Sorry bud, I just find her personality annoying, along with her constant swearing. I don't think such a harmless comment warrants people getting so worked up.
What you said was your opinion & preference, don't state it as a fact. Instead of saying
"Susan is damn annoying and not hot", you could have said something like,
"I don't think Susan looks good, and her apprehensive personality only makes me dislike her more". Your comment was rude and disrespectful to the creator and their work (not to mention people who actually like Susan), while my comment makes it apparent I am merely stating an opinion. The least you could have done is give a reason for stating a subjective opinion as a fact. Wording is important.
Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, it might not be a correct opinion, but there is certainly a right and wrong way to voice them publicly. Just because you can be an ignorant ass, doesn't mean you should. It doesn't matter that you think your comment shouldn't be getting people worked up, the reality is it rubbed people the wrong way. Many people replied to it saying why you're wrong, and even more liked those replies. I wasn't even talking to you, I didn't even mention you or Susan in my comment, it was just a general observation of the thread, it could have applied to any comment about any character.
You don't have to like every character and genre, not
everything is meant for you or me, different people like different things. If something is not to your preference, ignore it and move on, let people enjoy what they want to. Also, this is a harem game where you
can avoid getting involved with certain characters.
I mentioned lack of emotional intelligence because you failed to empathise with a very realistic and well written character. Coming back to empathy in real life: put yourself in the creator's shoes, imagine reading a comment like yours, hating on your beloved creation for no stated reason, and multiply that feeling, cause yours is not the only unnecessarily negative comment in this thread, it can be quite disheartening and demotivating. Aside from lack of support and health problems, needlessly negative and unconstructive criticisms, and hate comments have caused devs to abandon their projects. No one is asking you not to provide criticism, but do it in a constructive and civil manner, and provide your reasons for your statements. It helps the creator make a better product which more people can enjoy.
It doesn't hurt yourself or others to be a decent human being, especially when online. Many people are going through hardships and problems, we come here for relief, entertainment and escapism, less negativity online can be very helpful.