Honestly, then such game breaking bugs shouldn't be in the game anymore upon release. But they still were. These bug were expierenced by EVERYONE here, that played before the fixed release was published. This means they either tested nothing and just released it or had some kind of different version tested.
Oh, in case others see it too. I found 2 issues playing the new episode (9), hopefully can get back to the ones who work on the bugs and such if they are not already aware (but they might be). Either way, might be helpful to others in case they run into it too and don't know how to handle it.
1. This one the creators are probably aware of, but I didn't see it mentioned anywhere this issue would come up and was confused when I came across it. There's one point, "before" the new version content, where
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told mia what to do on stage, didn't fuck emma but still getting this dialogue, is it a bug or this is the only scene that was made?
I did a double take on that as well, what the fuck man. I'm trying to do a somewhat laid back playthrough with just Mia and Sadey no one else, and then this shit completely ruins the immersion.
Well, I once again asked myself, don't devs test their games before they release anything to the public? In my opinion, this can only considered an alpha or beta build, if these bugs are present. And it seems nothing got tested for this build.
Dude pretty much every AAA studio is treating day one customers as their QA department these days, why would you expect better from crowdfunded indie porn game devs?
okay, what did this new script fix? Because past choices seems to be all kind of fucked up still... I didn't fuck Emma, no sex scene with her in the booth, but then suddenly I did in the next part? Then with Giselle same thing? Shot down all her advances, then in the morning they're all "let's fuck"? Piss poor testing on this release.
Hmm, no error msg, nothing? Sounds like a python/renpy problem.
Try to delete every folder and file EXECPT the old "game" folder from your old game. And then copy the new stuff over.