Heo Quay

Jun 7, 2018
I found a bug where if I equip Enchanted Bow and dual wield it with anything else my TP recharge rate goes down EXTREMELY to 38% or so. If I use any other combination my recharge rate is fine.

Edit: the item itself is broken, apparently TP recharge rate is 250% by default and when you equip the item with +% tp regen it breaks it to shit and reduces it to 38% weird. Is it normal for TP recharge rate to be 250% by default?

Also does anyone know if Eldritch Archer special skills do magic damage or physical? I can't tell. It's my favourite class at the moment it does wild damage.

Edit 2: Does anyone know how the hell do I get guards, I got those Nexilim ones but I can't upgrade them in storage room.
i'm using enchanted bow with Ranger class
the "Quick Reload" skill usually charge 100TP but when i equip Enchanted Bow it become 15TP :(


May 16, 2019
Is it more enjoyable to play through the game as a male or female?

Not trying to be rude but replies of depends on what you like, don't really help. Just wanting to know preferences.
I personally play through the Male Templar path as my headcanon. I like some of the male h-scenes more, and I like some of the male/companion interactions more. Mainly the relationship between the female companions that can get pregnant from the male MC. But that's solely for my personal tastes. On the female side of things, I like the female farmer origin the most. The female character has more bestiality content and extreme fetishes, which I don't care for. Overall I generally like more of the male MC's h-scenes artwork as well. Some of the early female MC artwork is not that enjoyable for me.Some of the later artwork is much better though.

Hope that helps, I'd be curious to know what you end up choosing for a character if you decided to play the game.

Any way to wield regular swords with classes that would otherwise be unable to use them? i want to use fancy stuff like the Peacebringer or the Aetherius but they're one handed swords and thus paladins cannot wield them
kinda silly that paladins can't wield any of the holy swords as a paladin if you ask me
No unfortunately, the paladin can't weild those types of one handed swords. But you can dual-wield two-handed swords with a perk from the perk tree which is also odd. If you want to roleplay as a "holy" character, with the holy swords, you're better off being an inquisitor or templar.

Is the augments/orbs passive. If not, how do i use them?
Augments and orbs aren't passive in your inventory. You have to attach them to your weapons for them to take effect. This is done through the weapon menu

how come there are so many sidequests with sucky endings,vesunna and vespers booty for example no matter your choise or what u do u always lose out in the endings
makes me just want to not finish the quest at all cause u get a shit ending either way
I agree with your Vesper's Booty DLC assessment. I'm okay with the Vesunna DLC though. I'm still not happy with Vesper's quest line but apparently according to Kaylio, somewhere on here or patreon, those story lines aren't supposed to be tied up. Essentially there aren't definitive endings for those DLC characters, from Vesunna and Vesper's Booty, at the moment. The devs have plans down the line to do more things with them, either with Roundscape itself, or in some of game within the Roundscape universe.

is there a way to re-choose Xyless's path? I don't like her "free" part and I wish I could change the route.
You could download a rpgmaker save editor, I've posted one in this thread a while back. And try changing the variables and switches to an enslaved Xyless. Just make backups of your saves incase something goes wrong. Or you could just reload an earlier save and playthrough again.

Is there a windows 32 version at all for this game?
Not to my knowledge.

Is there an official mac version ?
Not to my knowledge.

Where do you cash in the Valor Gems?
You have to complete the Aid for Novos quest first, then the Summeredge in Crisis quest, then go to General Titania to get the sidequest "Summeredge Alliance". After that is done a trap named Caelan will become the Summeredge ambassador in your conference room in the castle. She can assign human soldiers and give you items for valor gems.
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Feb 4, 2019
I´m currently in Akt II and did the "Summeredge Alliance"-Quest ... but the Caelan-Charakter is not in the Conf.-Room... Has it to be done in Akt I ?

You have to complete the Aid for Novos quest first, then the Summeredge in Crisis quest, then go to General Titania to get the sidequest "Summeredge Alliance". After that is done a trap named Caelan will become the Summeredge ambassador in your conference room in the castle. She can assign human soldiers and give you items for valor gems.


May 24, 2018
Edit: I thought it wouldn't work since it's a post-4.3 save, but the save fix in the OP works for this as well. Leaving this in case some one has the same problem.

I'm trying to move my saves from 4.5 over to 4.8, and I keep getting this error. New games work fine and load correctly. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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Active Member
Jul 14, 2017
I tried giving the mark of the hero to the aetherius while dualwielding with something else as a Swashbuckler and my god is the combo absurd
i'm talking about killing most if not all of the enemy team with a single hit absurd
this is beautiful


May 16, 2019
I tried giving the mark of the hero to the aetherius while dualwielding with something else as a Swashbuckler and my god is the combo absurd
i'm talking about killing most if not all of the enemy team with a single hit absurd
this is beautiful
Have you gotten the "Eraser" by beating the hidden boss in Slinsk yet? It's more powerful than the base Aetherius.
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Active Member
Jul 14, 2017
Have you gotten the "Eraser" by beating the hidden boss in Slinsk yet? It's more powerful than the base Aetherius.
i have considered getting the Eraser but i'm not even level 20 so that would probably fare poorly for me
it's hilarious how early you can get the Aetherius if you play your cards right
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Feb 4, 2019
Does someone know, where I can find the Valor-NPC/Caelan? I already did Titanias-Quest, but didn´t get her afterwards, if I´m not wrong.


May 16, 2019
In which Akt did you get her - And after which Quest? I thought, that I would get her after the first Quest from Titania... where you have to go to Novos and get the Money etc.
Can you upload your save files so I can take a look? You should be able to get her in Act 1 after doing the associated Summerdege quests. I'm not sure where your game is going wrong.


May 16, 2019
The last save-Spot is in the File.
I used your save, went back to the Castle, got stopped by Francis to deal with prisoners, then stopped again to do a throne event related to a village horse, and then finally the quest updated to where a "Q" at the castle throne opened up and a Soldier from Summeredge came to ask for a partnership, agree to the partnership (should be top dialogue option), and then you should have Caelan show up in conference room.
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Feb 4, 2019
I used your save, went back to the Castle, got stopped by Francis to deal with prisoners, then stopped again to do a throne event related to a village horse, and then finally the quest updated to where a "Q" at the castle throne opened up and a Soldier from Summeredge came to ask for a partnership, agree to the partnership (should be top dialogue option), and then you should have Caelan show up in conference room.
Thanks, I will try that out. : )

simon belmon

Jul 3, 2017
Does anyone know how to trigger new (v4.8) scenes with Meredith and Katelyn? I'm in act 3, after unlocking Yakotin. I know the location for Katelyn scene is Whitemoon Ruins but Katelyn is not there nor is any trigger that could cause the scene to play.
Has anyone seen either of these yet? I am not sure how to get either scene to trigger
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Feb 29, 2020
Hey guys, i have problem with the summeredge tavern scene where you drink with meredith and Galhart. After the story, it just froze (on the drinking table)... I can still open menu, save and load game but i still get stuck even if i reload the scene. Any help would be apreciated, Thanks.


May 9, 2018
Could someone explain how autosave and quicksave work, please?
What I have been able to find out is:
  • File 1 (save slot 1) is for autosave
  • File 2 (save slot 2) is for quicksave
  • F5 is quicksave key
At beginning of game(just after Meredith joins), I hit F5 twice (because nothing seemed to happen first time, no message onscreen). 2 saves were created, one at File 2 and another at File 3 (no previous saves). File 1 (save slot 1) is empty.
  • File 2: Playtime = 00:18:54, total saves = 3
  • File 3: playtime = 00:12:46, total saves = 1
The difference between the two seems odd, given they were made within a second of each other. Is the save mechanism borked or is there a reason for the difference in playtime and total saves?

And, how does autosave work, please? Do I need to activate it in some way?

Lastly, is there a keypress for quickload and/or autoload?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

I advanced to clearing the castle and visiting the succubus in cave in the prison. I tried loading the File 1 (save slot 1), which was empty, after talking to her and it loaded to entering the cave to talk to her. So, I presume autosave just works.

I tried using F5 for quicksave again and that appears to work, too.
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