I don't get why everyone loves Overwhored so much. It started out great but ended up being very dosappointing. The more you advance in the game amount and I'd say even quality of content decreases, the girts you get in the second half feel tacked on or rushed, which is particularly troubling when the first half of the game builds up to defeating Rubati, and generaly speaking it seems like Cypress started focusing way too much on worldbuilding in detriment of the characters and smut, which wouldn't be a problem if the world of Overwhored wasn't generic and uninteresting. The cast and their interactions (sexual or otherwise) was the most entertaining aspect of the game and it ends up sidelined for a boring mythology about Heaven and whatnot. Hell, there wasn't even a group scene with all the former heroines. How you make a game about enslaving a classic RPG party and fail to deliver that? It was a disappointment, especially with the long developement cycle.
Snow Daze is a smaller game and has less content overall but at least it hasn't lost its focus and is delivering what was promised, albeit also on a bloated developement cycle.