I fired it up due to the stellar feedback this game has gotten.
So I ignored the 100-yo MC here and only looked at the gameplay.
- Seems extremely grindy, you have to watch the same renders over and over again when doing an action, and there's little hints involved how to proceed. You just have to press the buttons, look for where the LI might be, watch the same renders, rinse and repeat
- Dialogue is rather poor and unrealistic, and has its fair share of Engrish. Major continuity errors: on weekends the LI doesn't go to school, but the MC asks how the day in school went
- LI looks 12. Where's her hips and ass? Just no
- Even if the MC would be 25, the touchy-feely, almost groping-like use of arms right off the bat after introducing them to each other puts me off big time, and is thoroughly unrealistic
- LI seems to spend half of the day in the bathroom, why?
- Very little to do during 18 hours a day, but you can skip only one hour at a time
- Impossible to save or even exit the game properly but at one point during the day. Totally pointless. It makes sense in a game like GTA V, not in these kind of games
- Renders look ok, but if this is supposed to be "State of the Art", you have to change clothes on the characters once in a while at the very least
- No sexual content, shitty censorship
This is only a demo, and they seem to get nothing right whatsoever. All boasting, absolutely nothing delivered. Good luck with the project, but this should be Exhibit A in how to not introduce players to a game.