Sequal meaning with the same Characters and Protagnist? and i wanted to ask it said something about at start of game the battel traning spot for the test says reccomened for secend playthrough but dont see a new game+ option is it in this game? and 1 more question why does the first partner always say none? is that bugged or something?
I can only confirm that is the same world but a diferent protagonist. But if we take into account the previous trilogy, it is possible that some characters appear in the sequel. The first trilogy had the same protagonist in the first and the third games and the protagonist of the second game was important for the third game and even appeared as an NPC.
someone can make a list of monsters that can evolve in boss monster?
Jelliling -> Dropling
Ninte-tailed Cat -> Golden Fox -> Crimson Fox
Dramilia -> Vampy -> Carmilla
Skeleton Orc -> Zeno Orc
Manore - > Kraken
Zombie Orc -> Dark Drake
Zealodarth -> Drake
Desert Warrior -> Pharaoh
Greater Orc -> Heroic Orc
Tyrma -> Tigirl
Evil Illusion -> Sovereign's Shadow