The flashing issue is interesting. As far as I know, no one else is experiencing it. Or if they are, they haven't told me. without going into it too much, the animations in the game are actually just a bunch of pictures. RPGmaker is bad with videos, so instead i tell it to show a picture for 6-8 frames then show the next picture for 6-8 frames and so on. normally that would cause flickering as each picture loaded. to get around this I tell the game to show every picture in the animation with 100% transparency before the animation starts, so that all the pictures are loaded. I don't know why your game isn't loading the pictures properly. Does it happen in all animations, or just some?
As far as background goes, I'm glad you brought it up. I've thought about it a little, and I can answer a few of those questions for you. Iris isn't adopted. She does go to school, as do most boys just not the MC because his landlord worries about him being bullied. The mc has known Justin most of his life, and for reference Justin is treated much worse by his family then most boys. Most boys are treated worse than the MC, but not as bad as Justin. This is all stuff that I need to be better about communicating to the player. Hopefully I will be able to flesh out the world more in day two, without having a huge info dump.
I am aware people don't like Iris's hair. I love it. I think it gives her a cute tomboyish appearance, but alas people don't agree with me. It's already been changed. If you go to my patreon, there is a public post where you can see her new hair.
There will definitely be more humiliation in day two. There ended up being too much spanking in the first release for whatever reason, this will be toned down for future days. That is not to say there won't be any spanking in future releases, just a little less. There will also be more bondage going forward, probably not latex incasement though. Latex fetish is not my thing, although there is a patreon tier where you get to help design a scene, so if someone does that and asks for latex than there will be.