
Feb 12, 2021
I completed the second objective and im at 52th week, however I think there is a third objective because I just seen the warning event. When I go out to the map and click objective it doesnt show anything. What am I supposed to do?


Active Member
May 16, 2020
personally, I feel that the NTR attracting such intense debate/dislike (which I don't get, but whatever) is that other more hardcore fetishes are so out of common experience that they're seen as simple fantasies whereas NTR is... a bit too mundane so it hits a nerve? It's too close to home so to speak.

Anyway, I think this whole website talks way too much about NTR so I won't delve on it more than that :ROFLMAO:


May 1, 2021
a) What content do people think we will get next release?
b) Why was the rewrite of the Liurial x Alexia x Rowan 3-some event so fucking great?
c) Did the maid gossip make anyone else chuckle?
d) At what point will Nasim do a fertility treatment that isn't big-booba bimbo times for Lexi?
e) When will Rowan get to be in a transformation scene? Or is he condemned to his boring vanilla body for eternity?
(Alexi is up to what 4 or 5?)
f) When will the updated Dev map come out?
g) Did anyone else think Alexia was portrayed more romantically / empathically than she usually is the release? Often she is just written like a petty bitch towards Rowan even at low corruption. I enjoyed that part. Maybe.....one day in the future I'll actually truly like her.
h) Has anyone cracked the code as to what the finale with Liurial will be. Are we going to remove some Elves from the castle census? Is Jezera going to make a play?
i) Romance vs dom route with Cla min? Which did you enjoy more? (Obviously both....both is best- but if you had to choose :p?)
Praise the dev who decided we could enjoy both on the same play-through :love:
j) Why is Cla-min's route so fucking good despite the writing quality being a little more awkward than some of the other paths?
k) Which scene with Cla-min's family members is your fav and why is it the seamstress scene :p (The answer is obviously 1/1 Sommlier)
l) Will X ever be topped or put her dick away?
m) And most importantly when will the new Liurial line art be released to Patreons? :p
a) What content do people think we will get next release?
I think that more Liurial and X'zaratl content is pretty likely but is kind of a boring prediction since they are currently being actively worked on. Now don't get me wrong I love X'zaratl and Liurial, but safe bet predictions are boring. Also Cla-min's Arc and the Prologue Rework have just been completed so it seems to be that there are a couple of new work slots open.

So I'm going to take a long shot and predict that we will start to see some development on characters that where still waiting their turn. Winter said that Hooky has been "chomping at the bit to work on the Fae Arc, and periodically I'll hear a developer talk about plans they have for Helayna's rework. So those will be my predictions. I don't know if they will actually be in the next update, but I image they are both relatively close on the horizon.

b) Why was the rewrite of the Liurial x Alexia x Rowan 3-some event so fucking great?
For me it wat all the detail and considerations that went into it. To be honest on my first playthrough of the scene I thought it just a fairly hot, well written, if rather straight forward scene. I figured that like many other scenes there wouldn't be more that a line or few changed for certain scenarios. But both Monk and Winter were pretty quick to correct my assumptions, and with subsequent playthroughs I'm come to appreciate the nuance and ambition of the scene.

I want to say I can't wait to see more like it, but I imagine it was a nightmary to develop, so I won't demand too hard.

c) Did the maid gossip make anyone else chuckle?
I like that they are very similar to the rumors we can see elsewhere. Considering who is in charge of the maids, and one of the potential ends of the rude workers scene, I think I make know who the source of all these rumors is...

d) At what point will Nasim do a fertility treatment that isn't big-booba bimbo times for Lexi?
As Nasim said he can't just increase her fertility directly with out an unacceptable likelihood of Alexia birthing a monstrosity. So instead they are focusing on the physical trappings of recent motherhood. But of course actual pregnancy and child birth are really hard on the body, and many women never fully bounce back form the ordeal. So most people are not really interesting in the actual trappings of motherhood like stretch marks, so instead the game focuses on the sexy idealized trappings like big milky titties.

e) When will Rowan get to be in a transformation scene? Or is he condemned to his boring vanilla body for eternity?
If I were to hazard a guess I would say, it's not terribly likely and if he does get any it will be far fewer than Alexia. I think that part of this might be do the the level of identification many players have with Rowan, and as such they will expect a certain amount of bodily autonomy for him that they don't for other characters. Comparatively most players do not have the same level of identification with Alexia despite controlling her in much the same way. (I would be interested to see how that dynamic plays out with any female fans the game may have).

I think this may link back to what you were saying about main steam vs niche audiences. Games in which the MC is transformed are their own niche, and this game isn't designed to draw in that niche's players, so I think a large majority of the player base is not interested in "their character" being transformed. Can you image how most players would react if Rowan could grow a vagina the way Alexia can potentially grow a dick?

Personally, I'm indifferent about it. But I think they would have to add a pretty decent amount of Rowan transformation content before they would start to attract enough of an audience that was into those scenes to make it worth the work.

f) When will the updated Dev map come out?
My guess is that it is a lower priority because it doesn't seem like something that would generate a lot of enthusiasm among the player base. Also it would likely break saves and it wasn't that long ago since their last save breaking update and I imagine they would want to spread those out. So I think it will be quite a bit down the line.

g) Did anyone else think Alexia was portrayed more romantically / empathically than she usually is the release? Often she is just written like a petty bitch towards Rowan even at low corruption.
I think I remember reading somewhere that the developers hadn't planned on Alexia playing a very large role in the game at the beginning. But fan demand for more content with her caused her role in the game to grow.
I think most fans that have been around for awhile would agree that the writing for the more recent content is overall significantly better than that of the early scenes, and I would venture that this is a product of that. That could be a because of experience making them better writers, or maybe it is just a case of having a plan for the direction of a character leads to better writing, or it could be a combination of the two.

h) Has anyone cracked the code as to what the finale with Liurial will be. Are we going to remove some Elves from the castle census? Is Jezera going to make a play?
I could see the fate of the elf troop going either way since Rowan has the option to either be a dick or be conciliatory towards Liurial's old master. As for Jezera, I don't think she actually wants to take Liurial. I think she just wants to lightly threaten something that Rowan cares about to remind him of his place.

i) Romance vs dom route with Cla min? Which did you enjoy more? (Obviously both....both is best- but if you had to choose :p?)
I prefer the feel of the romance options because that was more the sense I got for the direction their relationship was going. However I like the action of the dom routes because I also got the sense that Cal-min (an likely goblins in general) was a lady that enjoys rough play...So yeah I guess the answer really is both.

j) Why is Cla-min's route so fucking good despite the writing quality being a little more awkward than some of the other paths?
For me I think it is because she is one of the few characters that you can fully trust (mostly, she is still a tricky goblin after all, but it is more to keep you on your toes that any actual malfeasance). Most of the other characters, even if I like them, are still ostensibly my enemy.

I also enjoy that you can go on quirky little adventures with her unrelated to you job at the the castle so it is a welcome break the the oppressive atmosphere.

k) Which scene with Cla-min's family members is your fav and why is it the seamstress scene :p
I like Cla-mini's repeatable blowjob scene on the castle walls. When I first played the game that scene made me really sit up and think "holy shit, she is really going to town!" It was also the first animated scene I saw so it really jumped out at me and has remained one of my favorites. Sometimes, I'll visit the caravan just to see it again.

l) Will X ever be topped or put her dick away?
I don't think she will ever be putting the dick away, just because most of her fans are here for the D. however I could potentially see her bottoming for Rowan (and possible Alexia at the same time) as part of her arc's climax. (hehehe climax...)

m) And most importantly when will the new Liurial line art be released to Patreons? :p
The roughs started going up yesterday!:D


May 1, 2021
I completed the second objective and im at 52th week, however I think there is a third objective because I just seen the warning event. When I go out to the map and click objective it doesnt show anything. What am I supposed to do?
You need to recruit the orc army (northwest most orc camp) AND visit Rastedal and attend the palace ball (northeast huge city, can't miss it). If you've done that the only goal left is to conquer Rastedel, but there's no time limit on that.
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Active Member
May 5, 2020
I completed the second objective and im at 52th week, however I think there is a third objective because I just seen the warning event. When I go out to the map and click objective it doesnt show anything. What am I supposed to do?
Wait until week 60
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May 1, 2021
Is Rowan ever going to have a more dominant role in things or is that just going to possibly be an end of game thing? Where's muh power fantasy
There are a few characters in the game that Rowan can take a dominate role with. As for him taking a dominate role in the grand scheme of things, I imagine that the second act will have a larger focus on building up his power base. This first act is more establish the situation and the stakes. Then I would guess that the 3rd act will focus on Rowan enacting his plans.

If you are actually looking for power fantasy however, I don't think this is the game. While Rowan is fairly powerful he is surrounded by people far more powerful than him. Your typical power fantasy gives the character unearned power and places them at or near the top early on, if Rowan comes out on top it will because he clawed, scraped, and sacrificed himself there every step of the way. There is nothing wrong with power fantasies, but I don't think you will find it here.
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Aug 21, 2017
There are a few characters in the game that Rowan can take a dominate role with. As for him taking a dominate role in the grand scheme of things, I imagine that the second act will have a larger focus on building up his power base. This first act is more establish the situation and the stakes. Then I would guess that the 3rd act will focus on Rowan enacting his plans.

If you are actually looking for power fantasy however, I don't think this is the game. While Rowan is fairly powerful he is surrounded by people far more powerful than him. Your typical power fantasy gives the character unearned power and places them at or near the top early on, if Rowan comes out on top it will because he clawed, scraped, and sacrificed himself there every step of the way. There is nothing wrong with power fantasies, but I don't think you will find it here.
Thanks for the in-depth response, I was more joking about the power fantasy thing. If Rowan does eventually somehow comes out on top I'd want it to be as you said in which it takes a lot of effort rather then being handed to you. I'm just petty as fuck and want to get a one up on Andras.
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New Member
Nov 21, 2017
Couple of questions (possible for the developer)
With the assortment of characters and multiple paths to play the game, do they have a specific 'number' of definitive endings in mind?
and From a support perspective, Steam or Patreon?


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
Couple of questions (possible for the developer)
With the assortment of characters and multiple paths to play the game, do they have a specific 'number' of definitive endings in mind?
and From a support perspective, Steam or Patreon?
The Steam option is the better one for you financially, but it gets updated less often than patreon. So do you give money more directly to the devs for updates coming more frequently or do you accept the delay to save some cash?


May 1, 2021
Couple of questions (possible for the developer)
With the assortment of characters and multiple paths to play the game, do they have a specific 'number' of definitive endings in mind?
and From a support perspective, Steam or Patreon?
Keep in mind were are still in the 1/3 of the story so much can change by the end. That said, from what we've seen so far, I predict three broad endings, likely with various nuances depending on your choices. Ending 1 Hero Rowan: Rowan remain (mostly) true to she ideals and convictions and manages to take down the twins thus saving the world, possibly sacrificing himself in the process. Ending 2 Slave Rowan: Rowan decides he likes serving the twin, they give him all kinds of rewards and pleasure as long as he does what they tell him, so he serves the world up to them on a silver plater. Ending 3 Overlord Rowan: Rowan has decided it would be better for everyone if he was the one in charge of the world, he manages to undermine the twins and steals their whole organization out from under them, the only question is will he be a benevolent dictator or a tyrant.

I can't really speak to which is better from a support perspective. But I can say the devs are fairly responsive even to the pirates hanging out on these forums, so I would guess that either is fine. The only real differences is that the patreon gets more frequent but smaller updates, while steam gets less frequent but more substantial updates. Each steam update brings it up to speed with the current patreon update so it is never terribly far behind.
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Dec 15, 2018
The Steam option is the better one for you financially, but it gets updated less often than patreon. So do you give money more directly to the devs for updates coming more frequently or do you accept the delay to save some cash?
"Some cash"? The Steam version you buy once (unless they set up the other acts as DLC or new games in which case you buy it three times) while in Patreon you'd either end up paying for the next decade or so or maybe just pledge for one update month at some point during the year to get a large amount of content, you'll still get less frequent updates than Steam AND probably end up paying far more given the pace of development.


Dec 26, 2020
It won't move forward until next year (if we are lucky). The team is now focusing on closing the side stories before moving onto the next chapter.
Oh my.... That is too long. All these years I tho the story will be finished in several major update and you said there's second chapter? I think im getting too old to play this amazing game the time it's finish. LoL


Active Member
Dec 13, 2018
Oh my.... That is too long. All these years I tho the story will be finished in several major update and you said there's second chapter? I think im getting too old to play this amazing game the time it's finish. LoL
Think about it like this:
By the time this is finished there will be 18 year olds who will be able to play it legally who weren't even born when this project was started :D


Jun 14, 2018
Think about it like this:
By the time this is finished there will be 18 year olds who will be able to play it legally who weren't even born when this project was started :D
You people totally don't get it. SoC is first game of its kind a real world rogue like!
Where each generation of gamers can play one Act. You finish act 1 and bequeath your steam library to your children they finish act 2 and in turn bequeath their save data to theirs children and so game could only be finished in 3 generations of gamers!
Think of it as long time investment!


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
"Some cash"? The Steam version you buy once (unless they set up the other acts as DLC or new games in which case you buy it three times) while in Patreon you'd either end up paying for the next decade or so or maybe just pledge for one update month at some point during the year to get a large amount of content, you'll still get less frequent updates than Steam AND probably end up paying far more given the pace of development.
Oh I'm fully aware. I was being vague in my response to avoid drawing the ire of the SoC devs that post here. I consider patreon to be a scam, so I occasionally tend to go overboard and the devs who occasionally post here get pretty petulant about the subject.
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