was also plenty of ass and legs and skin for everyone, and even weird shit for dem damn degenerates.
When you're looking at the pretty pictures, all that plot shit don't matter. BUT...if you like that sorta thing, there was one secret.
Let me show ya:
See that thing? When the dots become hearts, that's when ya know ya did good son. She might be ranting and raving about BiBiBi or FUFUFUFU or whatever Japan has going on in da girl's heads, but da heart means she wants the big D, or even better, she LOVES the big D, and you knew you were getting your game on.
So stop your bitching about your fancy ass translations and MTL, take your ♥'s and be happy.
EDIT: It'd appear that dem admins have no 'spect for the old ways. Hold dat ALT button then press the 3 key for the magic when in a text box.
First things first: thanks for something me and my brother can actually agree on. It's been a while.
Your argument, if you're even making one, is bullshit.
BiBiBi and Fufufu are sound-effect texts that, if you emulate them in English, at least makes sense. You can tell what kind of sound they're making.
When we complain about MTL, we're complaining about game-breakers, not what you just presented.
Game-Breakers. When the texts runs out of the box that would've told you what you needed to do next, and anything else changes your route/locks you into a shit ending; when the text itself is fucking unreadable because it makes negative sense and you'd have better luck using the Moon Runes and breaking out a Japanese dictionary; and finally, when the sound-effect text is translated so badly you cannot imagine it being a sound.
This game is >50 hours, and most of it is cliche and grind. What will make it interesting is the story, the 'Plot Shit'. The sexy stuff is a reward it dangles in front of you to make you tolerate the tosh.
If you have ever played the first Koihime Musou game or even Mass Effect, you'd know what I'm talking about.
I'll make it clear that I'm not against MTL. Doing even this takes time and effort somebody likely put in for free. What I AM saying, is that raw MTL can make the game fucking unplayable. It needs refinement, a little editing (and refitting) and a basic grammar check goes a long way.
Rhubarb and pufferfish can be delicious, and are eaten as delicacies. But eat them raw and unrefined, and you die horribly. They need at least basic processing to be usable, and so does MTL. Can we at least agree on that?