Ok, so I updated my guide somewhat, and I'm not as wasted this time. So here's how to get the game working now if you people are still having issues. If you're not familiar with what's involved here, remember two things: 1. Google exists and is still a friend for finding things out. 2. It's still almost certainly more beneficial to just wait it out. There's likely to be a proper "Profesional translation" and decensor in the works still.
Step 1: Make sure your Region settings are correct. Set System Locale to Japanese. It might not be Necessary to do the whole Japanese Settings and I definitely don't recomend setting your language to something you can't read.
Step 2: Download the game (Grab a drink, food, and vid. I'm not kidding, you're looking at over 6Gigs here at 1.07 for a download over a browser connection...)
Step 3: Extract to desired location. (KEEP A BACKUP INCASE THINGS GO NUCLEAR AND YOU NEED IT. I just rename the first Folder I extracted and Extract again, but any method works.)
Step 4: Find the Reipatcher files and make sure everything is set. Look online for their instructions as neccessary but the 1.07 seems to be already setup for the most part. (might need to delete the (patch and run) shortcut, rerun the setupreipatcherandautotranslator.exe, than rerun the (patch and run) shortcut as neccessary.)
Step 5: Modify the config Translator for reipatcher. Go to <Game Directory\AutoTranslator\Config>. Open it with you text editor of choice. (I use Notepad++ but any one of them should be fine.) At the top underneath "[Service]" find "Endpoint=GoogleTranslate" and change it to say "Endpoint=DeepLTranslate" save and exit. (This is a much better translation. Thank the individual from earlier who found this.)
Step 6: Run the game normally, open the options/config tab. Go to the tab "System Settings 3" and make sure the language is set to Japanese. (This lets the translator do it's job and remove the english translation entirely which doesn't technically exist and is like 80% of the suppossed problems.) Exit the game when you set the settings you desire.
Optional Fixes (These have not been properly test but suppossedly work or help):
- Download the unofficial translation fix at the front page for the IC Tables and follow install instructions.
- Go to the Folder <GameDirectory\Languages\english> and find the file called English. Rename or Remove it as desired.
- Go to the Folder <GameDirectory\AssetBundles\japanese> find the scenario file. Copy it and paste to <GameDirectory\AssetBundles\english> and overwrite as neccessary.
- Go to <GameDirectoryDirectory\AutoTranslator> open the Config TXT with your text editor of your choice, Find the [TextFrameworks] section, set everything to true. it will look something like this:
Save and exit.
NOTES: You need a internet connection to run the the translator and currently there isn't any descensor.
Good Luck!
P.S. Thank the other people working on this thread who found these fixes. I'm not the only one who's working on this. Just compiling and QA'ing it for the most part it seems.