I do enjoy the idea of "Morty is only getting points from sex, because Mortys never get laid." Although, sadly contradicted by the last update, where we see lots of Mortys in a brothel. Still a fun idea
(and now, because I can never just respond with a few words, an unnecessary amount of text about the assertiveness app, and... storytelling? (man, I really do ramble about stuff... (too late now!)))
TLDR: I hate the app, but I do have a story for it (and other things).
I am not really a fan of the app as a "goal" idea. Sure it gets the story rolling (the whole point of a MacGuffin (as
wibbled pointed out)), but it's not an aspect of the game the player really cares about (at least in my opinion). Players aren't playing the game to fill a bar they can't see. There is no progression or rewards tied to getting points (*cough* fuck bullshit points), and often (both versions) tend to forget the app even exists, until the plot suddenly needs it for something.
I've sprinkled a bit more of it throughout, and tried to expand the story around Morty's feelings about trying to go home, but talk about the app is largely absent from the Unity version beyond the first few quests. It only pops back in to "motivate" Morty to do something he wouldn't otherwise "want" to do (but that the player does, which is in conflict (and drives me crazy)).
Additionally, it hasn't really helped Morty grow very much. He is still the whiny bit- *ahem* boy- err adult, he is thirty-five - he was at the start of the game. Want to have a three way? "Oh- geez, oh man- I can't, but I need the points!" just feels, bad. Because as a player, that isn't how I feel in that moment.
And sure, okay, that was fine at the start, but now his response to a three way should be: "...*Zip*" (side note: I am painfully aware a lot of the pregnancy talk falls into this category as well, and it is something I want to go improve at some point)
So, I don't really like the app as a plot device. To quote a reviewer I really enjoy: "It's this misdirection of what the player should care about that really bothers me." As a player, I don't care about points in the app. I don't care about going home. I care about the girls, their stories, and their interactions. I care about Morty and his struggle. (And I care about the sex, because, well, porn game...)
All that being said, while I have no special insight on where Ferdafs is headed with anything (they obviously don't tell me their future plans (if they have them)), that isn't to say I don't have a plan with the story I want to tell. I know what endings I want to put in (in addition to whatever we get, when we get there). I know where I want to go with the (hated) app. I know future moments I'd love to have for certain characters. And I've already snuck in (a lot) my own additional plot points for future stories.
My goal with this project has always been to improve, not just adapt (hard to say if I really have improved it (and some players would say I've ruined it, but w/e, can't please everyone)). As always, with a big asterisks, I don't want to stray so far off the story path Ferdafs is already telling, and most of my plans are flexible enough (I think/hope) to work within the existing story. But, I do have a lot of story I still want to tell.