I think there's the egocentric view of "I'm the player! If it's presented to me, then I'm sure it'll all work out somehow!" But of course the signs are all over the place. You just don't get into something so intesely emotional without consequences.
But dammit, now I have to start narrowing down. Dayai, yes. Eruka, yes yes. Tuli, Sora, Tora. All are 'must follow'.
Then there's the "damned interesting" - Nokana, Anii, even Nirima. Kio for fun because she's super chill. Mori because I can't stop myself from diving down that rabbit hole.
Oki....? Definitely not assuming she's a romantic pairing, but she's critically important. If anything Omina is a bit more compelling, but I think that's "hands off". Chinaka is quite adorable, but missable, I think. Roni's grown on me, but also missable. Zena is really interesting, but I suspect super-complicating. Same with Ryu. If anything, of the side characters, Lina could be the most fun.
And sure, it's lechery, but the first set are the stories I absolutely want to see play out. Others, like with Mori, have obvious warning signs, but Mori's such a odd situation that I gotta see.