
Sep 29, 2020
Just a basic walkthrough to get you off to a decent start:

On the first peeping event, be sure to lock the door so you're not discovered, once you turn to the left partition, repeatedly click on the trashcan and eventually after a few different texts you should retrieve 7x trash bags.

Go to your inventory and click on the trash bags and they should be sent to the bottom of the screen where you can click on them again to equip as a disguise.

Once you've finished the first event, and you've spoken to the guy who stops you outside and you've been to the first class, go to the 4th floor, you'll be escorted to the staff room to speak to your teacher, then go to the top of of the class and click on the cabinets until you find your phone.

Then all the peeping events are the same mechanics just with the added record option which you get when you click on your phone in the inventory, click the red circle before clicking the peep icon and you're golden.

I spent a few hours before making any progress so I thought I'd share my peeping wisdom to save you going through the same pain.


Sep 27, 2022
hello, it's my first time in games like this, I'm at the beginning of the game and I can't visualize the trash box if someone can answer me thank you, I tried to click on all the buttons on my keyboard but nothing happened, someone tell me how to visualize it


Sep 29, 2020
hello, it's my first time in games like this, I'm at the beginning of the game and I can't visualize the trash box if someone can answer me thank you, I tried to click on all the buttons on my keyboard but nothing happened, someone tell me how to visualize it
What do you mean "visualize the trash box"? Do you mean the bag to put over your head or the trash can in the stall? If you've just started you don't need to worry about the trash bag or the trash can. Just lock the door and peep under the stall. You can click on the trash can over and over again and you might get the trash bags out of it, but it's not that important on the first attempt.


New Member
Mar 16, 2024
so no translation detected... i guess i got a bad patch (batch) of the game. i manage to figure out the

diuretic and the laxitive by the yelow and the as i dont speak or read Japanese.
the guy that blackmale me (the maincharakter smook weed at the bays toilets in 1th floor of class 1-1 to 1-3
said something something about 10/10 in yellow text (asume this is the piss sceens you can unlock) and
something something about 10/10 in brown text (well one doesnt need to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out)
and last something something in pink text 10/10

i also noticed the staff office to the right of the 4th floor stairs have a scedual over the two teacher rooms (to the left of the stairs) and who goes where... and the one futherest o the left from the stairs is the one where is having the layout for your class... and the other one have the 3-3 and 3-2 class ,,, so far i found 200... i guess its ¥ (yen) looking in shelf cabinets at the classrooms and the teachers rooms... one stafmember say something when i try to check the one in the staff office

i got a hint about what trashbags does... because of guys like you on simelar forums so thanks... (i wont say thanks alot since it have not being of any use for me) still havent figured out how to trigger hentai sceens!

so what do i use the roiletpaper for 150¥ (yen) and the EVA (i seriusly have no clue WTH this is but it got to be some gamebreaking shit since it cost 500¥ (yen)

and since i got nothing to sell why do i even bother wondering about this thing whatever it is... (GOT NO MONEY IM BROKE!

what realy would help is a translation since i spent all money on failed investments and spend 2 hr being yeld at ... well atleast i belive they yelled at me because the kanji was very large

with no money no equipments (even my hotbat is friking gone) so it seems i cant acsess my phone...

for a game that is about shit this game realy is shit no pun intended!
still why and how cant i triger the peeping sceens nothing happens when i get in to the toiletstall this RND BULLSHIT that seem to yeald 100% nay instad of yay isnt what i expected once i figured out why the hell you have toilet gards that is more agresive than anything in any videogame with simelar fetures...

it took me a while to figure out i can rotate. and lock door in the toilet but more than that nothing not even whith the phone...

if this is RND then it will make it so people thing the game wont work properly... and frankly im not shure wich version i got... so i dont know if this game is complee....

so how about deteiled explenation on what everything does and where why and how do i get the codes to the CC TV yeah that one got spoiled but there is no chanse i would have figured that one out my self!

is hentai sceens even possible or is the game brokend i wonder and where is the translated version i dont care if the translation is bad (bad translation is better than no translation)

but comon 2hr with nothing... a whole schoolday went by with nothing
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New Member
Mar 16, 2024
hm so i made some progress...
first of all i am runing the japanese version. and that alone make this game so much more challanging...

okay so there is a chanse girls go to the toilet despite you not spike them with diuretic or the laxitive...
so they work between 1-2 classes and everything become easy after you figured out how to trigger your first hentai sceen...

i actualy found some (well i guess i found out that toiletpaper roll actualy is a plasticbag roll..
on closer inspection you can buy that for 120G and you get 6 and one extra for free a (7 total)
found one in a trashbag so im not shure you get one from any trashbag the first time you stiff around in them... but that way you may get the peeping sceenat the tutorial

anyway i put one on and found teacher Eriko in need of a toiletbreak so she actualy was tecnicaly a freebe taking a leak...

it was after that i started to notice somethings that m ay eas up on others... a person posted a picture where you should click to engage in peeping... he even marked with a red circle.
and it take quite a few clickings me around 7 of them (thanks RNG)
lucky for you once its done you now only need to find the ogly eye that sugest you can peep there...

another thing is if you dont want to try it out on random is to try opening as many toiletboths as possible the ones not opening is 100% ocupyed... and yeah i had to chose between teacher Midorikawa and teachr Mifune... both taking a leak.
the choice wasnt to hard, since i already got the leak scen from Midorikawa.
i got a real intresting show from Mifume sensei (she is a naughty one ;)... all in all i forgot to lock the toilet booth and teacher Maki walked in on me... i had to run...

okay so a tip is to same before entering 4th floor navigate the guards to desired destination either it be in one of the teachers rooms the staff room or the teacher female toilet. use the rooms as checkpoints if you get busted you wont be able to try again untill next class... same goes for the hide and seek game trial and errors just reload and be good about it...

the thing is the girls in the toilet is hardcoded so tecnicaly the same girl at the end of the class
remain the same so just save and load if something bad happens...

i think i might have messed up the event where you tecnicaly had to chose between buying a copy-key from your blackmailer or snitch him... i triggered one event (fixing the vendomachine)
and since i got a date with destiny and Midorikawa in the womens toilets, i didnt had time to snitch him...

i swear it felt like Midorikawa saw me when she was doing her buesness... it looked like she and i had a conversation ...
i found her later sitting on Kirishimas desk having a good time... (wait are dating a co worker a thing here?)
anyway she is the grumpy one no wonder she had the runs (pun intended :poop:) speking of runing man she flew past me once i snitched that crackhead in the toilet on first floor!
(it is true what they say despite the reasons "when you got to go..." :LOL:)

i guess this is more for me to do in new game +...

oh another thing i discovered is that the females patrooling toilet areas they also walk in a fixed patern... this dont include the 3 studentcouncil hallway guards on 4th floor they are random as hell...

anyway sometimes the NPC just breaks and you can just walk past them having them staring at the wall for some reasons...
usualy this happens after 7 loopes and not with all move pattersn but some do stop unable to continue their patrools...

anyway save alot and you should be fine any misshaps and you can just reload the page...

items seem to be one time only in diferent cabinets and a trashbag...
the money in the kombination code is RND so yeah you can get diferent amount... i tried it a few times with diferent results in the end i setteled with 300g from each... (i could probably had done better)

an easy way of doing the scens is to clearout the classrooms 1 by one and the teachers roms in the same way...
anyway you need to get 3 things to check of a girl the last thing is to actualy get caught peeping that one do count and can even be replayed diferent girls react difrently when mortifyed by you oggeling perverts :sneaky:(y)

also some just make the cutest sounds shen they get surpriced :giggle:
or Wakana when she make a little sneeze and go nyah~ afterward
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New Member
Mar 16, 2024
How to use camera in this game?
yeah scroll u need to get the mobile in one of the cabinets in the teachers room first.
its the second room to the left of the stairs on 4F the same room you get yelled at by Midorikawa sensei for turning up late at class!
scroll up on this page where i posted some screenshots the one where you see the mobilephone u press the red circle record symbol on the mobile screen!

there is another feture where you can snap pictures if you stand on a little pinkish icon of a camera. open your celphone and press green circle to take a regular photo.
you activate that feture you need to speak with sensei Kirishima in the first teacher room to the left of the stairs on 4F
she be verry flirty with you and sugest that you can photo some of the girls ... for obvious reasons this idea go from inocent pictures to straight panzu shoots and other lewed shit :p


New Member
Mar 16, 2024
small update on the gameplay :giggle:
it seems Kirishima and Midorikawa is both displeased with the guy that blackmailed me!
anyway he is back in class,
and i heard from a firstclass brat that they going to punish him...

speaking of Kirishima that flirty woman kan produce some massive Log!
i wonder if that is the sign of one that is stable and have a calm personality based on a good way of living and a healthy diet...
i got here dirty underware and oh man i seen all the dirty and naughty sides on that flirty woman and well :love:

speaking about underware i hope this may help a bit... save before entering a sceen.
if you aint geting pantzu~ after the sceens then just try to reload...the pantzu is RND after all!


New Member
Mar 16, 2024
Anyone can tell me how i peek???
first make shure where there is toilets that is ocupyed! (the ones that you cant open usualy is ocupyed)
when you enter the toilet make shure your next to one with a girl in it (sometimes you can have girls on both sides so save before you do anything else that way you can literarly cherypick wich on you want!

dont forget to check their stall sometimes they give a little surprice in the trachbin for trashbin and peeping make shure you face the right way like this:

if this is your first time dont forget to spam the trashbin for a roll of 7 trachbags!
u need to wear one if the girl face the door or they spot you and all hell break lose! (they will go apeshit on you)
if you have mobile phone now is the time to put the trashback over your head and use the mobile press the record button

you need to spam the button around where the oggly eyes are after 7 tries or less you ought to get some peeping action!
still if you didnt check if there is a girl on the other side you probably end up like this!

after your done dont forget to and check the toilet the girl was in!
( the game only allow you to peep on one every given moment)
a good indicator there was girls there if you missed one it looking at the trashbin!

sometimes they leave panties in the bin (that is RND so you might want to reload the save if there is no panties)

save the game once more and speak with anyone while wearing the trashbag (they will go apeshit on you) to get kicked out of school :ROFLMAO: getting arrested for atempted robbery

or just go at your buessnes clicking the trashbag ikon in your hotbar to remove the bag...


New Member
Mar 16, 2024
something that may be good to know if you still have not figured out the diference with the options...

one tip is to save a screendump and just run it thrue google translate! and select image

it will work if you are like me and dont know how to read or speak Japanese
just try your best ;)
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