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Really just read the whole thing it's not that long. Also they mention adding animations at the end.
I hate to be that guy but all of this is just marketing bullshit speak. First off the claim "more art in Day 0/Day 1 than the entire original game" implies that Day 0 and 1 are already done aka there is enough content for a demo. Said demo has yet to materialize so that alone puts everything else into question but even then a lot of these claims essentially describe next to nothing in terms of what they actually mean which is a typical marketing tactic to avoid liability in case they fail to deliver on their promises. To elaborate:
1.expanded the day system - Can easily mean they just added a clock graphic into the corner and nothing else
2.implementing dialogue-based permutations - can literary just be that they made a couple of variations of the same exchange with no real change(aka one exchange is "I like dogs" and the other "I am fond of dogs" and another "Dogs are fine")
3.more situations for character development - This can mean literary everything from new scenes to just implementing the already done bonus scenes into the days
4.players the opportunity to get to know these characters more deeply - again this can be everything from a more in depth customization of what Jason does to the girls to adding irrelevant ballast about how Noelle likes muffins without chocolate chip
5.more art in Day 0/Day 1 - this is a classic where it could mean anything from actually new scenes to them counting each frame of a animation as a separate piece of art(the classic added over 500 picture of which 497 are video frames)
Point being the vagueness of these "additions" lets them do everything from a barely perceivable visual tweak to a whole game overhaul. If they were serious about adding to the game the blurb you posted would sound like this:
For some perspective on what's happening content-wise, there is more individual scenes in Day 0/Day 1 than the entire original game. Redaze has significantly more content in all regards. Each day offers more interactions, more outfits, implements dialogue-based permutations to add more situations for altering the girls and additional endings.
Hence why I do not count anything on the steam page as them promising new content. The vagueness of it lets them just weasel out of delivering anything of substance.