VN Ren'Py Abandoned Seven Deadly Sins [Ep. 1] [RedWhite]

2.00 star(s) 7 Votes


Jan 7, 2018
I would like to ask the dev that please insert the arrows that navigates through pages in the saves screen, because i (as others players) use a lot of pages. So i would like to be able to use as many slots as i need as i can in regular Renpy games.

Thank you.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2018
You speak the truth, but it's not as simple as that, gonna add on to what you said with my own comments too.

1) Most creators will not be anywhere near as skilled as the best creators no matter what feedback they get, and what efforts are put forth. You can get me the best coach, and best teammates, and I can train 16 hours a day at basketball with the best personal trainers, but I will never be as good as Micheal Jordan. People have skill ceilings, and only those who have not reached their ceilings can improve.

2) Developing a quality game requires multiple skills at high levels, not just one. You must be able to create something visually appealing, creatively written, and well coded. Failing in any of these 3 areas leave the player unhappy with the game.

3) Even if you have something well-written creative, visually well done, and coded properly that does not mean that people will be positive about your game. Include NTR? Well, you are going to have a warzone in your thread. Include some niche fetish that some people think is gross, but others think is hot? Well people will complain. Design an atypical character, well some will say she is hot, and others will say she is ugly... Use an out of the box render that another more popular game used? People will notice. Some will give a nod of approval, and others will REEEEEEE. You can't make everyone happy no matter how well your game is made.

4) Creators all have different skillsets and situations. Someone may kickass at rendering, but not be able to write to save their life like redwhites game here. Others can make something creative and thought-provoking, a really nice project... completely unrendered... Some folks can work in a team some do solo projects. Some are working on multiple projects. Some do this for a living. Some do this just for fun. Some have tons of free time. Some can only spare a few hours a week.

5) Creators need to be tough. If someone giving you negative feedback breaks you then you have no business sharing your game if you can't handle it. The best feedback possible to give a creator is detailed feedback and reasons why you think the way you do about a certain project. Simply saying "I love it! best game I ever played" does nothing for the creator. Simply saying "This game is shit I hope the creator eats shit and dies." also does nothing for the creator. Why do you feel that way? The more detailed the better. For instance "Your renders suck" may sound like good advice, but why do they suck? "There is grain on the images that is offputting. Peoples clothes clip. The lighting changes often in the same room and scene. The poses look strange." all very valid and important points to let a creator know. Simply "renders suck" is not the best feedback.

This could be a great game in time if 2 things happen. If a decent writer gets on board, and if the choices are made not irrelevant. I went and had a 2nd playthrough just now to see if it's any different if I pick other stuff on the choice menus. Sadly, it is not. The protagonist basically says, "nah fuck you player I'll do what I want." I think it would be better without choices like that or at least used very sparingly.

On a side note some folks are complaining about "I can't name my character what I want to name them..."

That's a pretty easy fix. Just open up atom that comes with renpy, unren this game, open it's script file hit "control+f" find all of the "Joseph" in the script (176 of them) and simply do a "replace all" punching in the name you want instead. It would take me under a minute to do this.

The no way to make custom names thing is one complaint I'll never understand no matter how hard I try. I mean is it possible for you to read a book without crossing out the protagonists of the books name and putting your own in there lol? How about watch a movie without having someone dub your name in for that protagonist every time? Food for thought... Personally I find having to type some shit in, and then again and again for each character more annoying when I just want to click and play.
Although I agree with most of your points, you shouldn't take for granted that people know how to use unren. A few years ago I had to attend some seminars about basic microsoft office staff (word, access etc.) because "reasons"... Basically my boss forced us, because he would get some government funding out of it. For me it was boring af... I'd actually prefere to be at work than have to sit and listen stuff I knew better than the facilitator, but I got paid for it, so I had to endure it. Anyway, I met people in their early 20s there, who's knowledge was limited to how to install a video game and/or post pics on social media. We are talking about people who had 800€ smartphones, but didn't know the shortcuts for copy and paste, so yeah...

Personally I don't really care about the MC's name (I don't even use my actual name because it doesn't translate that well in english), but I've seen that it's really important for some people and I think it has to do with the immersion. The difference between a VN and a book or a movie is that you have the "power" of choice (or the illusion of it in some cases, like in this game) which makes the player feel more involved. That's why games with a lot of choices usually get popular, but you see a lot of people complaining in Kinetic Novels.
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Devoted Member
Sep 12, 2018
Seven Deadly Sins [Ep. 1] [RedWhite] (476 mb rar pc source)
87 mb rar unofficial pc compressed (slightly reduced image/video/audio quality):
81 mb rar unofficial mac compressed (slightly reduced image/video/audio quality):
done by Cruncher v0.4.1 (BAS@f95zone)
Last edited:


New Member
Sep 5, 2018
For now, the game has most impressive story in games i have played. I hope next episodes be better. Im will wait for them.

Triple OG

Active Member
Aug 28, 2019

This is an adult forum, I'll write fuck as often as I want to.
My post wasn't directed at any single person, if it was, just like with this one, I would have quoted a specific post I was reacting to.
No, it was a reaction to the posts in the whole thread which were a) praising too much, without any logic or substance behind it and b) which were way too forgiving of the game's faults.

I don't expect a new dev to be perfect, but releasing a game in this state? It might be better not to do that, until you fix stuff like the translation.
By your logic does that mean new games have to be badly written, because the dev can't hire staff or that I should give a dev I don't know money for a game that I think is bad?
What about the many, many devs who manage to do better with their first try? Doesn't it make sense to judge a game based on what creators like Philly, Pinkcakes, Cheekygimp, Perverteer and so many others managed with their first attempt, instead of judging it by the standard "it's a new dev, so no matter how bad it is, don't write anything negative?"

The problem with the approach to cut a dev some slack is that it solves nothing. Yes, he or she might not get an emotional boo-boo, but the game stays as bad as it is, the dev will get no support and the game will probably never be finished.
Nowadays we take too much care not to hurt someone's feelings, but sometimes feelings HAVE to be hurt, so that someone can grow beyond his current level.
Mind you, I don't set out to hurt anyone's feelings, but I will write what I think needs to be written and given that this is the creative baby of the dev, of course most will be hurt in some sense, the wise ones will see beyond that hurt and look at the criticism to find where they can and should improve.

End of rant. *drops mike
This post makes sense and I actually agree with you for the most part. I saw your review gave 2 stars and if I were to review it right now I would have given 3 stars for about the same reasons. I think if the dev cut out some of the dialog between the girls and put more emphasis on the blue haired girlfriend in the cafe it would have turned out somewhat better.

*Laughs* I can't stop you from saying "fuck" and that was never my intention. You said "big fuck you" so I thought you were calling people out and shit was about to hit the fan but I was wrong so carry on.

Anyways my fantasy QB nearly died last night :LOL: so some of us football fans had a rough night.
Much respect and peace to you brother as I try to forget what happened to my QB.
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Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
The game has some potential, the art is good and the plot at least seems pretty original so thats nice. I do like there is a girl with vitiligo, never saw that before. As has been mentioned, the english isn't good and the dialogs are too long. I think both of those problems are connected.

Some of the problems are just not knowing the correct word, that can be fixed rather easily. Like "Ma'am" instead of "Sir". The long dialog is pretty common with people who are using a language they aren't that familiar with. They tend to use a lot of words when only a few will get the job done. They over explain stuff because they don't quite know how to imply things, so they want to be exact in what they're trying to communicate to avoid misunderstandings.

If the dev can get a translator or a good proofreader, the game should be pretty solid. Allowing to name the MC, skipping text and stuff like that can improve the game too.


Active Member
Jul 19, 2017
Very impressive intro animations and a fine stable of models. Even MC is attractive, though the soul patch marks him for a bludgeoning.

The text intro in the OP, change that, "in a Rubicon" to "at the Rubicon". There aren't a bunch of Rubicons out there, streaming along and waiting for invading armies. There may not even be one of them these days.

Hope the dev gets enough support for some translation money, because I don't even know if tattoo girl #1 insulted that manlet's dick or not. Never mind whatever those two chicks were babbling about outside the house.


Jul 12, 2017
The renders look god and the models are great, but as already stated the transitions during the conversations are a bit much. When the dialogue can support it the transitions are fine, but when they consist of just "..." back and forth or one or two words of text, you may want to pull the camera back and have a shot with one character on the left and the other on the right and just transition the text in the dialogue box. There is a fair amount of engrish, which I expect will get cleaned up in the next update.

The hardest thing for me is the MC's characterization. He goes on about Lisa being the woman of his dreams, and now that he has a shot at her, he immediately hits on the new girl at the coffee shop and gets a blow job from the shop's owner. That's generally not the kind of behaviour you would expect from a guy that's pining for the girl of his dreams. His actions are hard to reconcile with his inner monologue in the classroom.

So overall there's a fair amount to like here and plenty of potential. A bit of tweaking and polishing and the game could be great, and I will definitely be keeping an eye on it. The only other thing I 'll mention is that I think Noora's warning about Lisa could be taken two ways, one is that Noora is crushing on the MC and is just trying to steer him clear for her own chance at him. The other is that Lisa is the type of girl who could be catagorized as "be careful what you wish for", and Noora knows Lisa has issues. To me Lisa seems to be a bit shallow and self-centered, but that's just an initial impression, I'm sure we'll find out more in the future.

Kara Zor-El

Engaged Member
Oct 3, 2017
Promising story for NTR. Hope you guys don't turn game to a cuckold game.
1-MC urgently needs relations fast for to be NTR
2-Would be nice if MC's family members are also in game (like step-sister or step-mom) (Patreon cause drama for incest tag)
3-Keep MC as alpha male. It's turn off if MC shares his girls willingly or girls cheat on MC willingly.

Drama is a must in NTR games. So please let other male characters in game use tricks like (blackmail, drugs, rape, debt etc) on MC's partners to corrupt them behind MC's back.
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Mar 17, 2018
So I just got through the intro introducing the MC, and I couldn't help but think of this as the MC was talking about how alone he was. Visuals look good but I'm really weary about MC Edgelord here.



Active Member
Jun 14, 2018
So I just started this game up a few minutes ago. I sit here through about a minute of unskippable credits/ intro before even getting to the main menu. I think to myself, "This better be great if I'm going to sit through that every time I turn it on." So I decide to come here and read a bit to see what others think before continuing. Thank you everyone who shared their impressions of the game. You have saved me so much time because this doesn't seem like I will enjoy it. I already hate the MC and I haven't even played the game.


Jan 11, 2020
So far, the characters seem likeable... The MC kind of comes off as an ill-intention pretentious asshole but... Actually, I barely just started. Maybe it gets better. My ONLY real gripe so far is the text. I feel like it was translated from a different language or something? Maybe it's just bad sentence structure. It's rather common with these games. Is there at least no spell-check in the development program(s) used to create these?


May 24, 2017
Haven't got far in but I wanna say soemthing. The production value on this is great, though the dialogue isn't free of engrish, and can be annoying. In some cases it helps though, cause I love how the protag talks in his head, it's so fucking flowery and I love it it's like playing as Poe in his young adulthood. Reminds me kind of how inscrutable Pathologic was, gives me the same kind of vibe which stems the annoyance somewhat.
2.00 star(s) 7 Votes