How long is this game? If it’s not too long and someone can tell me how to translate Unity, I might give it a shot.
My answer would be this: if you "might" - perish the thought. ONEONE1 games are VNs disguised as RPGs - the amount of text you would need to translate is massive.
The story branches out depending on how well you do in fights + some dialogue choices, and a couple of those branches are a whole different story of its own: not "eeh, a couple missions", but "eeh, half the game" (story has...6 chapters? 7? And you can branch out as early as 3, which moves you to another town with a different "boss", different missions, different encounters and character reunions, etc.). To be clear: I am
not saying not to do it - I merely advise you to both be sure you can last through alot AND not do it alone. And maybe a little bit of "pray KG does not release theirs before that, rendering the end result pointless".
TL;DR In terms of text, the game IS long. VERY long.