Phew.... Where do i even start...
First of all, i was a supporter. I was even one of the guys who upped their tier after flynn threatened to just abandon the game if it doesn´t get more support. Everything seemed fine for a while. I was on the Discord server but never really checked it, so him just nuking the project, at least for me, came out of the blue and it left quiet a bitter taste in my mouth.For me it just feels like he tried to milk this as long as he can and in the end he just took the money and straight up bolted.
One of the problems this game had was the Tier list. Having to wait almost a month for some to reach their tier?Can´t even blame em for pirating this game.
One of my suggestions was: A 2 day delay between the different tiers. People are more willing to wait a couple of days than a whole month. It was straight up ignored, i was ridiculed and mocked. Now look what happened. And i still don´t know who i want to blame more. Flynn, who just nuked everything and vanished into the night, after ignoring almost every positive suggestion, or the Pirates who (logically) weren´t willing to wait a month? Guess that one should be easy...
Rip Misty, Rip Gabby, Rip Centoria, Rip every single one of my favorite characters...
shit what a bummer that it had to come like this....

but i must agree and i wrote something similiar regarding the time period for tier releases a couple of pages back here when his last update was leaked.
the most devs have a timeframe for about 14 days from the highest tier to the lowest and then on day 16 or 17 a public release.
i sayed it then and i see that i was partly right to say that the timeframe was too long and the prizes for high tier supporters were too high too no matter what the dev gives you as "extras".
you can do that with highers prices and more "extras" when you have a big fanbase like a thousand supporters or so,but when you lack those it gets difficult to make a living.
with fewer numbers a dev needs to stay low on the tier prices to gain as many supporters as possible.
you loose too much potencial supporters when the prices are too high and the timeframe between the tiers is too long.
if my memory serves me right he had around 260 supporters at the last update.just take every supporter to the 5$ tier and you have 1340$ already and thats is currently 1300€ for someone who lives somewhere in europe.
put the half of it to 10$ and the other half to 5$ you have 1950$ and that is 1892€
i don´t know from witch contry in europe he was,but 1300€ or 1892€ is a solid start and it is only a 5$ tier and 10$ tier that 80-90% of the supporters are paying for support.
i don´t know what the full reason behind this all is and i think it is not fully the financical aspect here alone,but it is sure a part of it.
however Flynn974 i wish you and your family all the best and maybe there will be a time when you will be able to continiue the game..