Art 6/10: Pretty standard daz models, i was going to put a 5/10 cause some weird pose and sometimes the eyes that looks into the vastity of the universe but the night scenes show some actual skills especially in the lights department.
Story 2/10: The story is a copy of a copy of a copy, and the conversations are lackluster at best, that bend to the weird. the few choices you can make are forced and don't blend with the story. (i don't have to tell you that is the first game and all can be forgive, i understand that the dev want to keep things simple... but damn)
Sound 0/10: no sound or music
overall 4/10: *yawn* boooring *yawn*, if you read my reviews you already know that i value story above else and there is nothing of the such here.Like I said, i know it's the first work of the dev and he is learning, the daz skill are good and if he learn how to write a story, he can be someone to look out for but for now, I think that the only reason to follow is to guide him/her/it to a better story.
Panda of bored to death