Others Completed Sexy Beach 3 Platinum [Illusion]


New Member
Sep 28, 2020
HOT FIX FOR FPS ISSUES: Download the D3D9 .dll file, and put it in the game folder.

File can be found here:

I set my game to run with Windows XP (Svc pack 3) compatibility mode.

HOPE it works for everyone struggling to play this game! ALL CREDITS goes for the original creator of that .dll file. Really, he made my day!! :)
doesnt work for me, just grpahical glitches can only see the interface and eveeything else is white


Jul 20, 2017
I did some digging around I found which discusses that the anniversary update for windows 10 changed the d3d9.dll file, which is the reason why a lot of the older illusion games don't work anymore. Looking further into the thread there's a link from Illusion's website that can give you an older d3d9.dll file to use in their older games, which I tested out.

I was able to get the file, but the problem I now get is the game won't even start up, I get an error message saying "The application was unable to start correctly (0x0000005). Click OK to close the application." I'm at a loss of where to go from here, any help would be appreciated.

The power of horny should not be underestimated, I kept trying to find solutions and finally found one. I found this video: and downloaded the files in the description and tried them all out. The first one worked, while the others either gave the same error as before, or crashed on launch. I grabbed the D3D9.dll file from dgVoodooWIP58 -> MS -> x86 and put it in the sexy beach 3 directory and it worked. You WILL have to play the game with only one monitor plugged in (win + P) and deal with a watermark in the bottom right corner, but both those compromises are fine by me. If, for some reason you don't want to download the voodoo file, or the mega link dies, I've also uploaded the .dll file in this post
Man... I love you.
I cannot believe it was my STUPID SECOND MONITOR!

Just leaving one monitor was enough to let the game start, FINALLY.

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Jan 8, 2019
why when i date a girl game become a very laggy for me to do an action? but at the start of the menu its not happen


New Member
Jul 27, 2018
In fiddled with the compatibility options, deleted the sb3_0001.mpg file and installed the directx that came with the game. And the game started. Played until I clicked to choose a location for a date. The game CTD-ed and doesn't want to start anymore.

I tried to find a hidden configuration file to delete and reset SB3 configs, but only found the crash report files.

BTW, Home Mate works perfectly with the 750151_D3D9_Artifical_Academy_2.zip file.
Delete all other files up to sb3_0025.mpg from SexyBeach3/data as well and it should work for you.


Jan 29, 2018
someone can open this game in new video card, I have a one rtx 3060 ti and in the moment I open the game crashing, I have combativity mode in windows 7 and test in windows mode and same result



Apr 10, 2019
Tried tinkering with this old gem but like others the game lags like a mfer in interactions. The old fix for that seems to be out of service and I think I'll just cut my losses there. Good luck!
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New Member
Jun 22, 2021
With zero mods available now I'm not sure what value this has (the anime-sharing page has no links except to non-archived hongfire pages). Can you imagine playing an Illusion game unmodded these days? :confused:

Ok, it has 3 mods so it's technically not unmodded, but pretty close. I don't know if I can get it up without some body type 5 in my life (I assume it's 2 notches above large).
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New Member
Nov 18, 2020
I use the d3d9.dll file in the game folder (make a copy and rename d3d9_alt) hope it works for you, not my file I saw it in a video of another game

it worked for me
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New Member
Sep 10, 2021
I don't know what did I do differently but managed to get the game running fine on my Windows 10 notebook which isn't even for gaming. I think the dll file shared in the first page to fix the lag did the trick.
Anyways, I want to share my mod collection if anyone is still reading this.
It's basically the ones included in the Platinum pack plus some personal favorites I managed to save from HongFire before it died, like body types 4 and 5 for all girls (biggers breasts) a Dizzy cosplay (from Guilty Gear) and more stuff.
I didn't save every mod out there, but I think I got all the interesting ones anyway.

If there's still people here including OP then I'll share my stuff.
I just downloaded this game again for the nostalgia, and am dying for the mods, especially body types 4 and 5. If you could share, that would be killer. Thanks

Exquisite Meme

New Member
Oct 18, 2018
For the record, to run this game without lag AND in 1080p on win10, you need to

1.change sysWow64 folder owner from trusted installer to "administrators" and tick all the permissions for admin, to modify its d3d9. then back up and replace its d3d9.dll with a dgvoodoo or whatever old version that runs smoothly administrators.jpg

2.place a d3d9.dll in game folder and set desired resolution

2D UI & buttons are still in smaller original resolution, however 3d graphics are whatever you set in ini files like 4k etc
better put the original d3d9 back in system32 after game, because it causes fan noise/increased idle load on my laptop
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New Member
Apr 18, 2019
Just leaving my findings so I and anyone else can come back in the future.

I found from this old with a whole heap of mods archived (and the main game too but I did not use that). About 414 mods including Body Type 5 for all girls. To install the mods, put the mods in the Wizzard mods folder then open the Wizzard. The rest of the UI should be simple to understand.

To use body type 4 or 5 install the [All Girls] [Body Type 5] first. Then individually install the separate mods for each girl. Make sure to play the SexyBeach3Plus version to see the mod.

For anyone running into performance issues here's my fix: Install then download the latest . From dgVoodoo copy the d3d9.dll under ms -> x86 into the game directory. It's possible to use the config to disable the watermark but I'm too lazy to explain. Turn on compatibility mode for the game exe. I found windows xp service pack 3 worked well.

Here's extra mirrors for just the mod wizzard in case the torrent above is dead. Someone archive them properly please.

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New Member
Sep 21, 2020
Anybody have the same problem as mine? Tried to install mods for SB3 and after I got that "lst_insert, undofile error" notice from wizzard, Ilupak.exe and 7zip.exe disappeared. Though I tried to reinstall the game couple times, the same thing keep happening


Nov 29, 2017
Just leaving my findings so I and anyone else can come back in the future.

I found from this old with a whole heap of mods archived (and the main game too but I did not use that). About 414 mods including Body Type 5 for all girls. To install the mods, put the mods in the Wizzard mods folder then open the Wizzard. The rest of the UI should be simple to understand.

To use body type 4 or 5 install the [All Girls] [Body Type 5] first. Then individually install the separate mods for each girl. Make sure to play the SexyBeach3Plus version to see the mod.

For anyone running into performance issues here's my fix: Install then download the latest . From dgVoodoo copy the d3d9.dll under ms -> x86 into the game directory. It's possible to use the config to disable the watermark but I'm too lazy to explain. Turn on compatibility mode for the game exe. I found windows xp service pack 3 worked well.

Here's extra mirrors for just the mod wizzard in case the torrent above is dead. Someone archive them properly please.
SB3ModsWizzard.zip ~ pixeldrain
Yeah, the Torrent link is dead. I'm going to keep these mods on my hard drive. Relics lol.