4.40 star(s) 23 Votes


May 23, 2021
I found a 4k version on spankbang years ago, it was also ultra edition and didnt have that background music...its so distracting man. Is there a version without it?


Mar 5, 2018
The sad part is that in comics they all have anal :(
Would have been nice to have at least one scene with anal.


Jun 14, 2017
Anyone is able to extract the uncensored video yet? Tried to open .isa file but it seems is encrypted.

NVM, It's just bunch of gifs and audio files.
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Oct 12, 2021
Honestly i never build a fence before ...

But fuck me, i'am pretty sure i would be faster than the MC hammering and sawing about for days for that little amount of a possible fence.

Jeez dude i know what you have gone through, but that's not a excuse !

Anyway a great game if you are into watching a Anime, because that's pretty much what it is (not a game mate).
Nice story (beside that braindead MC - yeah i know there is a reason for it) and cute characters ...


New Member
May 17, 2018
is it just that one scene with akiko? she said she'll be coming back on the 17th and now i don't even want to play anymore lol
Is there really going to be more akiko? what do you mean with the 17th? the game needs more akiko


New Member
Jun 18, 2021
i found this video where i can see the full view of her. But it doesn't show in the gallery..



Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
Okay, after finishing this game, it's really fucking mid.

Like, this would have almost certainly been better as an OAV. As a visual novel? It's pretty crap.

Don't get me wrong, the character designs and animations are fantastic. It is peak late 90's animation, and sits somewhere in quality between the the Bible Black OAV and Kite. The presentation really is that you are sitting through a VN in the style of a well animated 90's OAV. But, that's literally all it has going for it.

Choices? None of them matter, this is basically a kinetic novel where you'll eventually unlock all of the scenes by the time you finish it, and there is no reason to ever go back and play it again. But even as a kinetic novel, it is frustratingly bad. For one, the game is pretty unstable, and I found myself needing to quick-save after every scene transition just so I didn't loose too much progress when it inevitably hard crashed to desktop. Secondly, it is impossibly obtuse and refuses to stop wasting your time and get on with it. It won't save any of your preferences, so after it crashes you need to go back into the options and re-enable 'skip unread' to quickly get back to where you were. But even then, so much of the presentation refuses to be sped up. You are forced to sit there and watch the same outside shot of the house scene transition for 15~20 seconds time and time again, and you can never fast forward through it. So much of this game is slow pans and transition that you can do little to nothing to skip past, regardless of how many time you've already seen it or how little it adds to the story to see the same outside shot of the same house for the umpteenth fucking time.

Technical frustrations aside, both the story and the presentation are just awful. The whole premise is that the protagonist is suffering from some sort of accident induced perpetual memory loss, but it operates by fucking loopy anime moon-logic, in that it apparently it hard resets his short term memory every 2 weeks. Like his brain is a computer and somebody turned it off and dumped all the cache from the RAM. Not that things beyond 14 days or so will start to fade, his limited capacity of memories being pushed out as newer ones take their place. Nope. This motherfucker apparently just gets Groundhog Day'd every half a month. Charming.

For starters, this is dumb as hell. Brains don't operate like magic McGuffins, but that's what the narrative does; turn the MC's faulty brain into a McGuffin. But this also means that everyone around him who knew of his past life, and who supposedly care for him? They're all absolute monsters, feeding into his obliviousness and just letting him continue to exist in this unknowing fugue state. They should be explaining the situation to him, having him record his inevitably lost memoires in a journal or audio recordings; something he could reference himself later as his own memories pass. Sure it might be annoying having to re-explain this memory loss situation to him every week or so, but if you really fucking cared about him as a person, it's what you'd need to do to facilitate his life not constantly being lost upon each reset. Without any outside extenuating circumstances, their inability to help the protagonist in this way is a level of cruelty bordering on sadism.

Also, this is dialogue only, and none of it is particularly good. We have an amnesiac protagonist, and never once do we the audience ever get any insight into his thoughts or feelings, let alone anyone else. Never once will you see into his thoughts, or even if he himself is actually confused by what is going on or who these new people who enter his life even are. We get flashbacks of the past from other character's perspectives, often out of left-field, that frequently serve only to confuse and obfuscate until even later flashbacks. Plus the pacing is downright atrocious. You get the one lewd scene with Akiko right off the bat, then you need to slog through the remaining 95% of the game, until you hit the other 8 remaining sex scenes all in back-to-back succession at the very end. Then it ends after the penultimate sister threesome, with the protagonists memory presumably getting reset the next day and the whole cycle starting over again; with Akiko back home and nobody explaining shit to him about the state of his reality.

If you can watch this on PornHub or download the ripped animations, you should absolutely do that and save yourself the trouble of suffering through this 'experience'. The game gives you no more context that makes the scenes any more enjoyable. The two girls are sisters. There you go. They don't do anything with each other, so it's not even really kinky or taboo. Remember that this is dialogue only, and that in particular the dialogue in sex scenes is 95% moaning by volume. Literally no additional meaningful context will be lost if you watch the (admittedly very hot) scenes on their own.
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New Member
Mar 10, 2024
I downloaded all parts separately. But how to set up or combine this files?
[pls tell me how to do it with winrar]


May 25, 2019
Okay, after finishing this game, it's really fucking mid.

Like, this would have almost certainly been better as an OAV. As a visual novel? It's pretty crap.

Don't get me wrong, the character designs and animations are fantastic. It is peak late 90's animation, and sits somewhere in quality between the the Bible Black OAV and Kite. The presentation really is that you are sitting through a VN in the style of a well animated 90's OAV. But, that's literally all it has going for it.

Choices? None of them matter, this is basically a kinetic novel where you'll eventually unlock all of the scenes by the time you finish it, and there is no reason to ever go back and play it again. But even as a kinetic novel, it is frustratingly bad. For one, the game is pretty unstable, and I found myself needing to quick-save after every scene transition just so I didn't loose too much progress when it inevitably hard crashed to desktop. Secondly, it is impossibly obtuse and refuses to stop wasting your time and get on with it. It won't save any of your preferences, so after it crashes you need to go back into the options and re-enable 'skip unread' to quickly get back to where you were. But even then, so much of the presentation refuses to be sped up. You are forced to sit there and watch the same outside shot of the house scene transition for 15~20 seconds time and time again, and you can never fast forward through it. So much of this game is slow pans and transition that you can do little to nothing to skip past, regardless of how many time you've already seen it or how little it adds to the story to see the same outside shot of the same house for the umpteenth fucking time.

Technical frustrations aside, both the story and the presentation are just awful. The whole premise is that the protagonist is suffering from some sort of accident induced perpetual memory loss, but it operates by fucking loopy anime moon-logic, in that it apparently it hard resets his short term memory every 2 weeks. Like his brain is a computer and somebody turned it off and dumped all the cache from the RAM. Not that things beyond 14 days or so will start to fade, his limited capacity of memories being pushed out as newer ones take their place. Nope. This motherfucker apparently just gets Groundhog Day'd every half a month. Charming.

For starters, this is dumb as hell. Brains don't operate like magic McGuffins, but that's what the narrative does; turn the MC's faulty brain into a McGuffin. But this also means that everyone around him who knew of his past life, and who supposedly care for him? They're all absolute monsters, feeding into his obliviousness and just letting him continue to exist in this unknowing fugue state. They should be explaining the situation to him, having him record his inevitably lost memoires in a journal or audio recordings; something he could reference himself later as his own memories pass. Sure it might be annoying having to re-explain this memory loss situation to him every week or so, but if you really fucking cared about him as a person, it's what you'd need to do to facilitate his life not constantly being lost upon each reset. Without any outside extenuating circumstances, their inability to help the protagonist in this way is a level of cruelty bordering on sadism.

Also, this is dialogue only, and none of it is particularly good. We have an amnesiac protagonist, and never once do we the audience ever get any insight into his thoughts or feelings, let alone anyone else. Never once will you see into his thoughts, or even if he himself is actually confused by what is going on or who these new people who enter his life even are. We get flashbacks of the past from other character's perspectives, often out of left-field, that frequently serve only to confuse and obfuscate until even later flashbacks. Plus the pacing is downright atrocious. You get the one lewd scene with Akiko right off the bat, then you need to slog through the remaining 95% of the game, until you hit the other 8 remaining sex scenes all in back-to-back succession at the very end. Then it ends after the penultimate sister threesome, with the protagonists memory presumably getting reset the next day and the whole cycle starting over again; with Akiko back home and nobody explaining shit to him about the state of his reality.

If you can watching this on PornHub or download the ripped animations, you should absolutely do that and save yourself the trouble of suffering through this 'experience'. The game gives you no more context that makes the scenes any more enjoyable. The two girls are sisters. There you go. They don't do anything with each other, so it's not even really kinky or taboo. Remember that this is dialogue only, and that in particular the dialogue in sex scenes is 95% moaning by volume. Literally no additional meaningful context will be lost if you watch the (admittedly very hot) scenes on their own.
Oh brother i get you after experience it myself at first i thought that that Place is somewhere between this world and other after hearing news on a young man died from accident and phone calls are from otherside....!!!!
After that i thought well for a game of this size atleast i can try each Character route...... Well there is no route to begin with
After that i thought well after all of these boring story i get to have a new game + that you can search for some clues of your past self to get a new ending....... Bzzzzzz wrong again.....
For sure you dont need to experience this game to enjoy it just get video some where and be done with it you doing Yourself a faver
Yeah have good day brothers
4.40 star(s) 23 Votes