A tutorial has been mentioned in this thread but none has been supplied, or where is it?
I can't find any in the menu or in the help section.
Unfortunately I can't even begin playing this game because I don't know where to start.
Any help would be appreciated.
First off make a bar, and hotel with some room to grow. Now make a gateway room just big enough for a gateway its how people get on your station. To furnish a room cick any tile in said room, to see room selection again to make more rooms click not on a floor tile a black wall or empty space whatever.
YOu get a tiny bit of income from this pods in hotel best early on I make a couple fancy but early on you won't get many picky tourists and you need income. They spend money at hotel and the bar area amuses them till you get next phase done.
Now make a brothel room. install arcades yes you got no slaves YET, or maybe you did get some events for them. After that goes hand an hand make a slave quaters with a fistfull of beds you get an event normally pretty quickish about finding homeless squaters on a sub level they work great for your first batch of slaves for the arcade machines, and normally you get 3-4 form that event. Now you got some income going.
Ok next up residental area some people will actually live on your station no idea what jobs if any they get but whatever they want a real home not a hotel room so make a few rooms for them if you got the cash not a lot early on hardly any one will want to live there.
OK the fun rooms next the Suite pic of a desk ok this one is your room you stash your personal pets and slaves there and eventually need a 100k desk that lets you plot out plans to expand and what not beyond the station. This can be tiny or big however you want you can hang slaves, make them dance install pet stuff to force some into being pets with pet beds, a kennel to break them in, and a even pet tree for them to be forced to play with like an animial for you if you into that. Other end is Suite slaves you can hang then up this breaks them in, tortue version exists and once broken you can make them dance they will also give you a bj at your desk if you got one once loyal, and you can install dancer platforms, and beds for fooling around with them.
Keep in mind they still sleep in slave quarters even if you got beds for them in your suite and they do still ware out and need sleep.
Last bit you want to blow money on at least for me is the miltary bas this is big ass hanger room you spend big bucks here you buy ships, fighters, and drones when you decide to use your desk to go out and conqour others you need this for offense and I do believe once you piss off a faction they may attack you then you need them to defend. Till you do that though its not really needed till then you are just a station simulator looking to make some money with hotel/brothel
I didn't count dairy becuase well I don't know much about it, its fairly new to me in game never played with it. You can save up and buy fancy things for all the rooms like in slave quaters you can get stuff to alter the girls and they do get pregant now so the 10k doctor one can adminster birth controll I believe and for big bucks you can make a incubator of sorts forgot name it makes the babys they birth grow up nice and fast so you can make them slaves when done with them being 18 more or less. Also surgery station to alter, a way to do hormones for slow alter and even a machine to age or youthen your slaves.