in north mythology giant does not reflect the size of the being being described but the greatness of their souls,
even if they do bad things to the Aesir or the Vaenir the fact that they dared to stand makes them "giant" in spirit!
the same for dwarfs but on the opposite side, people who reduce themselves to small things
like owning a craft or just becoming greedy instead of trying to grow greater and above themselves!
in this case Astraja Father by his actions became a dwarf... always greedy,
while Nox although totally wrong has all commies inevitably are,
her pursuit of excelence, knowledge and trying to elevate others makes her a giantess!
our limited interpretation of the concept of dwarfs and giants and gods in north mythology has been skewered by the catholic interpretations!
plus the fact that some sort of racism infered into these concepts that did not exist in pagan north society!
so the jews and basically all semits were kindered to dwarfs as "greedy" ignoring that people who get obssessed over sex or other vices are also/or become "dwarfs"!
orcs both the big bulky war machines as well as the crafty goblins are now connected to the English view of Africans and overall blacks in the 18th and 19th century!
yes that includes the mixlings as being stronger and smarter!
when in reality orc´s did not exist before the 10 and mainly the 11th century, cause orcs were fictionalised versions of the bretons and normans of northern france who would constantly raid the saxon populations of southern england... yes... orcs became the royal and noble families...
there is debate if the term orc also applyed to norse vikingers or just the northern french raiders!
vinkingers by the way is a verb not a defenition of a norseman, vikingers meant raider or those that raid!
so in the context of this story only the bloodybears could be considered vikingers and others who join them ocasionally were temporary vikingers!
So if a woman hones her beauty but does not neglect the rest of her life like knowledge spirituality and trying to be good to others she is a giantess!
while a woman that reduces all of her being into being attractive is a dwarf!
somehow the norse instinctually understood the law of smaller gains,
the story in sandstorm might have not beeng has complex but imho is still better, or at least the game, more options and the grey moral MC makes for a better game!
you mean the bald chick?
Loki sucks as an hair dresser...