Be on the exit when the ghost detects you. If the ghost doesn't see you, you cannot exit.I also haven't fully grasped the eventing system in certain scenarios (prevent the Ghost from killing you).
I don't think i had invisibility when i unlocked the CCTV, i think you just need to skirt around his desk (be on the opposite side of the desk so he won't see you) and the code is 12:00. The CCTV also works on 4th floorTrivia
If you follow the encounter in the earlier pages for night 1 to get the principle scene and the door code, if you open the locked door on the 4th floor on night 2, and then set the clock to 12:12 (make sure you have enhanced invisibility on) and wait for the principle to leave the room, you can interact with the wall in the bottom left, and then the statue and then the wall again to unlock the surveillance system app on your phone to see who is in the 3rd floor toilet.
Though I haven't tested much past this.
No i've been consistently getting the right scene everytime.Also, would like if someone could confirm, if you give the spoilt girl (surrounded by 3 boys) laxative coffee, that it incorrectly triggers the urination scene and not the scat scene, haven't tested it in reverse to see if it is a switch error (inverted).
any way to fix the cannot read properly width of null error?
Why can't I report a bad student to Midorikawa sensei the first time?General Tips
- This game requires patience to avoid the patrols, from what I observe, the paterns of the patrols on the toilet is hard coded so once you seen all of them you can exploit the same hole every single time. The patterns on the 4th floor hallway however is kinda random. Also its worth noting that not all patrol types have the same view cones. The night guard in particular have a long cone thus they are blind at short distances.
- It is IMPOSSIBLE to get all scene in 1 playthrough. At least 3 playthrough is needed to complete all the scenes.
- the MTL is meh but generally you can get the gist of what it meant. All of the important information will be color coded to something other than white. Your worst enemy is actually the lack of word wrap. I managed to mitigate it somewhat with changing the font to calibri.
- On the tutorial wakana actually is in one of the cubicle (I dont know if the placement RNG or not), she entered before you. Unfortunately you cannot peep her since she faces to the front and you don't have any trashbags yet. You can only peep her in new game+
- The time table on the front of every class will give you the time overlay (Although most of them is in chineese). I think it means month 7, day 11, and then what period you are on right now. The game starts on day 11 and ends on day 14. 4th period is lunch time, school is over at 7th period.
- You can sleep at school at 7th period, exit the class and re enter again. then go to your seat.
What to do after intro
- After the intro, head to 4th floor, you'll be guided by one of the teachers to meet midorikawa, she will give you some scolding. After she is finished, DO NOT EXIT THE ROOM YET. Open the cabinets at the front of the room to get your smartphone and some gold. If you can, go to the next room too as it also has gold.
- The teachers room also has the seating arrangements of the students. Unfortunately you cannot do anything with it ingame, but it is on this forum if you want to skip the hassle of memorizing it. (Also its in japanese/chineese. someone pls translate this)
- The teachers seating arrangements is on the room on the right of the stairs. I cannot read the room name so i used the numbers of cabinets to diffrentiate between them.
- After you go to the teachers room, go to the 1f men's bathroom to get some more explaination
- TLDR: You can spike the girls between each lesson. Diuretic is effective after 1 lesson, Laxative is effective after 2 lessons.
- You can spike the students as well as the teachers. you can spike multiple students or teachers in 1 period but you cannot peep 2 students / 2 teachers at the same period at the same toilet. So in order to maximize the profit, you need to make sure that only 1 teacher and 1 student at any given time is on the toilet.
- Diuretics give you a net of 10g while laxatives gives you a net of 20g. That is if you buy it from the bad student, there are other ways to get the drugs too.
- Sometimes the girls can go to the toilet even if you dont give them diuretics or laxatives.
- At break time, go to Anya and she will ask for a drink, go to 1st floor and ask the repairman in front of the vending machine. He will explain that he needs a wrench.
- The boy near him will tell you that the wrench is in men's toilet. He is lying. if you went with him, it will lead you to Kirishima & Midorikawa event
- The wrench is in the warehouse, buy the warehouse key from the bad student and open it, go to the cabinet and collect the wrench. Make sure to interact with the painting to unblock the peephole for later events.
- After the vending machine is repaired, you can buy drinks from vending machine
- The vending machine will be repaired on the second day (day 12) if you didn't find the wrench
- For the specifics of Anya's event, go to Anya's section
- At night, go to Education Affairs room, you can now open the cabinet since no one is looking. Grab the Health room and warehouse room key. This will allow you to get the syringe and random goods from the health room and random goods from the warehouse.
Money tips
- Look at the trashcan at the toilet (you might need to turn to the right) sometimes there are free trash bags on them (you might need to click a few times)
- After the girls got out of the cubicle, go to their cubicle and take a look at the trashcan (you might need to turn to the right) sometimes there are items other than tissue there (usually panties)
- NEVER EVER SELL THE PANTIES OR ITEMS FROM THE MAIN 6 HEROINE TO THE BAD STUDENT. he buys them at 120g while there are other people that will buy that for 500g - 1000g
- Get the Health Room key and Warehouse key from Education Affairs room. There are random goods every period so check everytime you can.
- There are 3 codes to the principal's keypad 2 you got from VP Hoshino and 1 from a teacher at teachers lounge. One opens the lock while the other 2 gives you RNG amounts of money (the lowest I got is 200, the highest I got is 1000)
- 8521 (money)
- 4710 (money)
- 7089 (opens the door)
- Greet Anya every morning, choose "I want to see you". At the last day, she will give you money. (you might need to be her guard first)
Ghost Event
- This event is essential to unlocking the abilities as well as the other Wakana events.
- It is IMPOSSIBLE to get every scene on this event. First you have to decide whether you want a piss scene or a scat scene.
- If you want a scat scene, give laxative to Wakana at 6th period. Ignore the warning
- If you want a piss scene, you don't have to do anything.
- On the first day (day 11) on lunch time (4th period). Go to the roof. Wakana will be there. Tell her NOT to go to the club.
- Then on that night, visit the Education Affairs room (4f, to the right of the stairs). interact with VP's room
- Don't hide. You will get some info. First is some number, then a date, this is related to VP Hoshino's event.
- IMPORTANT: In order to get the most scenes, DO NOT INITIATE THE GHOST EVENT ON DAY 12, you can talk to Anya's guard, or the girls mentioned below, BUT DO NOT FINISH THE CHAIN ON DAY 12
- On day 13, on 2nd period, talk to Anya's guard, then go to 3-3, talk to the group of girls in front of the class, then talk to Wakana on 3-1. They will tell you to meet up at night on class.
- DO NOT GO HOME. Sleep on the class
- Go to 1st floor woman's toilet and meet Ryono
- Go to 1st floor men's toilet, the ghost is on the far right cubicle. Summon the ghost
- Open the ghost's cubicle
- Run to the toilet exit
- Run to the school's main gate. Keep in mind that you can only exit WHEN the ghost sees you. Keep running until you are on the puzzle hallway. I found that using the mouse works best because of the auto pathfinding.
- Push the first pot and quickly get into the cabinet
- Push the pot back so the ghost is trapped. Now you can solve the puzzle without the ghost chasing you.
- After the path is clear, push the pot back more so the ghost can chase you. Use the mouse if you have difficulities navigating
- Wakana will ask you to occupy the left most cubicle, don't do it. Instead go to the cubicle right beside her
- Lock the door, the ghost will occupy the left most cubicle. The other ghost will come and possess you.
- Now you have to choose, to the left is Wakana, to the right is the ghost girl (piss+scat)
- After the scene, you will be offered to buy the abilities, if you don't have the money, he will be on 2f woman toilet from now on.
- Choose to wait for Wakana, when she washes her hand, quickly get behind her to take a picture.
- If you go home with Ryono, the next Wakana event will have a slightly different dialog, but nothing too major
- The keypad is offline on the first day.
- You can use them on the second day but you cannot enter (the principal is inside)
- You can enter principals room at night.
- Inspect the statue, it has a "riddle"
- simply set the clock on 12:00. Get ready to hide. The principal will come in, move to the opposite side of the desk so he won't see you.
- After the principal leaves, go to the statue and push the button.
- Go to the lower left corner, interact with the wall on the left.
- After the dialog, interact with the left most computer, you will get the CCTV app
- To use the app, you need to be in 3rd floor or 4th floor bathroom and click the cctv app
- At day 14, 2nd period, go to teachers lounge (I forgot which one), She will be there with a teacher talking about extra lessons
- Sleep at the school, go to the warehouse at night.
- Interact with the painting if you haven't already, click the peephole and enjoy the show
- This is the most expensive event. You need about 5000G in total to get the event
- Buy out all of the ability, When you do, the ghost's offer will expand, buy all that too before the night after the ghost event (If you follow this guide, the ghost event should be on day 13, therefore Wakana's event is on day 14)
- Place Laxative in Wakana's desk if you want scat, otherwise it will just be Anal Beads
- Come at night on day 14. Then you can peek Wakana. Don't forget to record before peeking to get the replay
- Talk to her on first day (day 11)
- Go to 1st floor, talk to the repairman in front of the vending machine. He needs a wrench
- The wrench is in the warehouse, talk to the bad student, buy the duplicate warehouse key
- Go to the warehouse (outside the school, on the side)
- Open the cabinet, the wrench is there
- Talk to the repairmen again
- IMPORTANT: buy the coffee, otherwise Anya won't accept it and you have to buy again.
- Choose to be her guard, and buy coffee every lunch for her.
- On the last day, she will say that she will throw a party on the conference room. Go to the conference room (Education Affairs, VP's room) and notify VP Hoshino, she will unlock the room. You can view the ipad and drug her bottle (requires syringe) when she is not looking.
- Talk to Anya again
- During the night, come to the conference room.
Kirishima & Midorikawa
- On 1st day, when Anya asks you to buy a drink, talk to the repairman and then talk to the boy near him.
- Talk to the bad student
- Talk to the boy again
- Report the bad student to Midorikawa sensei. He will relocate to outside the school building
- Go to the cubicle the bad student is in and search for the wrench, you will realize that the boy lied to you. Talk to the boy.
- The next period, go outside the school building, talk to the boy.
- Report the bad student to Midorikawa sensei again. He will relocate to his class now (class 3-3)
- Talk to the boy outside the school building. Pay him 200g. he will tell you that the bad student will be punished at night on day 14 in the warehouse
- Go to the warehouse, interact with the painting if you haven't already
- On the night on day 14, go to the inframiry. Interact with the peephole from the Health Room side
Hoshino (vice principal)
- You can only use the drugs on her on day 13 (talk to her, she will rotate from classes to classes starting from 3-1) and day 14 on her room (requires Anya's quest). Both cases requires you to have the syringe from Health Room
- Event:
- On nighttime day 11, visit the Education Affairs room (4f, to the right of the stairs). interact with VP's room
- Don't hide. You will get some info. First is some number, then a date.
- Go to principal's room on day 14.
- Access the hidden room, it will say that you can't
- Interact with the exit, the principal then will come
- Hide behind the sofa (interact with the sofa)
- Enjoy the show
If there is anything unclear, let me know![]()
You can. The bad student will change place but he is not gone.Why can't I report a bad student to Midorikawa sensei the first time?
thanks for youMb it appears I was incorrect I wasn't paying much attention when i posted I believe it is actually in jap if you would like that one it can be foundYou must be registered to see the linksit is a slow download link however.
Yeah I figured that out, but it won't work if you are on new game+ and you already bought all of the abilities. The solution is to delay the ghost hunt event on 3rd day, thus Wakana's event will trigger on the last day where you can use laxative on her. I have updated the guide to include unlock anal bead wakana scat scene you need to buy all the abilities on the 4th day and then put a laxative on wakana's desk at 6th period, if you buy all the abilities on 3rd day the scene will happen in the 3rd day's night so you won't be able to put laxative in wakana's desk because she will be sitting on it for the entire day
How to film girls ?Ok, I finally got out of the toilet. But for reals though, this is very badly made game. I'm not even talking about the crappy translations, I'm talking about how the sneaking and peeping system works. Not only do you have ZERO indication which cubicles are in use, the line of sight and detection system for the girls make no sense as well. Some moments I can be right behind her and she can't detect shit. Other times she is behind a wall at the mirror and somehow can detect me on the other side of the room by the cubicles when she shouldnt have line of sight.
Even the Diuretic and Laxative system seems broken. Do you need to identify which desk to sabotage based on the 2 seconds you get every class period to determine who is and isn't female based on their sprites? Or do you randomly spike a desk and get results anyway? So far it seems random for me.
This is one of those games that desperately needs someone to post a save file, or hack it to unlock everything. Either way, at least the game is exactly as advertised: A steaming pile of shit.
Is there any difference between principal and vp in the hidden room if I put laxative in vice principal‘s water at day 14 on her room(requires Anya's quest)?General Tips
- This game requires patience to avoid the patrols, from what I observe, the paterns of the patrols on the toilet is hard coded so once you seen all of them you can exploit the same hole every single time. The patterns on the 4th floor hallway however is kinda random. Also its worth noting that not all patrol types have the same view cones. The night guard in particular have a long cone thus they are blind at short distances.
- It is IMPOSSIBLE to get all scene in 1 playthrough. At least 3 playthrough is needed to complete all the scenes.
- the MTL is meh but generally you can get the gist of what it meant. All of the important information will be color coded to something other than white. Your worst enemy is actually the lack of word wrap. I managed to mitigate it somewhat with changing the font to calibri.
- On the tutorial wakana actually is in one of the cubicle (I dont know if the placement RNG or not), she entered before you. Unfortunately you cannot peep her since she faces to the front and you don't have any trashbags yet. You can only peep her in new game+
- The time table on the front of every class will give you the time overlay (Although most of them is in chineese). I think it means month 7, day 11, and then what period you are on right now. The game starts on day 11 and ends on day 14. 4th period is lunch time, school is over at 7th period.
- You can sleep at school at 7th period, exit the class and re enter again. then go to your seat.
What to do after intro
- After the intro, head to 4th floor, you'll be guided by one of the teachers to meet midorikawa, she will give you some scolding. After she is finished, DO NOT EXIT THE ROOM YET. Open the cabinets at the front of the room to get your smartphone and some gold. If you can, go to the next room too as it also has gold.
- The teachers room also has the seating arrangements of the students. Unfortunately you cannot do anything with it ingame, but it is on this forum if you want to skip the hassle of memorizing it. (Also its in japanese/chineese. someone pls translate this)
- The teachers seating arrangements is on the room on the right of the stairs. I cannot read the room name so i used the numbers of cabinets to diffrentiate between them.
- After you go to the teachers room, go to the 1f men's bathroom to get some more explaination
- TLDR: You can spike the girls between each lesson. Diuretic is effective after 1 lesson, Laxative is effective after 2 lessons.
- You can spike the students as well as the teachers. you can spike multiple students or teachers in 1 period but you cannot peep 2 students / 2 teachers at the same period at the same toilet. So in order to maximize the profit, you need to make sure that only 1 teacher and 1 student at any given time is on the toilet.
- Diuretics give you a net of 10g while laxatives gives you a net of 20g. That is if you buy it from the bad student, there are other ways to get the drugs too.
- Sometimes the girls can go to the toilet even if you dont give them diuretics or laxatives.
- At break time, go to Anya and she will ask for a drink, go to 1st floor and ask the repairman in front of the vending machine. He will explain that he needs a wrench.
- The boy near him will tell you that the wrench is in men's toilet. He is lying. But if you went with him, it will lead you to Kirishima & Midorikawa event
- The wrench is in the warehouse, buy the warehouse key from the bad student and open it, go to the cabinet and collect the wrench. Make sure to interact with the painting to unblock the peephole for later events.
- After the vending machine is repaired, you can buy drinks from vending machine
- The vending machine will be repaired on the second day (day 12) if you didn't find the wrench
- For the specifics of Anya's event, go to Anya's section
- At night, go to Education Affairs room, you can now open the cabinet since no one is looking. Grab the Health room and warehouse room key. This will allow you to get the syringe and random goods from the health room and random goods from the warehouse.
Money tips
- Look at the trashcan at the toilet (you might need to turn to the right) sometimes there are free trash bags on them (you might need to click a few times)
- After the girls got out of the cubicle, go to their cubicle and take a look at the trashcan (you might need to turn to the right) sometimes there are items other than tissue there (usually panties)
- NEVER EVER SELL THE PANTIES OR ITEMS FROM THE MAIN 6 HEROINE TO THE BAD STUDENT. he buys them at 120g while there are other people that will buy that for 500g - 1000g
- Get the Health Room key and Warehouse key from Education Affairs room. There are random goods every period so check everytime you can.
- There are 3 codes to the principal's keypad 2 you got from VP Hoshino and 1 from a teacher at teachers lounge. One opens the lock while the other 2 gives you RNG amounts of money (the lowest I got is 200, the highest I got is 1000)
- 8521 (money)
- 4710 (money)
- 7089 (opens the door)
- Greet Anya every morning, choose "I want to see you". At the last day, she will give you money. (you might need to be her guard first)
Ghost Event
- This event is essential to unlocking the abilities as well as the other Wakana events.
- It is IMPOSSIBLE to get every scene on this event. First you have to decide whether you want a piss scene or a scat scene.
- If you want a scat scene, give laxative to Wakana at 6th period. Ignore the warning
- If you want a piss scene, you don't have to do anything.
- On the first day (day 11) on lunch time (4th period). Go to the roof. Wakana will be there. Tell her NOT to go to the club.
- Then on that night, visit the Education Affairs room (4f, to the right of the stairs). interact with VP's room
- Don't hide. You will get some info. First is some number, then a date, this is related to VP Hoshino's event.
- IMPORTANT: In order to get the most scenes, DO NOT INITIATE THE GHOST EVENT ON DAY 12, you can talk to Anya's guard, or the girls mentioned below, BUT DO NOT FINISH THE CHAIN ON DAY 12
- On day 13, on 2nd period, talk to Anya's guard, then go to 3-3, talk to the group of girls in front of the class, then talk to Wakana on 3-1. They will tell you to meet up at night on class.
- DO NOT GO HOME. Sleep on the class
- Go to 1st floor woman's toilet and meet Ryono
- Go to 1st floor men's toilet, the ghost is on the far right cubicle. Summon the ghost
- Open the ghost's cubicle
- Run to the toilet exit
- Run to the school's main gate. Keep in mind that you can only exit WHEN the ghost sees you. Keep running until you are on the puzzle hallway. I found that using the mouse works best because of the auto pathfinding.
- Push the first pot and quickly get into the cabinet
- Push the pot back so the ghost is trapped. Now you can solve the puzzle without the ghost chasing you.
- After the path is clear, push the pot back more so the ghost can chase you. Use the mouse if you have difficulities navigating
- Wakana will ask you to occupy the left most cubicle, don't do it. Instead go to the cubicle right beside her
- Lock the door, the ghost will occupy the left most cubicle. The other ghost will come and possess you.
- Now you have to choose, to the left is Wakana, to the right is the ghost girl (piss+scat)
- After the scene, you will be offered to buy the abilities, if you don't have the money, he will be on 2f woman toilet from now on.
- Choose to wait for Wakana, when she washes her hand, quickly get behind her to take a picture.
- If you go home with Ryono, the next Wakana event will have a slightly different dialog, but nothing too major
- The keypad is offline on the first day.
- You can use them on the second day but you cannot enter (the principal is inside)
- You can enter principals room at night.
- Inspect the statue, it has a "riddle"
- simply set the clock on 12:00. Get ready to hide. The principal will come in, move to the opposite side of the desk so he won't see you.
- After the principal leaves, go to the statue and push the button.
- Go to the lower left corner, interact with the wall on the left.
- After the dialog, interact with the left most computer, you will get the CCTV app
- To use the app, you need to be in 3rd floor or 4th floor bathroom and click the cctv app
- At day 14, 2nd period, go to teachers lounge (I forgot which one), She will be there with a teacher talking about extra lessons
- Sleep at the school, go to the warehouse at night.
- Interact with the painting if you haven't already, click the peephole and enjoy the show
- This is the most expensive event. You need about 5000G in total to get the event
- Buy out all of the ability, When you do, the ghost's offer will expand, buy all that too before the night after the ghost event (If you follow this guide, the ghost event should be on day 13, therefore Wakana's event is on day 14)
- Place Laxative in Wakana's desk if you want scat, otherwise it will just be Anal Beads
- Come at night on day 14. Then you can peek Wakana. Don't forget to record before peeking to get the replay
- Talk to her on first day (day 11)
- Go to 1st floor, talk to the repairman in front of the vending machine. He needs a wrench
- The wrench is in the warehouse, talk to the bad student, buy the duplicate warehouse key
- Go to the warehouse (outside the school, on the side)
- Open the cabinet, the wrench is there
- Talk to the repairmen again
- IMPORTANT: buy the coffee, otherwise Anya won't accept it and you have to buy again.
- Choose to be her guard, and buy coffee every lunch for her.
- On the last day, she will say that she will throw a party on the conference room. Go to the conference room (Education Affairs, VP's room) and notify VP Hoshino, she will unlock the room. You can view the ipad and drug her bottle (requires syringe) when she is not looking.
- Talk to Anya again
- During the night, come to the conference room.
Kirishima & Midorikawa
- On 1st day, when Anya asks you to buy a drink, talk to the repairman and then talk to the boy near him.
- Talk to the bad student
- Talk to the boy again
- Report the bad student to Midorikawa sensei. He will relocate to outside the school building
- Go to the cubicle the bad student is in and search for the wrench, you will realize that the boy lied to you. Talk to the boy.
- The next period, go outside the school building, talk to the boy.
- Report the bad student to Midorikawa sensei again. He will relocate to his class now (class 3-3)
- Talk to the boy outside the school building. Pay him 200g. he will tell you that the bad student will be punished at night on day 14 in the warehouse
- Go to the warehouse, interact with the painting if you haven't already
- On the night on day 14, go to the inframiry. Interact with the peephole from the Health Room side
Hoshino (vice principal)
- You can only use the drugs on her on day 13 (talk to her, she will rotate from classes to classes starting from 3-1) and day 14 on her room (requires Anya's quest). Both cases requires you to have the syringe from Health Room
- Event:
- On nighttime day 11, visit the Education Affairs room (4f, to the right of the stairs). interact with VP's room
- Don't hide. You will get some info. First is some number, then a date.
- Go to principal's room on day 14.
- Access the hidden room, it will say that you can't
- Interact with the exit, the principal then will come
- Hide behind the sofa (interact with the sofa)
- Enjoy the show
If there is anything unclear, let me know![]()
I added the photos event to my guideI'm still trying to figure out the photography quest (not video of the girls).
It's started by talking with Krishinima (or whatever the other dark haired teacher is called, not the one from the first day who questions why you were late).
I can get most normal photos and a couple of special ones (panty shots of the main girls) and I know there is a way to get two photos of both teachers, and 2 photos of Hoshino (vice principal) but haven't found out how yet.
Once it's done, i've got a New Game + Save that i'll upload with all the content.
I don't think so because there is no other event on the game data list, unlike the case with wakana which has separate entries.Is there any difference between principal and vp in the hidden room if I put laxative in vice principal‘s water at day 14 on her room(requires Anya's quest)?