Please read page 86 / post 1.710 first save Zip New Start 4.0 for 5 days. Hints always at 12.00 office saves for correct WT.
Now save zip 2 from day 6 until 2 week Friday day 16. All save step-step to not miss any event
Tuesday 8.00 steel towel/ click dining-room 9.00 am go in after. 10.00 am buy spray. Shower, clean kitchen ( every day).
13.00 get spray/apply bathroom. Go next days 8.00 am bathroom steel go in next day hide get all images. Now you grind until Thursday to get all " history talk " 14.00 or 15.00 pm. Friday 22.00 office light the pool 23.00 kitchen/bathroom your choice.
24.00 master-bedroom " Yes " tell her always. Saturday steel or not up to you/breakfast 10.00 cleaning/ bathroom/living/ take a shower in between kitchen last 13.00 bathroom. Go at 16.00 pm living-room offer to buy a summer-dress. Buy on Sunday 8.00 am cleaning same. Get Summer-dress at 13.00 go 14.00 living-room give to her go 16.00 pm again and get images.
Don´t look closer TV time only next week possible.Next week you busy with some events.
Monday 2. week 8.00 Dining-room/ bathroom hide/knock 10.00 shower/ 11.00 get lesson/12.00 hints/ Kitchen clean.
14.00 her room/knock 15.00 her room talk/ 16.00 pool/ 17.00 washroom/18.00 Living room "look closer" option 1 done.
19.00 her room/Dinner/Kitchen/Her room lesson/ 22.00 TV look closer. 23.00 Kitchen/Bathroom.
Tuesday day 14. after 10.00 shower/ 11.00 office buy swimsuit/kitchen clean/ 13.00 get swimsuit/ 14.00 living-give swimsuit follow 15.00 pool again 16.00 living/ 17.00 washroom/ 18.00 living room look closer. 19.00 her room/dinner/kitchen/her room follow daily schedule.
Wednesday get lesson again 11.00 follow daily schedule 14.00 and 15.00 her room talk until Thursday finish/show studio at 22.00 you can light the pool again. Friday 11.00 new lesson shy-level teach at 21.00 and go bathroom 23.00. Week 2 finish. Day 16. I add the new Zip 17-26 day later.
Some good advice from
drhotrod see below
My style of play is to find the most efficient route to the game. This is my findings so far:
V2.4 --- 26 days
V3.0 --- 10 days
V3.6 --- 11 days
V4.0 --- 13 days
For anybody to read my post first 1.710 here the first 5 days. v2.4 from 4.0 last version