
Feb 2, 2018

Weekly talk: March 25
Not really much to say. Because of my situation I can't expend as much time as I want on the project but I think that I can still manage to publish it by the end of the month. At least I can work everyday and knowing that I'm so close to finish the minigame, keeps me motivated. I want to start working ASAP in Selena's game to see if I'm able to release an update the next month. But the corona situation is a real pain in the ass and it's getting in the way.
I have been checking the Patreon rules and FAQs, and tried to speak with the people who still have their count suspended. I know that this is "bitting the hand that feeds you", but I don't know if this platform has much future for Adult content creators since none of them have their account back and some even had it completly closed. In the worst of the cases I'll make sure that you can still find me, don't worry.
It seems that I made a mistake with the poll of the last Naked at school, and I've been waiting for the message telling me that the pool has ended... I'll publish tomorrow the next chapter.
The situation keeps getting worse everywhere and the quarantine is going to be extended here and I guess that in a lot of countries as well. I hope that everything is going ok for you all and that your families are safe.
I think that I made the right choice expending these days with my sister. Even if this is hindering my work, being with something and having someone to talk, is making it easier.
Take care!
- Serio


New Member
Dec 12, 2018

Weekly talk: March 25
Not really much to say. Because of my situation I can't expend as much time as I want on the project but I think that I can still manage to publish it by the end of the month. At least I can work everyday and knowing that I'm so close to finish the minigame, keeps me motivated. I want to start working ASAP in Selena's game to see if I'm able to release an update the next month. But the corona situation is a real pain in the ass and it's getting in the way.
I have been checking the Patreon rules and FAQs, and tried to speak with the people who still have their count suspended. I know that this is "bitting the hand that feeds you", but I don't know if this platform has much future for Adult content creators since none of them have their account back and some even had it completly closed. In the worst of the cases I'll make sure that you can still find me, don't worry.
It seems that I made a mistake with the poll of the last Naked at school, and I've been waiting for the message telling me that the pool has ended... I'll publish tomorrow the next chapter.
The situation keeps getting worse everywhere and the quarantine is going to be extended here and I guess that in a lot of countries as well. I hope that everything is going ok for you all and that your families are safe.
I think that I made the right choice expending these days with my sister. Even if this is hindering my work, being with something and having someone to talk, is making it easier.
Take care!
- Serio
Thank you man


Jul 16, 2017

Naked at School #8
- For now I'll go t othe swimming pools to see how things are. If it's too dangerous I'll just do what I think it's better, I can't promise anything.
- Thank you! I knew that I could count with you.

- D-Don't follow me! And Don't look!
- The stairs are dangerous without proper footwear.
- Go back Diego! You draw too much attention!
- Fine... Remember to tell Annie! And don't worry about the money!

" Outside again... I still can't belive that I'm doing something like this, it's so crazy!
I know that Diego and Krystal won't say anything, but I don't know about Annie...
It's going to start to get dark soon and the classes will end soon, I have to hurry. I'm getting better at this but I'm still terrified, if the wrong person sees me, my life here is over. But this feeling of freedom is so... No! I can't think like that or I'll become a pervert! Let's see how the things are inside."

" Oh, no! They are right there!
Diego said that there are two men and Sarah, I can't see the other one... And it seems that Sarah is not very happy. I'll hide here until they leave."

- Relax, girl I already told you it was an accident!
- What part of groping my ass was an accident, you pervert!?
- Don't blame me! You are the one wearing that skimpy swimsuit! How could I know you were a teacher? You certainly don't look like one!
- They make me wear it! Do you think that I would wear it if it wasn't a stupid rule of this school! I swer that everyone is a pervert here! And since I have to check this place while you clean I have to wear it!
- I already said that I didn't know you were a teacher! I mean, look at you...
- And so what? Do I look like an student? Do you think that makes it better!?
- Ehm... fuck, no. I mean... it's because that couple we catched fucking here like crazy!
- No one could be here! The back door is closed and no one left from the front door.
- I swear it! We saw them! My partner is looking for them in the showers right now. But I'm sure that they leave using the back door!
- That's still not an excuse!
- You almost break my hand, so I think we are good. And if you don't belive it why don't you take a look outside? Let's see if your dear students are so good as you think.
- Fine! You can start cleaning the chlorine already. I'll take a quick look.
"Oh no, she is comming this way! Please, don't look this way!"

- Perverts everywhere... There isn't someone that crazy to do that in here when they know that I'm still checking the place.
"Oh my god, my heart is beating so much that she can almost her it! All the P.E. teachers hates the "uniform" for swimming class, but Sarah is the only one who keeps protesting. And that man made it even worse... I don't want to think what she will do if she sees me like this when she is in such a bad mood.
It's seens that I'm safe for now, it's the first time in my life that I'm so grateful for being small! When she is a bit farther I'll jump in the empty pool and make my way to the other side of the pool... and now!"

"Uff... perfect! I'm the naked ninja! ... No, I don't really like that. But I have become the best at sneaking around, I'm like a shadow!
Now I have to think what should I do. That man is going to the boiler room to clean something and I couldn't hear where the other one is, but I think he should be in the locker room. I have to choose... should I just go to the front door and go to gym? I won't be able to pick Diego's money, but I will be able to avoid the other cleaner.
Or I could try to find Annie and the money and maybe some clothes! And then I could always use the small window to leave. No a lot of students can squeeze through it, so they shouldn't be closed. But I don't know if she is in the boys or in the girls locker room...
What should I do?

Go to the gym and leave the money

Go to the girls locker room

Go to the boys locker room

33 votes total
7 days left


Engaged Member
Aug 6, 2016
I wish he'd put these into renpy or something, seems like the'd make good kinetic novels or comics.


Jul 16, 2017
I laughed

Weekly talk: April 1

I found a critical bug that went under my radar for too long and it seems that the game freezes in certain areas. I know how to fix it but it will make a mess in other parts of the game, so I'm trying the "proper way" to fix the bug first. I'm also adding a few things to make the game less "dark". The recollection room is not working properly once you finish the game if you want to see the ending again.

The critical bug is the only concerning one, but the game will be out today or if I don't know how to fix the bug by my own, tomorrow. This time for sure.

The game is 100% done, only correcting the minor bugs remain. But I'll pubish the game as version 0.9 since I'm sure that you will find some bugs that I can't find by my own and I'll have to correct a lot of grammar mistakes.

Which remains me of something that it's worrying me. I suffer from mild dyslexia and even if it's annoying, it was never something that hold me back. I correct most of the typos I find in the next upgrade, and some of you help me a lot sending me reports of where I messed up (Thanks a lot!). But lately it's getting worse. I write something and I read it, everything looks fine. When I'm introducing the dialog into the game, I read the same text I read a few minutes again, and suddenly I see three mistakes... And when I'm testing the game, I still see this kind of errors one time after another, and it's so frustrating. It happened before, but it was not this exaggerated. I don't know if it's because of the stress or the medication, but I need to check it once all the virus situation ends.

It's so weird being in quarantine while all those countries keep their normal life. If I had to go to work, cramped into a bus or train full of people to work in an office in this situation, I would be so scared. But I guess the fear of losing your job is even bigger. In the end I'm grateful for being able to live comfortable even in the middle of a pandemic, but thinking about finding a job after all this.... that's going to be hard.

Take care and try to stay positive!

- I laughed


Jul 16, 2017
Damn, Ninja'd
That was fast!

He just updated it


IMPORTANT! This is a temporal build, so expect a few bugs. The game can be played from start to finish but it needs some testing and a few features are not yet included. I recommend to wait a couple of days until the v 1.0. Thank you.
You can download the game here:
A few tips: The game starts very slowly and the dungeons are HARD. Try to focus in obtaining materials and leveling up with Dharn. Each ritual with Dharn unlocks more scenes in the village. The Recollection room is in the Inn, check the crystal ball. Don't try to spam attacks in a fallen enemy, you will end missing an most sure, dying. If I see that people can't complete the game I'll post a walkthrough.
This is a temporal version. I want to know what you of the game before I make the definitive version to see if you get stuck somewhere or if you find a critical bug that I missed. In the definitive version I'll add some more dialogues and I'll spend a lot of time trying to fix the grammar mistakes since I'm sure that there is a lot.
EDIT: v0.93
1- Now you only need 5 Slime fragments to create a Slime Core.
2- Now you can obtain the Mythril to create the Mythril Sword.
3- Increased the time to solve the puzzle to obtain the Bow
4- Once you craft the final sword, the NPC in the tavern will give you 99 slime cores of each color.
5- Increased the number of "Dancing Skeletons" inside the dungeon to increase your level.
6- Minor bugs fixed

Please report me any bug that you consider important and if you want, send me a PM with your feedback to see if I need to make more changes to the game.
There is no "high morality" route in this game, so play it as you want and there are only two endings.
I'll be here for the next hours to see if you can't play the game.

Thanks for your support and in a few days the v 1.0 will be out.
- Serio
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4.40 star(s) 27 Votes