Favourite characters? (Choose all that you like)

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New Member
Apr 29, 2019
I've liked the game so far, call me weird but I quite like Cassie and want to follow her romance route, but I'm also not much into Riley and want to follow her Slave route... I'm curious how the dev would handle a deranged player like me considering he describes Cassie as a "fiercely loyal" friend, but I'd really like a scenario were MC and Cassie share Riley as a "pet" so to speak. Hopefully the option to make Riley go down on Cassie as part of her punishment leads to something like that in the future.

Anyway, there's a couple of points I'd like to point out to the dev:

I faced one plot inconsistency on the current version based on the choices I made. As mentioned, I'm following Cassie's romance route, accepted Riley's invitation to the party, but rejected Riley saying I only see her as a friend/little sister. In the final scene of this version, when you have the option to ask Cassie to sleep in your bedroom, she rejected saying she can't sleep with "Riley's boyfriend" until "we get her onboard". It makes sense for Cassie to reject sleeping with MC if you reject Riley, but the message should probably say something about how she' spending the night with Riley consoling her or something like that, since MC is obviously not Riley's boyfriend in that branch.

The second point is that is seems very weird to me that Riley breaking curfew was simply ignored in the current version, but then her arriving to class just in time is used as an excuse to punish her. Even if it makes MC look like an asshole, under the current premise that he must punish the girls to not risk losing the position, breaking curfew is just not something that can be ignored. Despite being a traumatic night for her, Olivia warned her and multiple people are aware she broke the rules that day. The arriving late for class scene should probably be reserved for players who declined the invite to go to the party, as an alternative way to get the punishment scene, while players who went to the party get to punish Riley due to curfew.
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Developer of Stormside
Game Developer
Jan 4, 2022
I've liked the game so far, call me weird but I quite like Cassie and want to follow her romance route, but I'm also not much into Riley and want to follow her Slave route... I'm curious how the dev would handle a deranged player like me considering he describes Cassie as a "fiercely loyal" friend, but I'd really like a scenario were MC and Cassie share Riley as a "pet" so to speak. Hopefully the option to make Riley go down on Cassie as part of her punishment leads to something like that in the future.

Anyway, there's a couple of points I'd like to point out to the dev:

I faced one plot inconsistency on the current version based on the choices I made. As mentioned, I'm following Cassie's romance route, accepted Riley's invitation to the party, but rejected Riley saying I only see her as a friend/little sister. In the final scene of this version, when you have the option to ask Cassie to sleep in your bedroom, she rejected saying she can't sleep with "Riley's boyfriend" until "we get her onboard". It makes sense for Cassie to reject sleeping with MC if you reject Riley, but the message should probably say something about how she' spending the night with Riley consoling her or something like that, since MC is obviously not Riley's boyfriend in that branch.

The second point is that is seems very weird to me that Riley breaking curfew was simply ignored in the current version, but then her arriving to class just in time is used as an excuse to punish her. Even if it makes MC look like an asshole, under the current premise that he must punish the girls to not risk losing the position, breaking curfew is just not something that can be ignored. Despite being a traumatic night for her, Olivia warned her and multiple people are aware she broke the rules that day. The arriving late for class scene should probably be reserved for players who declined the invite to go to the party, as an alternative way to get the punishment scene, while players who went to the party get to punish Riley due to curfew.
Hi, glad you've enjoyed the game so far. Interestingly, Cassie is actually the most popular girl. Riley is fairly popular, but her intended charm is that of being the girl who was always there, rather than having something particularly special about her like being a ghost hunter, or a mega slut or whatever. For some people that will make her boring. With regard to your proposed scenario, situations like this are exactly why I decided to do the 3 routes thing. It allows for scenes like the one you describe. Considerations for the implications of certain scenes must also be made, but that's in hand. Any explanations would likely fall apart if you were to apply a "Would that work in real life?" perspective, but I think anyone playing this game is aware that it must be taken with a grain of salt.

Concerning the inconsistency you got, this happened after fully rejecting Riley? If so, I would ask if you can PM me your save file, as this isn't supposed to happen. The only circumstance under which Cassie is meant to refuse you at the end there is if you get the ending to the party where Riley sleeps in your room instead of you sleeping in her room, and then you do not reject Riley the next morning. Saying you see her as a little sister or whatever doesn't actually reject Riley, it just affects whether or not Cassie thinks you like Riley (And subsequently whether she hypes her up when Riley is nervous about telling you how she feels, or whether she gently tries to prepare her for disappointment.)

Riley breaking curfew doesn't actually get ignored at the time depending on how the party ends. Two of the endings are in my eyes too traumatic for MC to consider punishing Riley for it, as despite him potentially changing quite rapidly as part of how the story progresses, I felt that MC's change could not have progressed far enough for him to consider punishing Riley after the party under the circumstances of the two harsher endings.

The other reason, is that the way route selection works in its most basic form is that you punish girls when you get the chance, but you also romance them. I felt that if I were to do a punishment scene for Riley's harsher party endings, it would be a stretch for me to continue to write Riley as actually liking MC. It would be a huuuge dick move. (Even the punishment scene for the tamer endings is pushing it a bit). I thought it would be odd for a player going for the sub route to have to intentionally not punish Riley when given the chance, and wait for an opportunity to punish her later. So instead I only give players the chance to punish her if the party didn't end quite so badly, and for anyone who didn't get that opportunity they can decide to punish her for something minor to get whatever route they're after.

Not everyone will agree with this choice, but it's what I decided to do. One regret I do have is that not punishing Riley after the party means any player planning to reject Riley will miss out on a bunch of stuff they may have liked, but in cases like these I usually like to give the player who didn't get X content something later on instead or something.


New Member
Apr 29, 2019
Concerning the inconsistency you got, this happened after fully rejecting Riley? If so, I would ask if you can PM me your save file, as this isn't supposed to happen. The only circumstance under which Cassie is meant to refuse you at the end there is if you get the ending to the party where Riley sleeps in your room instead of you sleeping in her room, and then you do not reject Riley the next morning. Saying you see her as a little sister or whatever doesn't actually reject Riley, it just affects whether or not Cassie thinks you like Riley (And subsequently whether she hypes her up when Riley is nervous about telling you how she feels, or whether she gently tries to prepare her for disappointment.)
Ok, here's the save. Basically my choices were: accept to go to the party with Riley -> after getting there, check on her by knocking on the bathroom window -> used the plan to cut out eletricity, can't remember if that was A or B -> Riley sleeps with MC on his room, confession happens the morning of the following day, MC rejects Riley confession.

Hi, glad you've enjoyed the game so far. Interestingly, Cassie is actually the most popular girl. Riley is fairly popular, but her intended charm is that of being the girl who was always there, rather than having something particularly special about her like being a ghost hunter, or a mega slut or whatever. For some people that will make her boring. With regard to your proposed scenario, situations like this are exactly why I decided to do the 3 routes thing. It allows for scenes like the one you describe. Considerations for the implications of certain scenes must also be made, but that's in hand. Any explanations would likely fall apart if you were to apply a "Would that work in real life?" perspective, but I think anyone playing this game is aware that it must be taken with a grain of salt.
If you're saying Cassie is the mega slut I guess your word is law on this, but funnily enough that wasn't my impression. The way I see it she's just honest, non chalant and open regarding sex, she knows what she wants and lets MC know about it, but she isn't a slut, after all as she says it herself she's not gonna sleep with just anybody, she want somebody that is actually special (even if for porn game reasons that someone special is the guy she met 1 week ago but whatever). She also doesn't take Olivia's shit, she's funny and does seem like an overall good/caring friend, so no wonder people like her.

The other reason, is that the way route selection works in its most basic form is that you punish girls when you get the chance, but you also romance them. I felt that if I were to do a punishment scene for Riley's harsher party endings, it would be a stretch for me to continue to write Riley as actually liking MC. It would be a huuuge dick move. (Even the punishment scene for the tamer endings is pushing it a bit). I thought it would be odd for a player going for the sub route to have to intentionally not punish Riley when given the chance, and wait for an opportunity to punish her later. So instead I only give players the chance to punish her if the party didn't end quite so badly, and for anyone who didn't get that opportunity they can decide to punish her for something minor to get whatever route they're after.
Yeah, I know punishing her after she almost gets gang raped would be a dick move, but it still seems like the logical progression given the premise in my mind. At least the option to take her to the basement just for appearances sake and not do anything to her there should be there imo, I can't imagine Olivia wouldn't take the opportunity to rub in MCs face the fact he ignored Riley breaking curfew or even try to blackmail MC due to it. Although I guess that in itself could be an opportunity for a new plotline further on if you wished so.
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Mar 25, 2017
Very enjoyable game. I'm looking forward to having all the first-year and second-year girls collared, edged and denied, except Cassie. Cassie might actually die if I don't let her cum for too long. And Olivia will have to work twice as hard as the other girls to earn her rewards and her personal rules will be extra strict and extra strictly enforced. As fun as the game was so far it left me a little disappointed that what's there now is really only a set-up and nothing has really taken off yet. Huge potential this game has.


Mar 25, 2017
Speaking of Olivia, I wonder how hard it'll be to get her onto the sub path. Since you can't move up from slave path to sub path and I haven't yet seen any opportunity to romance her but plenty of opportunity to punish her it might actually be really difficult to hold off on punishing her once her exemption is taken off to start her romance and only then start punishing her to take her into sub path. I suspect the vast majority of players will end up with an Olivia slave route.


Nov 7, 2017
Damn this game could be an all-timer Atemsiel. A+++.

Models are good and fairly unique. Some of the faces and little touches are top notch. Like Olivia's eye twitching, or when Riley is confessing (the next morning after party path) she drops a side comment about taking her V card and has a hilarious face for 1 frame when MC does a double take.

Story-wise, the current content is a great mix of interesting/hot/funny already, with so many future possibilities that it's actually worrying. All the 2nd year students come in, that's a ton of characters to need content, and all the paths make the permutations insane.

Something like this would be an amazing possibility:
I've liked the game so far, call me weird but I quite like Cassie and want to follow her romance route, but I'm also not much into Riley and want to follow her Slave route... I'm curious how the dev would handle a deranged player like me considering he describes Cassie as a "fiercely loyal" friend, but I'd really like a scenario were MC and Cassie share Riley as a "pet" so to speak. Hopefully the option to make Riley go down on Cassie as part of her punishment leads to something like that in the future.
But man, I don't envy trying to consider all the linkages and story implications over 16 characters.

A tiny nitpick: some of the early sections use the phone a lot, and it's already getting old to need 3 clicks to get in to a text message and 3 more clicks to get out. Being able to close out the phone with 1 button would be great.


Nov 7, 2017
Oh, one more thing: with the info we get through the implant, I'm surprised there aren't 1 or 2 "technical virgins" to discover that are listed as virgins but have anal experience. It might be a trope, but a perfect 'easter egg' for the implant view and also to use against them in punishments


New Member
Apr 29, 2019
But man, I don't envy trying to consider all the linkages and story implications over 16 characters.
With 3 routes and 16 characters plus sub branches in each route managing all possible permutations would be impossible, but if the dev keeps characters in "groups" it should be manageable. For example, Cassie's and Riley's routes would inevitably be related, but what happens in their routes should make no difference to what's going on in Sasha's route. Sasha's route meanwhile might interact with the silly ghost plotline of the 2 dumb second years but not have any effects on other characters besides that. Olivia, Hikari and Akemi would be another obvious group where the routes of each of the 3 affects the others, but whether you spank Hikari hard or not should have no effect on whatever the dev has planned for Talyia, and so on.
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Devoted Member
Jun 26, 2018
Speaking of Olivia, I wonder how hard it'll be to get her onto the sub path. Since you can't move up from slave path to sub path and I haven't yet seen any opportunity to romance her but plenty of opportunity to punish her it might actually be really difficult to hold off on punishing her once her exemption is taken off to start her romance and only then start punishing her to take her into sub path. I suspect the vast majority of players will end up with an Olivia slave route.
My intention is to follow the romantic route with all the LIs... Except with Olivia, I prefer to skip her and not follow any of the three routes with her. In any case, if I absolutely have to follow a route with her, it will be the romantic one.

Since the second year girls don't seem like they are going to have a romantic route, my interest in them is zero, so my route with them will be the one that allows me to spend the least time with them and avoids all possible sex and punishment situations (and if this means that the MC has 0 situations like that with them, then the better).
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Devoted Member
Jun 26, 2018
Credit to the dev for making a player like you get invested in this game, but I think you might have stumbled into the wrong kind of game, my man.
Actually this game has something that attracts me, which is being able to avoid punishments. Maybe I'm strange, but there are things that I like to exist in games so that I can decide every time not to do them, and punishments are one of them. And this game has a lot of that, which I like.


Developer of Stormside
Game Developer
Jan 4, 2022
Ok, here's the save. Basically my choices were: accept to go to the party with Riley -> after getting there, check on her by knocking on the bathroom window -> used the plan to cut out eletricity, can't remember if that was A or B -> Riley sleeps with MC on his room, confession happens the morning of the following day, MC rejects Riley confession.
Fixed for 0.23.1 Thanks. Turns out it was because there are two seperate if statements which determine whether or not Cassie rejects your proposal, one for working out whether Riley is in a relationship with MC, and another for working out whether Cassie is aware of it or not. (One is an or, the other is an and. I couldn't get them to work properly in one statement, unfortunately.)

I had only actually set the Cassie event to run if the first condition is not met. I hadn't accounted for if the first condition is met, but the second one isn't, which is what was happening in your save. As a result, just nothing happened. Many thanks.

If you're saying Cassie is the mega slut I guess your word is law on this.
I call her a slut because it's probably the easiest way to really describe her without getting too wordy, but as you noticed, it isn't totally accurate. She's more just promiscuous, but also that's not quite right because she lacks experience. She's simple, but somewhat complicated to describe so I just find it easier to describe her as a slut. I'm sure she won't mind.

Damn this game could be an all-timer Atemsiel. A+++.

Models are good and fairly unique. Some of the faces and little touches are top notch. Like Olivia's eye twitching, or when Riley is confessing (the next morning after party path) she drops a side comment about taking her V card and has a hilarious face for 1 frame when MC does a double take.

Story-wise, the current content is a great mix of interesting/hot/funny already, with so many future possibilities that it's actually worrying. All the 2nd year students come in, that's a ton of characters to need content, and all the paths make the permutations insane.

Something like this would be an amazing possibility:

But man, I don't envy trying to consider all the linkages and story implications over 16 characters.

A tiny nitpick: some of the early sections use the phone a lot, and it's already getting old to need 3 clicks to get in to a text message and 3 more clicks to get out. Being able to close out the phone with 1 button would be great.
Heh, glad you like it. I put quite a lot of effort into the facial expressions, since for me the focus is very much the characters, rather than the story as a whole. They're where the majority of the effort goes, and I like it that way. The number of potential branches for me to consider is quite large, but not as crazy as it sounds. The second year girls don't get the 3 route treatment, and it isn't currently guaranteed that they'll all have content. They're mostly there to fill backgrounds and roles which are needed for story reasons, but can't be filled by one of the main girls. Aside from that, I just like making dumb scenes sometimes which have little baring on the story itself, and would potentially cheapen the main girls if I were to give them those scenes instead. This is why they're in the profile screen as side girls instead of main girls, because they're treated differently from a content point of view.

With 3 routes and 16 characters plus sub branches in each route managing all possible permutations would be impossible, but if the dev keeps characters in "groups" it should be manageable. For example, Cassie's and Riley's routes would inevitably be related, but what happens in their routes should make no difference to what's going on in Sasha's route. Sasha's route meanwhile might interact with the silly ghost plotline of the 2 dumb second years but not have any effects on other characters besides that. Olivia, Hikari and Akemi would be another obvious group where the routes of each of the 3 affects the others, but whether you spank Hikari hard or not should have no effect on whatever the dev has planned for Talyia, and so on.
What I said above, but also yes, this is basically the plan until the full harem is created. It puts a limit on how many considerations I need to take for different branches. I still intend to have the different groups cross over at times, before a final merging once all the route selection stuff is complete.

Actually this game has something that attracts me, which is being able to avoid punishments. Maybe I'm strange, but there are things that I like to exist in games so that I can decide every time not to do them, and punishments are one of them. And this game has a lot of that, which I like.

This is basically the plan with the majority the routes. Sub and slave players can of course punish the girls, but you're still protecting them from something which is implied to be a worse fate. On the romance routes, you help them with their problems, and protect them from harm. Not everything that you have to help the girls with or protect them from is sinister, but a lot of it is. Wholesome moments abound, but also times where MC has to actually take action to protect the girls, be that from things like the trent brothers, or from things less tangible. There's a lot of protector/provider fantasy here.


Jan 25, 2023
(One is an or, the other is an and. I couldn't get them to work properly in one statement, unfortunately.)
Conditionals evaluate in order according to the operator priority. (Applies to all languages, most notably C)
If you want to enforce your own order, you must use parenthesis.
Like a and (b or c) / (a and b) or c. The parenthesis have higher priority when evaluating the statement.

Typically, parenthesis have highest priority, followed by exponentiation, multiplication/division, addition/subtraction, comparison operators (>=, ==, is, etc.), bitwise operators (&, ^, |, etc.), logical operators (and, or, etc.), and almost always ending with assignment operators (i.e. the = symbol). This changes with each language, you'll need to read Python documentation to know the specifics, but usually if you use a lot of parenthesis this ultimately doesn't matter ─ almost every language out there evaluates parenthesis over everything else.

The number of potential branches for me to consider is quite large, but not as crazy as it sounds.
I... am not sure. For starters, 16 girls with 3 routes is already a minimum of 4,096 combinations (aka. 16³). That sounds crazy enough in my book, even with the math obviously wrong (all combinations would be 3×3×3×3.... aka. 3¹⁶ which is 43 millions ─ but then you don't need all of them to interact at once). Besides, this assumes the girls are the focus ─ if they aren't, then it is indeed more manageable (except you'll end up with thousands of dialog variations which work exactly the same story-wise).

i.e. Unless you have a roadmap/flowchart ready, then you can actually limit the routes (and see the actual planned complexity before committing any resources) and keep the differences to a minimum (like changing terms in the same dialog and calling a day).

Do you have one, at least? (No need to share, not that we would mind if you did :giggle:).

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Dark Lord of the Coffee
Jul 12, 2020
Conditionals evaluate in order according to the operator priority. (Applies to all languages, most notably C)
If you want to enforce your own order, you must use parenthesis.
Like a and (b or c) / (a and b) or c. The parenthesis have higher priority when evaluating the statement.

Typically, parenthesis have highest priority, followed by exponentiation, multiplication/division, addition/subtraction, comparison operators (>=, ==, is, etc.), bitwise operators (&, ^, |, etc.), logical operators (and, or, etc.), and almost always ending with assignment operators (i.e. the = symbol). This changes with each language, you'll need to read Python documentation to know the specifics, but usually if you use a lot of parenthesis this ultimately doesn't matter ─ almost every language out there evaluates parenthesis over everything else.

I... am not sure. For starters, 16 girls with 3 routes is already a minimum of 4,096 combinations (aka. 16³). That sounds crazy enough in my book, even with the math obviously wrong (all combinations would be 3×3×3×3.... aka. 3¹⁶ which is 43 millions ─ but then you don't need all of them to interact at once). Besides, this assumes the girls are the focus ─ if they aren't, then it is indeed more manageable (except you'll end up with thousands of dialog variations which work exactly the same story-wise).

i.e. Unless you have a roadmap/flowchart ready, then you can actually limit the routes (and see the actual planned complexity before committing any resources) and keep the differences to a minimum (like changing terms in the same dialog and calling a day).

Do you have one, at least? (No need to share, not that we would mind if you did :giggle:).

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I'm sure he knows what he is doing...
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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2021
I... am not sure. For starters, 16 girls with 3 routes is already a minimum of 4,096 combinations (aka. 16³).
There aren't 16 girls with 3 routes. There are 7 girls with 3 routes, and the rest are side girls with no route to speak of, just a side story you can potentially ignore.

Also, not every combination here matters, because this math is looking at having to have all entirely unique scenes for literally every single combination of routes, which just isn't going to be a thing.

This informs the rest of your math, too.

In other words: When having a scene with, say, Olivia... It doesn't matter what route you have any other girl on. When having a scene with Olivia and Akemi, sure, then we're looking at potentially 9 variations of the scene depending on which route each of them is on, but in practical terms, it's not going to be that many. Most likely, there will be 4 (depending on the scene): Rom+Rom, Rom+Sub/Slave, Sub/Slave+Rom, and Sub/Slave+Sub/Slave, with some more minor dialogue changes depending on Sub vs Slave. Alternately, if it's a more emotionally-heavy scene, make those Rom/Sub+Rom/Sub, Rom/Sub+Slave, Slave+Rom/Sub, and Slave+Slave, with the Slave variations almost always just having less dialogue since the MC does not care about the emotional state of a Slave.

If you add in a side girl, that's just a single binary switch: side girl yes/no. There are even some narratively-important girls who will end up as side girls, AFAIK.

mutually exclusive routes based on the girl you're following on
As far as I know, this isn't a thing, with the exception of how the MC treats Hikari affecting how Akemi views the MC.


Developer of Stormside
Game Developer
Jan 4, 2022
Conditionals evaluate in order according to the operator priority. (Applies to all languages, most notably C)
If you want to enforce your own order, you must use parenthesis.
Like a and (b or c) / (a and b) or c. The parenthesis have higher priority when evaluating the statement.

Typically, parenthesis have highest priority, followed by exponentiation, multiplication/division, addition/subtraction, comparison operators (>=, ==, is, etc.), bitwise operators (&, ^, |, etc.), logical operators (and, or, etc.), and almost always ending with assignment operators (i.e. the = symbol). This changes with each language, you'll need to read Python documentation to know the specifics, but usually if you use a lot of parenthesis this ultimately doesn't matter ─ almost every language out there evaluates parenthesis over everything else.

I... am not sure. For starters, 16 girls with 3 routes is already a minimum of 4,096 combinations (aka. 16³). That sounds crazy enough in my book, even with the math obviously wrong (all combinations would be 3×3×3×3.... aka. 3¹⁶ which is 43 millions ─ but then you don't need all of them to interact at once). Besides, this assumes the girls are the focus ─ if they aren't, then it is indeed more manageable (except you'll end up with thousands of dialog variations which work exactly the same story-wise).

i.e. Unless you have a roadmap/flowchart ready, then you can actually limit the routes (and see the actual planned complexity before committing any resources) and keep the differences to a minimum (like changing terms in the same dialog and calling a day).

Do you have one, at least? (No need to share, not that we would mind if you did :giggle:).
I'll try out what you mentioned regarding the and/or logic, as I don't know off the top of my head whether the use of brackets applies in renpy. I don't think it does, but if I'm wrong then I'd be happy to apply it. I remember trying to make it work and coming to the conclusion that it was just easier for me to split them into different parts. I'll check on this later.

With regard to the scope of the whole thing, I think there is some misunderstanding around what I'm actually planning to do, or even wanting to do. There are 7 main girls. Each of those main girls have 3 routes. The side girls don't have these routes, and I have them there to fill in backgrounds, and also to do fun stuff with when I come up with it. These 3 routes for the main girls are distinct, but eventually intersect. We are not talking about 7^3 different possible stories here. The majority of the branching comes in the route selection phase, which is what's being displayed in the game right now. Once we're at the the point where you've selected your route with each girl, things become simpler, but still distinct in places.

I read your thing about the mathematics of it all, but to be honest it seemed to come from a marketability perspecitive, which has never really been my priority. People are free to have concerns about the future of the project, and those people are free not to support it. Being told I'm at risk of burning out has always been a strange one to me because I've seen cases of that, and all of those cases have been either someone making something of far more limited scope than what I've already made, or someone trying to make something of a much larger scope than what I even have planned. I feel like people do misinterpret the scope of what I'm actually making sometimes. As for why they abandon the games, maybe it's lack of recognition for their work, maybe it's how much work they have to do, maybe it's something else. No clue. All I know is I love the support I've had so far, and I like making the game. I wanna see it finished. It's not gonna be quick, but I can't see myself abandoning it any time soon. This shit is a part of me now.

All of that said, those with doubts are free to continue to just obeserve things for free from this website, albeit slightly behind those who support, preferably.


Jun 16, 2018
People always tend to fiercely believe in whatever expectation they form in their heads which inevitably leads to disappointment.
The only things I want from Stormside is that it makes me laugh and it makes me horny, and I'm 100% sure that will happen.
Replayed it all again yesterday just because and Hikari doing a pull up will never not make me laugh. Even that shit ass drawing of the girls talking to the director is funny enough that I dont think the dev should change lol (I would love images for Riley's kinky dream tho...).
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Oct 21, 2017
played the game for the first time. i loved it. great expressions on the characters. also special appreciation on the akemi fingering scene. loved it.
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4.70 star(s) 103 Votes