They're the original models from the first version of the game.
I understand people can grow attached to the models, but I didn't change the models. All I did was change the lighting and camera angles this time around. As far drawing the line, it is whatever I think is best for the story. So, I just have to play it as the situation comes up. I have been learning more about lighting, camera angles and just developing overall, so I want to add my new style to the older renders like the latest ones.
As for your other point about us not being professionals, sure, we can be considered professionals because we get money for this, but you have to remember, devs like me who started 2 years ago with absolutely no prior experience are going learning as we make these games.
Modeling, posing, coding, lighting, creating models, knowing what materials to use, etc. These are all things that I learned 2 years ago and I am still learning right now. We are not like professionals in the video game industry who have been doing this for a decade or more. That is what I mean when I say we are not professionals. I have absolutely no 3D modeling background and everything I have done so far is from watching YouTube videos and googling.