This really is an amazing game, arguably the best one I've played in over a year. I was writing a long review for it but, unfortunately, I clicked somewhere off of the review panel and the internet ate it, so whatever. Great game, amazingly beautiful graphics (heck, even the hobo was hot!), and most appreciated of all, some really engaging, wonderful characters. The writing and the characters are the true strength of this game. I liked each and every one of the girls. They were all unique both in personality and looks, each had their own circumstances and way of interacting with the MC, and each was lovable even before their curses were ended. Heck, I even wound up liking Jack, even though his first impression was that of a cowardly goof.
The only detriments to the game that I found was the oft mentioned grind and the general lack of knowing what to do and when. Supposedly there's a FAQ and Walkthrough around, I'm assuming on the Patreon site, but I haven't seen it. Minor gripes but it would have been nice to know what the minimum stats would have been to continue the story so I didn't grind unnecessarily. I'm spoiled, sue me.
As for things that could have been improved or expanded upon, there are a few things I could mention. I'm really glad to hear that some content involving the amazingly hot jogger is being added. It was disappointing that Jack didn't even get to find out her name. Another poster mentioned maybe adding more Agatha the Hobowhore content. Maybe she could move her tent nearer to the manor house!
Other than that, I was actually hoping for a more comprehensive epilogue for everyone. Spoilers for people who haven't played yet.
It was nice to see that they were all getting along and settling into a more modern way of living but there wasn't actually much said. Daphne said she'd be able to help Yelena and Nakita with their curses but really nothing is mentioned about it. It's obvious they can now live together but did she do anything else to help them, maybe halt Nakita's decomposition or do something to make Yelena's blood thirst a bit more bearable? Was there anything she could do for Zerlinda besides make her not compelled to kill Jack? Also, there was a glaring lack of Morrigan in the epilogue. And, yes as another poster said, some other group sex scenes would have been incredibly hot. After all that build up, who wouldn't want to have seen a Jack x Nakita x Yelena love fest? Overall, I just could have used a bit more about where everyone was at in the aftermath of killing the Necromancer. How'd Daphne feel about her Dad being dead? Did the elves and other creatures in the forest recover, e.g. the goblins?
All in all, great game. Great story, wonderful, lovable characters, hot models, and satisfying harem ending. Really great job, L8ERAL. Hope the next one about the wacky psychiatrist has as good a story and likable characters as this one did.
Oh, and to answer one of the questions Jack asked himself...
Yes, the Mandalorian is just a Star Wars retelling of Lone Wolf and Cub. There's also an episode in there that's basically a rip of-... I mean, homage to Seven Samurai.