Strange but I don't use the console, and I can save/load as often as I want, via the button at the bottom of the dialog box.
I think the game need some sort of progress bars for all differents events, it's pretty hard to view at want point you are...
There's some problem with the shyness of the girl.
You can make her go topless at certain time, and after a couple a days, she wear back the nightgown.
You can buy and give her some clothes via some events, but a pink nightgown pop at a certain time from nowhere... (???)
Some dialogs are missing in her room while she's in a towel.
Still haven't figured out how to get her the apron from the starting screen...

(if it's possible...)
The photoshoot is for the next version, teasing lvl over 9000... just don't enable the room and the very beginning of the event if it's just to cut it out right away, you monster
(Disable the Shift+C shortcut while we need to enter the character name.)