
May 1, 2019
i used it but my gold didnt grow?
Just took a look at the cheat panel (I don't use it and don't debug it). The resource cheats work by setting the resource amount to the number found in the spinbox in the top-left corner. So the default of 100 sets your gold to 100, and 1000000 sets your gold to 1000000.

If you are having trouble playing the game, then I recommend the Discord( ) as a faster way to get help. There are also guides and tips to be found in the forum and the wiki(though most of it is outdated).
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Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2020
Just took a look at the cheat panel (I don't use it and don't debug it). The resource cheats work by setting the resource amount to the number found in the spinbox in the top-left corner. So the default of 100 sets your gold to 100, and 1000000 sets your gold to 1000000.

If you are having trouble playing the game, then I recommend the Discord( ) as a faster way to get help. There are also guides and tips to be found in the forum and the wiki(though most of it is outdated).
took me a little bit to figure it out once i entered code i somehow missed the windows with all the goodies LOL


Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2020
been an interesting day long story short i grabbed both versions of these games ...i decided that i dont like the new version at all
hard to describe but the NEW version looks way different and complicated couldnt figure it out
although i had a few problems with THIS version im all good now for the most part biggest issue i had was being blind as bat LOL
entered the code and was expecting everything to be automatic gold boost,etc discovered the box of goodies the 1 stop shop LOL
felt stupid afterwards finding it LOL ok now so theres a few things i dont when making my char everything was there except for the sex traits...BUT then when ya make your slaves or what ever then the sex traits show up so can set their traits to subs BUT how the hell do i set myself as dom i never seen that option?also how do ya add points for like wisdom,etc on slaves?
i cant send to far on my mansion it requires stats my girls dont got so wondering how to add the missing stats wisdom agility,etc
this game is pretty damn awsome just having trouble figuring shit out and a couple folks suggested discord but long story short will never happen on this old beast.tried many times and it just crashes my shit...anyways sorry to be a pest just sucks being new LOL


May 1, 2019
been an interesting day long story short i grabbed both versions of these games ...i decided that i dont like the new version at all
hard to describe but the NEW version looks way different and complicated couldnt figure it out
although i had a few problems with THIS version im all good now for the most part biggest issue i had was being blind as bat LOL
entered the code and was expecting everything to be automatic gold boost,etc discovered the box of goodies the 1 stop shop LOL
felt stupid afterwards finding it LOL ok now so theres a few things i dont when making my char everything was there except for the sex traits...BUT then when ya make your slaves or what ever then the sex traits show up so can set their traits to subs BUT how the hell do i set myself as dom i never seen that option?also how do ya add points for like wisdom,etc on slaves?
i cant send to far on my mansion it requires stats my girls dont got so wondering how to add the missing stats wisdom agility,etc
this game is pretty damn awsome just having trouble figuring shit out and a couple folks suggested discord but long story short will never happen on this old beast.tried many times and it just crashes my shit...anyways sorry to be a pest just sucks being new LOL
By new version I assume you mean Conquest, which is basically an entirely new game though they share some similarities. I haven't played it yet, but from what I've heard on the Discord it's starting to become rich in features but poor for intuitive gameplay. It'll probably get smoothed out as Mav progresses the core gameplay further. The first game still has its fair share of non-intuitive mechanics.

Speaking of which, the player character is a bit weird in many ways. The max stats are set by player rather than by race, they can't work any jobs, and the game tries to act as though they don't have traits, though traits are mostly irrelevant to the player character. For instance, the player can still quietly learn sexual traits during sex, but they have no effect. I recommend checking the wiki for traits as Dominant and Submissive are not sexual traits nor would they have any effect on gameplay for the player character. The Role Preference stat indicates whether a person is dominant(higher values) or submissive during sex, but the stat has fairly low impact on the game and is only changed by giving or taking punishing sexual actions.

The core stats (Strength, Agility, Magic Affinity, Endurance) are increased by clicking the "+" icon next to the max stat and uses their free attribute points.
The basic mental stats(Courage, Confidence, Wit, Charm) are increased using the "Learn. Points" menu in the slave tab. Learning points are primarily acquired using the Teach action during the Meet interaction, but also by assigning them to the library.


Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2020
By new version I assume you mean Conquest, which is basically an entirely new game though they share some similarities. I haven't played it yet, but from what I've heard on the Discord it's starting to become rich in features but poor for intuitive gameplay. It'll probably get smoothed out as Mav progresses the core gameplay further. The first game still has its fair share of non-intuitive mechanics.

Speaking of which, the player character is a bit weird in many ways. The max stats are set by player rather than by race, they can't work any jobs, and the game tries to act as though they don't have traits, though traits are mostly irrelevant to the player character. For instance, the player can still quietly learn sexual traits during sex, but they have no effect. I recommend checking the wiki for traits as Dominant and Submissive are not sexual traits nor would they have any effect on gameplay for the player character. The Role Preference stat indicates whether a person is dominant(higher values) or submissive during sex, but the stat has fairly low impact on the game and is only changed by giving or taking punishing sexual actions.

The core stats (Strength, Agility, Magic Affinity, Endurance) are increased by clicking the "+" icon next to the max stat and uses their free attribute points.
The basic mental stats(Courage, Confidence, Wit, Charm) are increased using the "Learn. Points" menu in the slave tab. Learning points are primarily acquired using the Teach action during the Meet interaction, but also by assigning them to the library.
ya i was talking about strive conquest to complicated and confusing way more so then this version...i first grabbed strive conquest and while i was waiting for other downloads,etc to be done i was reading around the comments and stuff on strive conquest page and a few were talking about the problems and so on with THAT 1 and some were saying this one is better
long story short i wanted to try both out (whats better all comes down to opinions,etc NOT always facts)
i looked at that game seen the link for this game and just wanted to see everything for myself and well long story short i didnt care for strive conquest i seen what some people said and id agree a lot with them AND other stuff that wasnt mentioned too
discovered i enjoy strive-for-power-win64-public way better...the interface,etc is way better to work with,etc
ya about the points with slaves,etc thats what i was trying to ask about earlier i just didnt know how to get the words together
way easier to explain stuff talking then it is by typing so ...yeah....anyways theres lady ya buy slaves from and ya can leave a slave with her to train different things i understand why things aint going smooth as ya said has something to do with different classes im using a fairy for nurse and lab and then beasty chars for going out catching slaves but its weird theres 2 that are almost the same 1 is ranger other is something else and it comes down to the points some can add more confidence and something willpower or something (again its hard explaining typing)its the mechanics of chars issue LOL
some get certain points that others cant and its down right confusing slowly but surely im getting there
at least with THIS game im able to play a few hours and weed through problems and find the solutions
anyways im trying to say i agree with everything ya said .....i been up over 24hrs too and still going anyways thanks for the reply brother


May 1, 2019
sort of found and discovered a flaw...i had a girl that was assigned to "HEADGIRL" she was really pissing me off so i sold her
short while later found another girl that was way better and so i sent her off to get rich title or what ever so a few days later
she finally returned (MY NEW GIRL)and i was looking through the list for "HEADGIRL" to my surprise its NOT THERE ANYMORE
lesson learned (the hard way) when your gonna sell your chicks off,etc MAKE SURE that they dont have any jobs that they are assigned to first OTHERWISE this will likely happen to you as it did me

gonna start a new game and be more careful :)
You must have at least 8 slaves or the Headgirl job will not be visible in the list. It is not possible to lose jobs by attaching them to slaves, and the interface allows you to re-assign jobs to other slaves at any time.


Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2020
You must have at least 8 slaves or the Headgirl job will not be visible in the list. It is not possible to lose jobs by attaching them to slaves, and the interface allows you to re-assign jobs to other slaves at any time.
one of these days ill figure this shit out LOL thanks brother


Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2020
this has been happening for sometime now BUT ive just never mentioned it BUT its got to the point now that i just have to know
before i tell you whats up ...i have 102 elixir of clarity and everything else needed/required for removing traits
WHY when i select some of the chars it dont wanna work?i just cant wrap my head around that
IF i was short on mats or gold or what ever FINE id get it BUT i have every item required and this happens

rather then separate posts 2 more questions i understand lactation happens at pregnancy BUT whats other ways need it for farm
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May 1, 2019
this has been happening for sometime now BUT ive just never mentioned it BUT its got to the point now that i just have to know
before i tell you whats up ...i have 102 elixir of clarity and everything else needed/required for removing traits
WHY when i select some of the chars it dont wanna work?i just cant wrap my head around that
IF i was short on mats or gold or what ever FINE id get it BUT i have every item required and this happens

rather then separate posts 2 more questions i understand lactation happens at pregnancy BUT whats other ways need it for farm
also i need snails for eggs?what do i need there?(never bothered with the farm before but tryin new shit)
The tooltip for Elixir of Clarity: "A strong mixture allowing the removal of persistent mental qualities". There are mental and physical traits. The Elixir of Clarity is actually used for both, but for physical traits it is used by a level 2 laboratory operation.

For lactation, check the alchemy room. There is actually a story mode quest that deals with inducing lactation and recommends using potions, though it doesn't require that method. In most cases, if there isn't a potion to cause a specific change, then there is a laboratory operation, and if neither can do it then mutations can(edit: though mutations can do many things the other methods can).

Snails lay eggs, since all of the slave races have live birth. In story mod it is explained, but when you buy the hatchery upgrade it will give you a hint as to where to find them (make sure you have a few hundred food).


Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2020
The tooltip for Elixir of Clarity: "A strong mixture allowing the removal of persistent mental qualities". There are mental and physical traits. The Elixir of Clarity is actually used for both, but for physical traits it is used by a level 2 laboratory operation.

For lactation, check the alchemy room. There is actually a story mode quest that deals with inducing lactation and recommends using potions, though it doesn't require that method. In most cases, if there isn't a potion to cause a specific change, then there is a laboratory operation, and if neither can do it then mutations can(edit: though mutations can do many things the other methods can).

Snails lay eggs, since all of the slave races have live birth. In story mod it is explained, but when you buy the hatchery upgrade it will give you a hint as to where to find them (make sure you have a few hundred food).
i must of missed it im playing sandbox im trying to find the area where you speak of about snails and so on whats it closest to?
towns and roads/.im wandering around ancient forest (just entering) theres a place starts with S sillis (or something)
says that at farm but not sure where thats at?
grom is where my home is

(just was thinking about what ya said about the traits so all id have to do is raise their points right?i was trying to teach comoner LOL)
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Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 20, 2016
You know, I think I've played this game dozens of times, but never got all the way to end.

Does anyone know if there's any further events Emily's sister after you rescue her form Gorn? I always turn down the option to brand her in case I lock myself out from further developments, but apart from bedding the sisters together I've never seen anything else with Trish.

Is there anything in the later stages of the game, or can I just go ahead and brand her?


Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2020
You know, I think I've played this game dozens of times, but never got all the way to end.

Does anyone know if there's any further events Emily's sister after you rescue her form Gorn? I always turn down the option to brand her in case I lock myself out from further developments, but apart from bedding the sisters together I've never seen anything else with Trish.

Is there anything in the later stages of the game, or can I just go ahead and brand her?
worst comes to worst can always have 2 saves 1 branded and one not then ya have the best of both worlds


May 1, 2019
i must of missed it im playing sandbox im trying to find the area where you speak of about snails and so on whats it closest to?
towns and roads/.im wandering around ancient forest (just entering) theres a place starts with S sillis (or something)
says that at farm but not sure where thats at?
grom is where my home is

(just was thinking about what ya said about the traits so all id have to do is raise their points right?i was trying to teach comoner LOL)
After you buy the hatchery upgrade, the farm will give the hint "Search the woods north of Shaliq." The hint is actually kind of important as you cannot find snails before you have the hatchery. While you explore there is map available in the top right of the screen. There is only a single woods node north(towards the top of the map) from Shaliq. It even has "woods" in the name; I tried to make the hint pretty obvious.

Gorn is probably fine as a home in sandbox mode, but in story mode only Wimborn should be used unless you are looking for a significant challenge.


Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2020
After you buy the hatchery upgrade, the farm will give the hint "Search the woods north of Shaliq." The hint is actually kind of important as you cannot find snails before you have the hatchery. While you explore there is map available in the top right of the screen. There is only a single woods node north(towards the top of the map) from Shaliq. It even has "woods" in the name; I tried to make the hint pretty obvious.

Gorn is probably fine as a home in sandbox mode, but in story mode only Wimborn should be used unless you are looking for a significant challenge.
i dont mind a challenge just hate using default stuff in games i see that shit i rebel LOL
everything in mansion is all unlocked has been for a long time i never messed with the farm before so thought id try some new stuff and i have no idea where the snails are i was up by elven forest done the quest where ya help the girl goto her village
has a funky ass outfit on wasnt meaning to do the quest just randomly bumped into her and thought well im here anyways may as well do her quest so i did meanwhile i was out that way looking for the darn snails
(forget all the names of arias i was )i was killing wolves bears oooze flowers spider things seen all there is to see but no snails
what map is it off of too (where snails are) i was even way out by the damn ocean and some weird caves until i died


May 1, 2019
You know, I think I've played this game dozens of times, but never got all the way to end.

Does anyone know if there's any further events Emily's sister after you rescue her form Gorn? I always turn down the option to brand her in case I lock myself out from further developments, but apart from bedding the sisters together I've never seen anything else with Trish.

Is there anything in the later stages of the game, or can I just go ahead and brand her?
Sounds like you at least have the basic rundown of Emily's and Tisha's quests. Bedding the sisters is the last possible event in their optimal quest line. Branding Tisha during the quest event will result in a less than optimal ending, but there are no penalties after the Gorn event. If you are looking for more events related to those two, then try exploring the less than optimal routes such as preying on Emily when she first enters the mansion or not interacting with her and branding her before Tisha comes for her.


Active Member
Nov 17, 2019
Okay so I customized my first servant but there is no full body image? Or portrait? Plus the portrait pack at the beginning is very limited? Do I have to install something extra besides base game and improved random portraits to get actual portrait art and full body art?


Mar 11, 2020
Okay so I customized my first servant but there is no full body image? Or portrait? Plus the portrait pack at the beginning is very limited? Do I have to install something extra besides base game and improved random portraits to get actual portrait art and full body art?
There are a number of portrait packs you can download from the site. Just search Strive for Power to find its page. I personally just find images online and crop/edit them and put them in manually.
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Active Member
Nov 17, 2019
There are a number of portrait packs you can download from the site. Just search Strive for Power to find its page. I personally just find images online and crop/edit them and put them in manually.
Awesome. I have some installed now but I still can't find any good ones for a human male protagonist. What is your method for going about finding images online and cropping/editing them manually for game use?


Mar 11, 2020
Awesome. I have some installed now but I still can't find any good ones for a human male protagonist. What is your method for going about finding images online and cropping/editing them manually for game use?
I usually just type something like 'elf female character artwork' into the search bar and select an image search. Find something I like that fits and save it to my PC. Edit it with any of the common image editors, I use Paint 3D as it has a great 'magic select' feature for removing the background. Crop the image with the character. Change the canvas size to 1080 pixels tall. The width can be anything from 600-900 and fits well. I use the 'magic select feature to cut out just the character image then and paste it onto an invisible canvas. Save that image then with a name with the race in it, like Elf Female 1. The game will find images with race names in it to help sort them. Place that file in the /users/$name/appdata/Strive/bodies folder. Then crop out the face with a 350x350 box. Save that with the same exact name - Elf Female 1. Put that in the Strive/portrait folder.
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