
New Member
Jul 19, 2018
It's entirely possible that I have a misunderstanding, or that I'm not far enough in the game but neither the assassin class or the minstrel class can equip daggers i.e (thieves dagger, and silver hand blade). Additionally it appears that the minstrel playing debuff or action from using minstrel skills is random. Despite saying it last 4 turns sometimes it seems like you never regain control or you immediately regain control. This is in version 4.3A.


Nov 24, 2017
There are a lot of bugs with timers in combat right now. Effects that are supposed to go off after a delay (like Clawyn's backstab) go off instantly, some combined effects (like a Templar's Censure) have the stun lasting as long as the other debuff, with the result that Templars get a 1 point 10 second stun that works on everything.


New Member
Jul 18, 2017
This game just keeps getting better. I hope there will be some sort of minotaur transformation and you can end your adventures as part of herd as broodmare :D. Thx for upload


Game Developer
Apr 17, 2019
There are a lot of bugs with timers in combat right now. Effects that are supposed to go off after a delay (like Clawyn's backstab) go off instantly, some combined effects (like a Templar's Censure) have the stun lasting as long as the other debuff, with the result that Templars get a 1 point 10 second stun that works on everything.
Due to the fact that 4.4 is out right now, a few patches (A,B,C etc) will follow. They might already have been fixed, I am not sure. If bugs like these still exist after the bug fix series, I'll fix a few myself since I am working on a mod for the combat anyway.


Sep 24, 2017
Just finished it for the first time after like three restarts halfway through. Boy howdy does the quality take a nosedive after Act 2. Power progression basically stops, enemies don't get any harder and we don't get any stronger, most of the systems from Act 1 and Act 2 get abandoned or left in stasis, the sex scenes are few and far between, and the writing goes from weak to downright atrocious.

And yeah, I get it, it's a porn game. But titles like The Last Sovereign have proved that you can have a porn game where the creator knows what a bloody comma is, what a sentence fragment is, and that gluing syllables together with apostrophes does not a compelling fantasy setting make!

Not to mention the quality control apparently also flies out the window, if the number of mangled sentences, grammatically incorrect sentences, sentences with leading or trailing characters cut off by formatting errors, and repeated sentences is anything to go by.


Still. It's a finished game, even if the conclusion feels rushed, and that's a rare thing in this genre. If I were giving advice to anyone, it'd be to quit after the end of Act 2 and then just pick out the epilogue slides that match your choices. There's really nothing gained from playing through Act 3.
Hmmm.... three things. 1). I agree that the game world feels a lot smaller in Act 3 and the story events feel shorter. 2). I disagree that this is a quality issue. 3). I always find it humorous when people complain about grammar and then spell out what was wrong with the grammar.

I think the reason the world feels smaller and the events are shorter in Act 3, frankly, is that your characters are globe-trotting badasses with the resources of multiple nations to back them up. You aren't struggling just to reach Slinsk like you were in the early game. Now, instead of a lot of wandering around, you can go to the exact place you need to be to get to the meat of the events. It makes for a much shorter on-screen adventure even if the actual content is similar in size.

I'm not sure as to the quality. Honestly, didn't notice much of a problem. Too busy enjoying the game. And I'm generally blind to grammar issues that don't affect readability. Because I'm too busy reading it to care. Something I like to call "priorities." If there was an issue that actually affected my enjoyment of the game, I'd be right there with you. But since there isn't... ::shrug::

And on the subject of grammar: there's a rule of thumb you should keep in mind: If you can tell what they did wrong well enough to correct it... then it doesn't affect the clarity of the sentence enough to need correcting. Claim you want to protect the clarity of language all you like but just by listing off all the things done wrong you prove what you actually care about isn't clarity. It's just pedantry. Now, if that's your thing... go for it. Just don't pretend that you are serving some noble calling when it's really just an ego thing.

Regardless, I still jump when I see Roundscape has updated. ::shrug:: Good enough for me.

P.S. Agree with you on NTR with the additional caveat that the character must enjoy being belittled in such a way. Otherwise it's not a sexual fetish (NTR/Cuckolding)... it's just one person being a bitch/douche to another.
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Oct 3, 2018
When it's a product on which you make money the grammar should be on point. Not only does it take the reader out of the world, it also screams low quality effort. There is a big difference between grammar in an online post and grammar in a game. Poor grammar or wording can turn what should be a serious moment into a comedy really fast. Lastly it makes the characters seem extremely unintelligent as a side effect.

Proper grammar is needed if you want your project/game whatever to be taken seriously. Though it is not paramount to the games playability if it can convey the important parts without loosing the information.

P.S. Agree with you on NTR with the additional caveat that the character must enjoy being belittled in such a way. Otherwise it's not a sexual fetish (NTR/Cuckolding)... it's just one person being a bitch/douche to another.
Lastly NTR can be cucking without enjoyment while cucking is NTR with enjoyment. As NTR is generally used when someones love is stolen regardless of ones own enjoyment of the act. Cucking however is generally linked with the desire to see your loved one being "stolen". Cucking is a form of NTR.


Oct 4, 2017
New Encounter - Takes place at the start of the game in Oakshire. Includes a smaller erotic scene for both genders.
Stuff like this is what makes me want to wait until Roundscape is fully finished before playing it. There always seems to be an update which affects the early stages of the game.


New Member
Dec 17, 2018
I have a pretty odd question about updating the game. This is the first game i updated from this site, so I am a bit new to the process. I installed the gallery mod from red knight and was just wondering if i will need to reinstall the mod to 4.4 as well as move my saves to 4.4 folders. Or is there a more straightforward way, if so please let me know thank you.


Aug 27, 2018
I have a pretty odd question about updating the game. This is the first game i updated from this site, so I am a bit new to the process. I installed the gallery mod from red knight and was just wondering if i will need to reinstall the mod to 4.4 as well as move my saves to 4.4 folders. Or is there a more straightforward way, if so please let me know thank you.
the saves can have problems with never versions , and you need to transfer them as far as i know.
by updating you mean download the complete game ? (english isnt my mothertounge there are some misinterpretations sometimes, sry its enough to communicate at least) if so you need to install the mod again but im pretty sure it will be updated for the actuel version so its better to wait a little.


Engaged Member
Feb 22, 2019
One gripe I have this game is how you're always and can't run away from them like in other RPGs no matter how badly you wanted to.
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