(backspace)birthday - masturbates + extra anims *Req: Futa mode, OnFeet (no crouched), Normal (not pregnant)
(backspace)2bday - masturbates + extra anims *Req: Futa mode, crouched, Normal (not pregnant) (backspace)
claus - winter cloths =(equal sign) > B > 1,2,3,4,5,6 - Black girl npc (stripping formations) (type without '>' sign or spaces) =(equal sign) > T > 1,2,3,4,C - Stewardess girl npc (stripping formations) (type without '>' sign or spaces) (Backspace)>N>M>1/2/3/4/5/6 - Necromancer cloths switch (Backspace)>
ZOZO - Toggle ZombieMode (Nishy) (Backspace)>XMAS - (in winter zone) instant night (Backspace)>
SPAWN B/S/K/C/T/O/W/H/NN/LL/UU/O/EE - spawn a captured fapet near your (b-bunny,s-sheep,k-kelpie,c-cow,t-stallion,o-kobold,w-warg,h-harpy,nn-neko,LL - slime, UU - hound, O - kobold ) (Backspace)>
CLS - Unlock add cloths for purchase (dress cabin) (Backspace)>
BOOBS - instant full body level (Backspace)>
BRK - (while targeting a tamed female) instant break-unbreak (if done on a broken female) (Backspace)>
LVL - (while targeting a tamed fapet) Level up (might not update the overhead ui) (Backspace)>
CO - +500 coins (Backspace)>
STAM - stamina max
/ ExtraAnims: - Sheep Mastb B *as Nishy turn futa > go near the tamed sheep > start masturbating (must be Level 10 or higher, arrousment must be 10% or higher) - Feeding bunny (5 carrots, then thses anims will change): xNishy, xNishy Taming, xFtaNishy - Nishy Beg * Beg skill (crouch>shift to sit, then hold RMB) near a pissing Guard `while in this state press at any time Q for Nishy to take a sip `after he finished - release LMB for an ending * same as above only Nishy should be arroused (more then 70%) - Bunny Beg * Like Nishy's beg, she takes sips on random. If you time it right your ending (LMB realease after guard finish) she will do a finish aswell * If her arrousement is higher then 50%
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