
Jul 16, 2017
Naked at school #9
"I don't know where Annie or the other worker are, so I have to try one of the locker rooms and pray that I was right!"

"Since I'm moving inside the empty pool no one will be able to see me. The worker is still here, but if I'm quick he won't see me. At least I'm agile enough to climb back without making too much noise."

"Ok, let's try the boys locker room first... It looks like there is no one here, or at least I can't hear anything. If the worker is here I should be able to hear his boots. Let's check if Annie is here. If she is not here that means that she is in the other room with the worker... I hope that she is ok. Anyway, if she is not here I'll just go back and leave using the small window, I fon't want to risk it."

"She is here! She was hidden at the back... wait, is she... touching herself!? Even in this situation? She must be crazy!"
- That idiot... Why the hell did he ran outside? He can't just leave like that and leave me half fucked. Shit, such a nice dick is not easy to find in this shit hole. And if Sarah finds me I'm sure that she is going to expel me, she already caught me too many times.
"I have to let her know that I'm here... Gosh, why does it has to be her?"
- Annie! It's me, Grace!
- Who's there? Grace? What the fuck?

- Well, well... such a nice surprise. Who would thought that you were such a pervert to walk around naked at school. I love it. How long have you been here? Were you spying on us, you little slut?
- No! I'll never do that! Ashley took my clothes and Diego is helping me to recover them.
- Diego? Did you meet that idiot? Don't tell me that you fucked him, he is mine for the rest of the day.
- I'm not a pervert, Annie! I'm not going around having sex with just the first man I see!
"He did cum because of me, but I didn't do anything!"
- So you are here to take his place? I would love to have some fun with you.
- No! Get that idea of your head! I'm here because asked me to told you that he is in the staircase waiting for you. And in exchange I can have the money in his trouser to pay Ashley for my clothes.
- That idiot... Well, you are lucky. One of the workers grabbed my clothes after sniffing my panties for a while. I guess that the fucker can smell how horny I am, because he still has my clothes. He just ignored Diego's clothes, so they should still be near the entrance of the girl's locker room.
- Good. I already did what Diego asked me, so I'm leaving now.

- Not so fast my little angel. Since you are here naked like a pervert we should have some fun.
- Ah! Annie! This is not the moment or the place to jokes! If the worker sees us we are done!
- Look, I'm to horny to give a fuck about it. I need someone to fuck me and you are the best candidate so far. Let's have some fun in the darkness!
- D-Don't touch me Annie! Someone is going to hear us! Ah! S-Stop moving your leg!
- You can't escape now. Soon you will be thanking me for the best few minutes of your life!
"I-I have to get out of here! Sis taught me some moves to get out of this kind of situations, but it's going to make a lot of noise! But she is not stopping groping me and I know that she is one of the most... promiscuous girls of the school, I have to stop her!"
- Where the hell did that girl go?
- Fuck, he is here.
- I told you that it's dangerous! Let me check if it's safe to leave!
- Fine...

"That was close! I have to thank him for saving me! He is searching for Annie... In the end he only wants to see her naked. If he keeps searching for her in the end he will find us. I could wait here and try to avoid him. That way I should be able to leave without making any noise and it will be easier to grab the money and leave, but maybe he discover me... and I don't know what Annie will do. I could also make a run for it, grab the money and leave through the small window. I should be able to avoid everyone since no one could exit using the window, but maybe I run into the other worker or worse, into Sarah."
What should I do?

Wait and hide

Leave now


Jul 16, 2017

On Hold/ Abandoned Proyects #03
This game was based in the classic Alice's Adventures in Wonderland with the abused cliche of the duality of madness vs reality. I just can't get enough of it, always loved the premise since I read an old comic about it a long time ago.
In this case, Alice is a young woman who is living a nightmare and she can only find peace of mind when she consumes a certain drug that "opens the door of Wonderland".

At this point, she is addicted and sick, and when she finally decided to turn to prostitution, her father catches her and he gives her an ultimatum. At that point she starts to search for help in Wonderland, where the player resides.

My idead was for the player to speak with her in Wonderland, giving her advise and helping her to make a decision of what she should do. And it was up to the player to decide if he or she wants to help her achieve a better life, facing the risk of not seeing her again once she stops coming to Wonderland, or sink her deeper in her daily life of decadence.

Of course not only the player lives in Wonderland, a version of the already know characters of the books would still be there.

Your decision would have consecuences on the "real world", leading to a lot of scenarios where her mind could shatter depending of what she does because of your advice.
Why did I dropped it?
I started to work in this project a few days before Filian's game (a long time ago...).
At that point everyone was demanding more sex in Selena's game, but I did't want to force those scenes in the game since, as I always say, it's a game about fetishes, the sex will be there when I think it should be, you should know that at this point. So in order to make a game more "dark" or "hardcore" or how you want to call, it with more sex, this idea started to appear in my mind.
But in the end, I wasn't able to make it work since it doesn't matters how I tried to approach it, it was not a dark game, it was just depressing. A drug addicted teenager being raped and abused because a voice in her head tells her to do so, it's just too messed up for me. I'm sure that other artits would be able to create an amazing story with this premise but I didn't felt confortable with it.
The other main reason was because this game didn't have any relation to Selana/Grace, Astra or Gray(the sci-fi minigame). Those are the three universes that I made with their own backstory, and I didn't want to include another universe. I could put her in Ogre's city, but that would reveal since minute one that Wonderland doesn't exists.
In the end, I choose to make a game with some backstory from Astra's universe and at the same time, try the new fighting system which was important to me if I want to continue someday with her game. Sadly it wasn't good enough and the process was a true nightmare.


Apr 20, 2019

On Hold/ Abandoned Proyects #03
This game was based in the classic Alice's Adventures in Wonderland with the abused cliche of the duality of madness vs reality. I just can't get enough of it, always loved the premise since I read an old comic about it a long time ago.
In this case, Alice is a young woman who is living a nightmare and she can only find peace of mind when she consumes a certain drug that "opens the door of Wonderland".

At this point, she is addicted and sick, and when she finally decided to turn to prostitution, her father catches her and he gives her an ultimatum. At that point she starts to search for help in Wonderland, where the player resides.

My idead was for the player to speak with her in Wonderland, giving her advise and helping her to make a decision of what she should do. And it was up to the player to decide if he or she wants to help her achieve a better life, facing the risk of not seeing her again once she stops coming to Wonderland, or sink her deeper in her daily life of decadence.

Of course not only the player lives in Wonderland, a version of the already know characters of the books would still be there.

Your decision would have consecuences on the "real world", leading to a lot of scenarios where her mind could shatter depending of what she does because of your advice.
Why did I dropped it?
I started to work in this project a few days before Filian's game (a long time ago...).
At that point everyone was demanding more sex in Selena's game, but I did't want to force those scenes in the game since, as I always say, it's a game about fetishes, the sex will be there when I think it should be, you should know that at this point. So in order to make a game more "dark" or "hardcore" or how you want to call, it with more sex, this idea started to appear in my mind.
But in the end, I wasn't able to make it work since it doesn't matters how I tried to approach it, it was not a dark game, it was just depressing. A drug addicted teenager being raped and abused because a voice in her head tells her to do so, it's just too messed up for me. I'm sure that other artits would be able to create an amazing story with this premise but I didn't felt confortable with it.
The other main reason was because this game didn't have any relation to Selana/Grace, Astra or Gray(the sci-fi minigame). Those are the three universes that I made with their own backstory, and I didn't want to include another universe. I could put her in Ogre's city, but that would reveal since minute one that Wonderland doesn't exists.
In the end, I choose to make a game with some backstory from Astra's universe and at the same time, try the new fighting system which was important to me if I want to continue someday with her game. Sadly it wasn't good enough and the process was a true nightmare.
Can you provide the link of this game


Jul 16, 2017
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4.40 star(s) 27 Votes