
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 7, 2017
How do you actually use other user's saves? because i can only see mine.
Look at your save folder, you have there a list of saves. If one of your saves is for example 1-2-LT1.save this means:
first 1 number is the page where your save it's located, number 1 means page 1.
the 2 number means the position on your first page. Every page have 10 positions.
Now if you donwload a save from others, change the two number depending where you want put the save and copy it in your save folder. Start the game and load the save you just put in. If for any reason this save don't work, start a new game, make 1 save the first day and without exit load the wanted save.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 7, 2017
Yeah, i have done that before but the game seems to not remember that, or i have to do the christmas event again after giving her coffee for a week or something?
No, there must be some strange reason i don't know. I can only suggest you to download my end 1.0 save on page 198 and try it.


May 6, 2017
"I have sent her to the club multiple times but have never gotten a blowjob from her. Right now I'm stuck at the point where every Friday when I enter her room, she says she's not going to the club, but then says she wants to. I click the hotspot "panty!" and then tell her "I'm good" so she goes to the club. No blowjobs have come from it so far "

Same problem, this is my latest archive Please help me.


Nov 26, 2017
"I have sent her to the club multiple times but have never gotten a blowjob from her. Right now I'm stuck at the point where every Friday when I enter her room, she says she's not going to the club, but then says she wants to. I click the hotspot "panty!" and then tell her "I'm good" so she goes to the club. No blowjobs have come from it so far "
I figured this out since I posted it, first thing you have to do is choose "I'm mean", then on the very next slide there is a hotspot "Open!" on MC's belt. Do this for a few weeks (don't forget to go to Lala's room and do homework Thursday) and you will get a heart finish. From there, choose "I'm good" and you can get a BJ in the bathroom on Sunday by choosing "Look" or a FJ in her room on Wednesday by hiding under the bed and then "Investigate".

Upload a save. I'll look it.
Done. Another question, regarding starting the Christmas event, do you have to have every event in the game complete before you can start, or just every Shantrel event?
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Apr 14, 2017
That's wrong, read well the wt please. When you finish assemble the sofa it's day time not night.
here what i did when i start the christmas event
Read the dialog between Shantrel and Lola.
Go Laura room, speak, hit hotspot “Butt!”.
Talk Lola.
Back speak Laura, hit hotspot Butt!
Continue speaking with Laura until a second hotspot on her ass show up “Poke!”
This time Laura get up showing you where the sofa must be assembled.
Talk to Lala, Tell her about the sofa.
Go to city, workshop, ask the Master for tools, Yanga from back he’s father MUST ask for tools to (if not means you don’t have enough exp with workshop, you need at least 20, so restart the game and work at workshop until you reach 20 exp), take tools, back home.
Go Laura room, start assemble the sofa with your sisters.
Thursday NIGHT Sleep
Friday Morning Skip
day went to kitchen find lola and laura
looked for shantrel talk
went to store everything soldout yesterday

Day time, talk to Shantrel,exit go to shop, buy 2 champagne, 2 wine and something to eat for 500$.
i went to store, saleswoman told "everthing soldout yesterday", next where do i go?


Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2017
i went to store, saleswoman told "everthing soldout yesterday", next where do i go?
Give up and restart the event. You won't get any scenes if Lisa says " everything is already sold ". Read the WT carefully. You definitely made a bad choice somewhere. Lisa should give you alcohol, and stuffs for $500.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 7, 2017
i went to store, saleswoman told "everthing soldout yesterday", next where do i go?
When you finish assemble the sofa MUST be day 30 day time. If not means you need do more experience working at workshop. Exit Christmas event and go working workshop for 2 - 3 weeks.
May 6, 2017
i went to store, saleswoman told "everthing soldout yesterday", next where do i go?
it happen to me after help from guys here i figure out that mc need more experience with the tools so go back to ur save before u start christmas or just skip ahead chrsitmas event is repeatable go to the workshop take two week just work there nothing else and go back and do christmas after finish the sofa thursday by day time talk to shantrel u enter the store to buy the champagne u find yanga there asking her mother she need champagne too if so buy the champagne and .... go to home talk to shantrel just follow the Walkthrough everything is easy after buying the champagne and ...


Active Member
Dec 13, 2017
I'm kind of stuck with Lala. I can get her BJ right before she goes clubbing, and her FJ after ambushing her under the bed, but how many weeks do I have to lay off the pressure before she voluntarily services me in the bathroom?


Aug 7, 2017
I tried with a new save, one of the ones posted in 198 page but i got the same result, i can't go inside the club and talk to Krista or whatever she is called.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 7, 2017
I'm kind of stuck with Lala. I can get her BJ right before she goes clubbing, and her FJ after ambushing her under the bed, but how many weeks do I have to lay off the pressure before she voluntarily services me in the bathroom?
To get a BJ in her room you have to:
1. Visit her Friday evening
2. Click hotspot "Panties"
3. Answer "I'm mean"
4. Click hotspot "Open"
5. repeat all this till you come in her mouth and get the Heart end.
Or load my end 06 on page 198, all the 3 ending are done but repeatable.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 7, 2017
I tried with a new save, one of the ones posted in 198 page but i got the same result, i can't go inside the club and talk to Krista or whatever she is called.
If you have downloaded my end 1.0 save on page 198, it's absoluty impossible don't go into the club.
If that happen to you means something is corrupted in your game or saves.
I suggest you delete your folder where you game is, unpack again your version 1.1 from zip file to get a new folder. Start a new game, make 1 save first day and exit. put my 1.0 save in your save folder. Start a game and load my save. If my save don't work, start a new game, make 1 save again first day, without exit load my save. Should work this time.
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Apr 14, 2017
it happen to me after help from guys here i figure out that mc need more experience with the tools so go back to ur save before u start christmas or just skip ahead chrsitmas event is repeatable go to the workshop take two week just work there nothing else and go back and do christmas after finish the sofa thursday by day time talk to shantrel u enter the store to buy the champagne u find yanga there asking her mother she need champagne too if so buy the champagne and .... go to home talk to shantrel just follow the Walkthrough everything is easy after buying the champagne and ...
must i talk to shantrel before and after go to store and see yaga and her mother talk?
i would see girls family drunk, i found yaga in park and vodka
i do that:
-Read the dialog between Shantrel and Lola.
-Go Laura room, speak, hit hotspot “Butt!”.
-Talk Lala.
-Back speak Laura, hit hotspot Butt!
-Continue speaking with Laura until a second hotspot on her ass show up “Poke!”(5 rounds)
-This time Laura get up showing you where the sofa must be assembled.
-Talk to Lala, Tell her about the sofa.
-Go to city, workshop, ask the Master for tools, Yanga appear, back home.
-Go Laura room, start assemble the sofa with your sisters.
-day time, i go to store and buy all to 500$
-i stay with sathrel talk, and stay
-nigth time(sleep)
-lala weak up mc and decorate christmast three(moring-day time)
-kitchen talk them, search shatrel but nothing,kitchen,search and found her(talk).
-evening time,store(she tell me has sold all strong drinks)

May 6, 2017
must i talk to shantrel before and after go to store and see yaga and her mother talk?
i would see girls family drunk, i found yaga in park and vodka
i do that:
-Read the dialog between Shantrel and Lola.
-Go Laura room, speak, hit hotspot “Butt!”.
-Talk Lala.
-Back speak Laura, hit hotspot Butt!
-Continue speaking with Laura until a second hotspot on her ass show up “Poke!”(5 rounds)
-This time Laura get up showing you where the sofa must be assembled.
-Talk to Lala, Tell her about the sofa.
-Go to city, workshop, ask the Master for tools, Yanga appear, back home.
-Go Laura room, start assemble the sofa with your sisters.
-day time, i go to store and buy all to 500$
-i stay with sathrel talk, and stay
-nigth time(sleep)
-lala weak up mc and decorate christmast three(moring-day time)
-kitchen talk them, search shatrel but nothing,kitchen,search and found her(talk).
-evening time,store(she tell me has sold all strong drinks)
-day time, i go to store and buy all to 500$
-i stay with sathrel talk, and stay
u dont stay u go back to the store and buy beer night time go home sleep friday
At morning Lala will wake up you, she want decorate the tree.
Decorate the tree, read all the dialog, it’s day time.
Go to kitchen, ask girl where Shantrel is, repeat until you find her, speak with her.
It’s Evening time.
Go shop, talk to Lisa, hotspot “Hm” on her ass, get Merry Christmas from Lisa.

after that u go to the club after that find yanga at Thickets hotspot the vodka then chose no then hotspot vodka just follow the WT


Dec 29, 2017
I'm stuck in Shantrel shopping event

1) Friday Shant private lesson “She promised a blowjob”, “take off” hotspot, choose “Force”, mom is offended but I get one heart start.
2) Wednesday night Shant bedroom, I can’t no more finish “Lick her” event but I get one heart start.
3) Friday evening meet again Shant work station, don’t give money but she answer is offended and don’t want to teach me history anymore.
4) Sunday evening meet Shant, give her 1000$, she forgave me but not completely.
5) Friday evening meet Shant, give her 1000$, but nothing happend! she not bring me with her shopping!

What's do it wrong?


Active Member
Dec 13, 2017
To get a BJ in her room you have to:
1. Visit her Friday evening
2. Click hotspot "Panties"
3. Answer "I'm mean"
4. Click hotspot "Open"
5. repeat all this till you come in her mouth and get the Heart end.
Or load my end 06 on page 198, all the 3 ending are done but repeatable.
You just explained how to get the one I said I was already able to get. Afaik she only goes clubbing Fri, though I can't be sure where she's dressed up to go on Tues night. Sun morning BJ I got after I remembered to "Look". Thurs morning I didn't know I was making progress because the hearts weren't displaying until she appeared topless.

Now I'm running in circles trying to find how to check the final morning BJ and see something new under the table:
2018-02-16 13_46_45-Second happiness.png 2018-02-16 13_47_28-Second happiness.png


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2017
You just explained how to get the one I said I was already able to get. Afaik she only goes clubbing Fri, though I can't be sure where she's dressed up to go on Tues night. Sun morning BJ I got after I remembered to "Look". Thurs morning I didn't know I was making progress because the hearts weren't displaying until she appeared topless.

Now I'm running in circles trying to find how to check the final morning BJ and see something new under the table:
View attachment 68729 View attachment 68730
Those 2 are in the next update.
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