
Jul 23, 2017
Its a shame that Maria is just a teaser.

In v2.8:
Maria: yes, yes, the aunt. It’s time to develop her story, not easy because in which world an aunt who would get intimate with her nephew. Hopefully, this is a game. But don’t get to excited, this is just the beginning of her event, you’ll have more in the next update.

Next updates:

Any1 could share link to last version 1?



New Member
Oct 17, 2019
Unfortunately, after having already placed through it once, I now have a crippling bug.

1. All menu options in the main menu are replaced with "Localized Text Not Found"
2. It is no longer possible to load save games
3. Starting a new game and pressing the right button (also labled "Localized Text Not Found") results in the game hanging on a grey screen, pressing the left button starts the game, however as soon as the first dialogue is over and you press the "skip time" button, it hangs on a white screen.

This could possibly have something to do with having the Unity engine installed on the system, as I have installed that since I last placed, but it is really, really sad, I wish I could play this game again, and see the new changes.
Maybe you can think of what might be causing this?

Played originally on 2.7, after seeing that this bug prevents me from playing I tried it with a fresh download of 2.8, still broken, trying to play normal, english loc, nothing fancy.
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Reactions: Stareagle lord

Stareagle lord

Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
Unfortunately, after having already placed through it once, I now have a crippling bug.

1. All menu options in the main menu are replaced with "Localized Text Not Found"
2. It is no longer possible to load save games
3. Starting a new game and pressing the right button (also labled "Localized Text Not Found") results in the game hanging on a grey screen, pressing the left button starts the game, however as soon as the first dialogue is over and you press the "skip time" button, it hangs on a white screen.

This could possibly have something to do with having the Unity engine installed on the system, as I have installed that since I last placed, but it is really, really sad, I wish I could play this game again, and see the new changes.
Maybe you can think of what might be causing this?

Played originally on 2.7, after seeing that this bug prevents me from playing I tried it with a fresh download of 2.8, still broken, trying to play normal, english loc, nothing fancy.

Sounds like either a corrupted file/or 2,

or pathway not working duo to unity engine might start or something because you got it installed?...

did you tried Admin start?

and tried dl the game again from another source?

third option could be your Antivirus blocking a file or 2...

The last option I can think of is if your computer has gotten a virus that has messed with local text file...

or a missing/corrupted dll file on your computer...

Stareagle lord

Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
Unfortunately, after having already placed through it once, I now have a crippling bug.

1. All menu options in the main menu are replaced with "Localized Text Not Found"
2. It is no longer possible to load save games
3. Starting a new game and pressing the right button (also labled "Localized Text Not Found") results in the game hanging on a grey screen, pressing the left button starts the game, however as soon as the first dialogue is over and you press the "skip time" button, it hangs on a white screen.

This could possibly have something to do with having the Unity engine installed on the system, as I have installed that since I last placed, but it is really, really sad, I wish I could play this game again, and see the new changes.
Maybe you can think of what might be causing this?

Played originally on 2.7, after seeing that this bug prevents me from playing I tried it with a fresh download of 2.8, still broken, trying to play normal, english loc, nothing fancy.

Might be it started in the unity engine when you load the game and you
need to switch loadout on the game?

Stareagle lord

Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
There probably was, but, the main investigation was not about that, neither was the case.
This case, is not about copyright, but about CP.

I'm not even sure the same kind of courts deal with those cases either, but I may well be wrong on that.
Regardless, CP is going to be pursued a lot more aggressively than copyright claims I'm sure.
ofcourse it will probably be pursued, but they probably won't be sending over their citizens

worst case you will be tried in your country... or a 'fine' will be sent to be paid...

If you are tried in your country well it depends on mostly what country you are in
After that 'Comes what is the issue is about.' I mean certain countries have death penalty
for example and harsh punishments and others are more 'kind' or less harsh

it might also depend on the political part...

or monetary hell they might wanna throw you in jail...
or so but they have like 1000 or 10.000 criminals in line long before you to deal with
way worse crimes like actual rape, murder, and such...

compared to having 'possibly' watched cartoonish-child-porn...

I am not saying they won't come but... It might also not happen
because the moment politics is involved it becomes a real mess...

Stareagle lord

Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
And when I say politics and real mess...

Imagine a country's faction of politicians promising the voters, something they truly thought
they would get... But it was all false imagine the shitstorm the voters will put up
after that?... Especially if say the state promised less taxes but instead now increase taxes or do something else
that makes life harsher?... And they have the majority to vote no to higher taxes with ease btw...

especially added in if the politician faction/factions in question are basically openly insulting your work
ethics with demanding you do something you feel isn't ethical or is even to you wrong?...

or just doing that to your friend/sister?... Think that won't start up chaos no?...
  • Haha
Reactions: Grelk


Oct 2, 2017
Because after several version, I have a better perspective of the scenario and I had to go back from the start to enhance it and to reduce the grinding.
I know it's hard for you, but I had to do it to fit the scenario with my vision. But all the content will be back with a lot of new one.
In, like, three years from now?
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