well you are not accurate on what you say....see potency in buisness is measurable with S.M.A.R.T. As i am aware 111 is a small publisher with limited resources on the other hand kagura is a small company too but it aims to be create a big library with as limited effort and as a result it creates its own game but it also buys games from other other publishers and when i say small i mean almost individuals that they create their own game. how many traslators do you think they can affort? how many words a translator will do and who will implent them into the game? and when all that effort will provide profit? any way the meaning on all theese i in buisness all that are very complicated issues. the best we can do is play the game and if we enjoy it we should buy them at stores (in discount

) and send also mails with what you want and buy it when it is ready
1) In the very small niche that is H-Games oneone1 is not a small company.
They are essentially the AAA developers of H-Games and the size and quantity of art in their games show that( even if each one of their games has the same mechanics).
So again if we talk about H-Games oneone1 resources are not limited.
Just look at how much their games sell on dlsite,their price, and do the math if you dont believe me.
2)Again, in the small pool that is H-Games kagura games is not small AND has the monopoly.
They have an average revenue of 177k per game so the excuse that they dont have resources or money to hire more translators is not very convincing.
But even if all my reasoning is false that means that kagura they has no idea on how to manage their schedule of translations since we have people here on f95zone who translate games(even big ones) alone in a reasonable amount of time and they do it for free on top of that.
Moreover many times kagura picked up games already translated here which makes me believe that some of their translations are taken from here.
So yeah i dont believe the image of kagura being a small and poor company trying to get by.
Ps:sorry for the wall of text