Hello, hello!
This update will be kept a bit short because the work done for 0.4 is nearing completion. I really planned to finish it around this time but for some stupid reason, I always add shit that increases my development time. Mostly its just graphic design but there are some stuff I had to render out again. There's still the addition of new SFX that the intro didn't have so I'll probably add a few later. Also, one thing I underestimated was the re-writing.
I honestly thought that because I've already finished Episode 1, I can just re-write it again with some minor differences, right? Nope! Not by a longshot. Because I've changed up how the intro worked, the references I made in latter episodes including the current one needs to be updated. It means lots and lots of reading and re-writing. I think that also forced me to shorten some of the lengthy sentences found in the intro.
Overall, it's gonna take me a bit longer but not by much. I hope I can power through it all. That's it for this weekend update! I hope all of you had a great week (well, if you were part of the GME craze then you had it crazy good). I hope February will give us much more love.