
Active Member
Jun 30, 2017
which means there will be the inevitable slow down in updates for stranded, unless you have a team working with you. Unfortunately there are any number of devs who spread themselves to thinly and updates tend to be once a year from however many projects they think they can manage. Each game suffers accordingly due to the lack of new content, sometimes bordering on 8/9 months sometimes a year before any update, by which point i'd rather not play the game, if the wait is so long. Some devs even claim there will be very little in the way of a slow down, but invariably there aways is. If your a one man team, I would suggest just sticking to one game, completing and going on to your second game, or if your a team, remain focused on which game came first and make sure to update that game more frequently than any new game your making, otherwise I think you will find the interest in the game over a period of time will significantly dwindle to a small handful supporting it if your lucky, just my opinion, based on how other devs have performed in their projects and how they managed to fail big time because they thought they could go it all alone without any thought of difficult that would be to achieve and in the end, they ended up abandoning everything they where working on. They lost all of their supporters before they took the decision to abandon everything. cautionary tale of never taking on more than you can do, without loosing focus on your main game.updates.updates.
Yeah... developer starting work on another game (not a sequel to current one) most often lead to both projects ending up abandoned. Or as good as abandoned with maybe a single update in 12 months.

The only way it could work if the second game is a short, single release project developer did while taking a short break from their first game to avoid burnout... working on two multi-chapter complex unrelated games at the same time never ends well.


You don’t like me? Fine. Don’t waste my time then.
Jan 15, 2018

Hello there.
Hope you all had a great holiday season. I come bearing news.
Beyond ironing out the details for my second game, I spent December setting the stage for how I intend to work on AVNs throughout 2024.
I bought a long ass monitor that displays two PCs at once, and I also beefed up my second computer's rendering capabilities. I'm now in debt (I'm not).
Essentially, my workspace is much more accommodating and set up to work on multiple projects simultaneously, which is exactly what I've been doing since post-Christmas.
But what does this mean?
Well, it means I'm now working on two projects at once. Once I fully fine-tune the rhythm of how I want my work hours to go, it should mean more releases and content for this Patreon.
Having said that, I don't want to mislead anyone, so I'll provide some timeframes for the next content releases of not just Stranded in Space, but my next game, which will soon be announced and previewed.
I would expect sometime in March/April to be the window for both releases.
I know this may be disappointing for some, but if you check the time between past SiS releases, it's not all that unusual. The Elysium content and Day 19 will be massive, of course.
I truly hope you'll stick around, as I'm quite excited about the stuff I'll be releasing this year.
You can expect polls for Stranded in Space and previews of both games in the coming weeks.
Lastly, I want to thank you guys for supporting me and Stranded in Space. I don't care what <insert the name of someone whose opinion matters to you> says; you're really cool.


Feb 8, 2023
Just my opinion but I beleive that it's almost time for Ishani to give in. If using Haylee - Day 14 as a base, it could be an epic series of scenes.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2021
Borgia, if you could just make everyone play my game and love it then we wouldn't be here, would we?

If anything, this is your fault. Since when is it the dev's responsibility to make a game that everyone likes???
Wut are you talking about:WaitWhat:? So this is about more income then basically greed, dude you making 2.5 k a month and i don't care from which country you are thats decent (more than decent in some parts of the world) income hell you do better than 99% of devs around here sooo myeah... you really think having a second game will help you with that? All you'll do is delay further more the releases of the game where you have a big fan base, we've seen it countless time to other devs with the same "strategy":WeSmart:

Wildman Dev

Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 19, 2021
Wut are you talking about:WaitWhat:? So this is about more income then basically greed, dude you making 2.5 k a month and i don't care from which country you are thats decent (more than decent in some parts of the world) income hell you do better than 99% of devs around here sooo myeah... you really think having a second game will help you with that? All you'll do is delay further more the releases of the game where you have a big fan base, we've seen it countless time to other devs with the same "strategy":WeSmart:
99% is a stretch, but if you think I'm going to debate with someone who uses meme smilies in their arguments you've got another thing coming. I've got a bad back, Borgia. Tick Tock for me is just a reminder that eternal nothingness is coming, you get me?

In other words, you're too young and I'm too old.

But in all sincerity, it's not about greed for me. You're comparing financial numbers without comparing the work itself.

Either way, I'm not abandoning Stranded in Space.


Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
Wut are you talking about:WaitWhat:? So this is about more income then basically greed, dude you making 2.5 k a month and i don't care from which country you are thats decent (more than decent in some parts of the world) income hell you do better than 99% of devs around here sooo myeah... you really think having a second game will help you with that? All you'll do is delay further more the releases of the game where you have a big fan base, we've seen it countless time to other devs with the same "strategy":WeSmart:
First, it's nice to see that you seemed completely to miss the sarcasm in Wildman's reply about it being your fault and about it not being a dev's responsibility to make a game that others like.

Second, you are wrong about 2.5k / month being "decent" everywhere. Possibly it's decent compared to what other adult game developers make (though you're "better than 99%" is an exaggeration). But the average salaries in the United States for states like Massachusetts, California, and New York are about $75,000 / year, which amounts to about US$4,756 / month. Earning $2500 / month means you basically only earn about US$37,500 / year, and that's exacerbated by massive inflation. Have fun skipping every other meal every single day.

So no, it's only "decent" in certain places in the world, even outside of the United States. In Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom, it only pays for around 75-80% of the month, for instance. This is why most developers work on their games while still working a full-time job.

Wildman Dev

Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 19, 2021
Well, last time i played this game was january 8 - 2023 (day 15), and now january 7 - 2024 (day 18) we have only 3 updates per year or 1 update per 4 months... what a joke) :rolleyes: and he thinks making another game it's a good idea? Bruh...
First off, it's kinda weird that you didn't address me with your insults.

...But is what you're saying really that bad? I feel like there are some popular games on this site that update about every 3-4 months, am I wrong? It's only me doing this, and my updates are pretty big in content.
Jun 4, 2022
I cannot facepalm hard enough at people who come out of the woodwork and insert their 2 cents into something they cannot comprehend, and think they're in the right. You have an opinion, but that doesn't infer it needs to be projectile vomited on a forum that is primarily towards discussing the game (and developer) in a mostly positive way, giving feedback to improve their ability to storyboard and render a narrative in such a way that can be enjoyed by many to the point of spending money, thus completing the hopeful loop a creator looks for. Sigh.

This isn't aimed just at the most recent dullards, nor just for this particular game. Everyone that believes that just because they have an opinion, no matter how incorrect it is, deserves to have their voice HAS TO BE HEARD...needs to shut the fuck up and be more observant


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2021
I cannot facepalm hard enough at people who come out of the woodwork and insert their 2 cents into something they cannot comprehend, and think they're in the right. You have an opinion, but that doesn't infer it needs to be projectile vomited on a forum that is primarily towards discussing the game (and developer) in a mostly positive way, giving feedback to improve their ability to storyboard and render a narrative in such a way that can be enjoyed by many to the point of spending money, thus completing the hopeful loop a creator looks for. Sigh.

This isn't aimed just at the most recent dullards, nor just for this particular game. Everyone that believes that just because they have an opinion, no matter how incorrect it is, deserves to have their voice HAS TO BE HEARD...needs to shut the fuck up and be more observant
Happy to see that you managed to use your right to voice your opinion (right or wrong) too... :FacePalm:
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Active Member
Aug 2, 2018
First off, it's kinda weird that you didn't address me with your insults.

...But is what you're saying really that bad? I feel like there are some popular games on this site that update about every 3-4 months, am I wrong? It's only me doing this, and my updates are pretty big in content.
Some of us understand that you are "ambidextrous"*, and some of us clearly don't... some of us understand that Stranded In Space is a labor of love for you that you WON'T abandon as a matter of principle, and some of us clearly don't... some of us understand that you take the narrative and visual quality of the Stranded In Space very seriously and are not willing to compromise them, and some of us clearly don't.

Beyond that, I'm not going to get into the money aspect that one critic brought up because, frankly, that's none of my business; but with regard to frequency of updates, while I'm sure most of us would love to see a 70,000-80,000 word (just a guess) 1200-1500 image (ditto) update, that reflect the quality to which we've become accustomed, every three weeks, that would just be unreasonable greed on our part. Four of those per year is much more realistic and seems to be sustainable, and is honestly a gift.

* Ambidextrous being a metaphor in this instance for multifocal, for "some of us" who don't understand metaphor...
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Sep 26, 2020

Hello. Hope you're all doing well.
Here's where we're at as of December.
I am currently working on three things—renders for some Elysium content, animations for Stranded in Space Day 19, and the framework of a second project that I'm quite excited about.
For now, the key component out of those three is the second project.
What does that mean? Well, it means I'm not ready to give a release date for the next content update for Stranded in Space. My focus for the month of December is to lay the framework for my second project. This means establishing the rhythm of how I'll be working on it alongside Stranded in Space.
Having said that, I need you guys to know that Stranded in Space is not going anywhere. I'm not going anywhere, either. I know this AVN world regularly has devs that disappear or projects that get abandoned, so I know hearing about how I'm focusing on a second project might worry you.
There is no chance of that happening. Zero. I am not going anywhere. In fact, you can yell at me over this decision in the comments of this post or on the Discord (as I still check it every day) if you'd like - I will read it and my self-esteem will lower accordingly.
Anyway, my goal is to have a preview post for the second game within the month of December. Regardless, I will continue to work on Stranded in Space and provide more information about the next content release sometime in the near future.
Oh, and I will provide a bit more context regarding this decision at some point within the Discord. I'll answer any comments below, too.
Either way, I'll keep you guys updated. I hope no one's too disappointed by this news.
not another game plsss...why don't finish this one that is beeen a while now.?? it's impossibile that another game will not drasin energy,time and resources to stranded in space...we all know why?


Engaged Member
Sep 26, 2020
I just bought this game on Steam, hopefully Steam has sone sort of standard which ensure Dev's do not prolong finishing their games.
sadly no...or someone forgot games that last for 8 years in EA?? like that game based on Arma mod..(forgot the title..or 7 days to dye

Neko-Chan Pacifica

Active Member
Jul 6, 2021
Thanks for your response. I was just a Lil worried after all the character work it would just get left behind. it has been a really fun story and I love the computer interface where they talk every morning!
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Dec 11, 2022
not another game plsss...why don't finish this one that is beeen a while now.?? it's impossibile that another game will not drasin energy,time and resources to stranded in space...we all know why?
The main focus is this game. The other game is just him making a rough foundation right now. Working on a few characters and seeing how they look in a few renders. He's not really working one 2 projects like this two at a time. He's said in the past his focus is on this game and that won't really change until its really close to finishing.
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