
Nov 5, 2018
I really enjoy this game. I love the complexity and possibilities. A true slave trainer sandbox experience.

I would, however, like to know if there's any good mods out there for the game?
It could be awesome with an advanced combat mod. Don't get me wrong, I think the basic combat system is fine, but a mod for advanced combat could make it even better.
It would also be cool with a visual mod for the Interactions. The interaction system is really great, but it could be amazing with a mod to make it even more visual. I'm thinking of something like making "generic" character models that could be customized with haircolor, hairstyle, racial features, breast size, etc.

I would try to make some of these things myself, but I know more or less nothing about programming and animation.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
I really enjoy this game. I love the complexity and possibilities. A true slave trainer sandbox experience.

I would, however, like to know if there's any good mods out there for the game?
It could be awesome with an advanced combat mod. Don't get me wrong, I think the basic combat system is fine, but a mod for advanced combat could make it even better.
It would also be cool with a visual mod for the Interactions. The interaction system is really great, but it could be amazing with a mod to make it even more visual. I'm thinking of something like making "generic" character models that could be customized with haircolor, hairstyle, racial features, breast size, etc.

I would try to make some of these things myself, but I know more or less nothing about programming and animation.
Join the discord and they can point you to the mods that have been made so far.
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Active Member
May 18, 2018
Do you intend to edit just your saves or the code of the game?
In the first case, you must open the save and search for something like:
where X is the number of days your slave is unavailable.
The "duration" attribute says also when an upcoming event is going to happen.

For instance this tells me:
that a slave of mine is going to have a baby in three days.

In the second case, the pregnancy data are stored in files\scripts\
var pregduration = 31.0
var growuptimechild = 15.0
var growuptimeteen = 20.0
var growuptimeadult = 25.0
The (in)famous three free days a girl needs to increase her level, are set in the function:
func vacationshort(person):
    var text = person.dictionary(leveluprequests.vacation.speech)
    person.levelupreqs = {code = 'vacation', value = '3', speech = leveluprequests.vacation.speech, descript = person.dictionary(leveluprequests.vacation.descript), button = person.dictionary('Send $name on vacation'), effect = 'vacation', activate = 'fromtalk'}
    return text
inside files\scripts\jobs&
A for the lab, each modification has its own number of days, see files\scripts\ (of course the real number is lower. How much, it depends on how skillful is your lab assistant).
Excellent, Thank you.

I heard that you can remove the Fear stat out of the game completely... Would you happen to know How its done?
Please share if you do.
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Active Member
Feb 3, 2019
Yes, the main story is complete. The only updates now are some minor side content and code optimization.
Ok but still why isn't it labeled as version 1.0 if its a completed game? I said this before and i still have no idea why devs in this segment of gamaing are putting version numbers on their stuff that does only confuse their customers.

But in case that this dev has a reason to do so with this game i give it the benefit of the doubt.
It would indicate the game is half done if i take the version number at face value. :D


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Ok but still why isn't it labeled as version 1.0 if its a completed game? I said this before and i still have no idea why devs in this segment of gamaing are putting version numbers on their stuff that does only confuse their customers.

But in case that this dev has a reason to do so with this game i give it the benefit of the doubt.
It would indicate the game is half done if i take the version number at face value. :D
Not all devs use that as a finish game.


Active Member
May 18, 2018
Actually no, I never heard of a mod like that. But it shouldn't be hard.
There are two "fear" attributes afaik: the main stat and the temporary stat (the latter is used when you date a character). You can assign a fixed value to the first one, if you open files\scripts\person\ and mod the fear_get function (this function returns the current value of a slave's fear). For instance this tricks the game into thinking that the fear of any slave is always equal to X:
func fear_get():
    return X
Why though? I thought fear was pretty harmless.
Thank you...
Have you played the earlier versions of this game?

If not you would not know that that attribute is a recent addition and makes the game that much harder as a result...

The latest version of the game can you:
1. do public punishment that increases obedience across many slaves?
2. Can you use sedation and dream like you used to and not have a slave have a breakdown when they come back?
3. How easy / Hard is it to have a large slave population? I usually run with around 150 or so, The latest version of game makes that kind of thing Very hard to maintain.
4. The new combat system really aint all that... compared to how it used to be... Tbh, I prefer the old to the new... Who agrees with me?

And thats just a few of Many...

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Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Confirmation were? Sorry dont trust naysaiers. But its very good news, as this one is cool with alot of hours of play, just as i like it.
This is just one of the post on Patreon.

Surprisingly the previous poll has split somewhat even, which means we might see two different systems in strive 2. But for this time I'll go through major changes on the current sex system before we will be considering further changes.
Lots of the stuff I'll be explaining is related to the background of the system, so you might no get what's this about, unless you have been looking into code.
Firstly, my personal issue with current sex system, is that it's not very intuitive and lots of the stuff happening without player knowing, so we cut down those and replace them with something more obvious.
Slave reaction. Currently slaves can 'react' in 3 different ways to every action. Like it, be okay with it and dislike it. It's based on slave's stats, such as lewdness and lust, and sometimes traits and decide how much stats slave receive from action. Except there was not much of indication of actual reaction, and past certain point you will only generally get positive reaction from anything. What made it worse, is it also bloated event code significantly.
Lube mechanic: you could've observe it during earlier iterations of sex system, and even though icon has been hidden in later, it still exists. Basically the idea behind lubrication mechanic was to present a foreplay opportunity which in turn would make slaves react better to harsher actions. And it had same issues as the previous entry: non-indicative, can be quickly ignored later on.
So, with this in mind, I've decided that the system should be built around specific goal: achieve as many orgasms as possible (be it specific slave or more). The secondary goal, is to provide more depth and make foreplay also useful in it (since it gives less stats it may be ignored easily). Now onto direct corrections:
  • Slaves orgasm as they acquire enough lust points
  • Instead of lube mechanic, I've added "Arousal" state. While not aroused, slave only receive half of the lust points.
  • Different actions give different amount of both lust and arousal points, so foreplay actions will arouse partner faster
  • Continuous actions will only produce half of the points starting the second turn (so setting everything on repeat and passing turns is a poor decision now)
  • Already performed actions on the slave during this interaction will be slightly less effective with every repeat (so spaming single action will also be a poor decision)
  • Orgasms are generally much slower to achieve (partly due to removal or reaction system which doubles stat gain on positive reactions)
  • Sex traits being reworked: now they are often tied to specific action group making slave get more arousal/lust from specific actions
  • Some items will be making it into sex system as well, giving a buff to stat gains or making slaves instantly aroused.
In a previous post I've mentioned how the system will not be used in same manner as strive 1 to generate mana for days. So what is it for now? Basically it will be improving slave's behavior (obedience, loyalty) and might provide some working buffs. It will also build up a lewdness stat which will be utilized by certain skills including mana gain.
Let me know what you think about it and thanks for the attention.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Belive it when i see it, but honestly wish it was.
Maybe next month.

In attempt to not to be silent about it: Currently all of my time goes into preparation for tech demo release. Right now most of the social skills have been finished, items and their effects are mostly functional and GUI is taking a shape.
The most of the work (besides assets), though, will be lying in the combat mechanics. Even though for simple tech demo I'll be aiming at very minor exploration and combat content, the presence of combat classes makes it mandatory to have the combat system cause no issue.
So, optimally, it should be out in the next month, featuring nearly 40 classes, over 20 social skills, all of the old races, new gear and gear system, and new variation of sex system (for details check out previous posts).
That's about all I wanted to say for now, so thank you for your attention and see you next time!
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Active Member
May 18, 2018
Technically yes, you can, but I get what you mean: it isn't effective at all.
Public punishments do not raise the obedience anymore, they only increase fear and stress (and the latter effect is not good at all). Fear gets converted into obedience, but slowly, only if it's high enough and only at the end of the day (you need five nights to make a rebel slave totally obedient through fear).
That's why I don't use public punishments anymore, there are better alternatives.

Red469 said:
The latest version of the game can you:
1. do public punishment that increases obedience across many slaves?
Technically yes, you can, but I get what you mean: it isn't effective at all.
Public punishments do not raise the obedience anymore, they only increase fear and stress (and the latter effect is not good at all). Fear gets converted into obedience, but slowly, only if it's high enough and only at the end of the day (you need five nights to make a rebel slave totally obedient through fear).
That's why I don't use public punishments anymore, there are better alternatives.

Red469 said: What Better Alternatives?
Red469 said:
2. Can you use sedation and dream like you used to and not have a slave have a breakdown when they come back?
Never happened to me, but I guess it's because my magic affinity is quite high (~6) and the spells really effective.
Red469 said: If the slaves stress is at 150 even with magic aff at 6 or 8 Quickest way to get a girl back into yellow is sedation and dream.
Red469 said:
3. How easy / Hard is it to have a large slave population? I usually run with around 150 or so, The latest version of game makes that kind of thing Very hard to maintain.
I plead guilty, I never had more than 30 slaves (12 of them being cows, usually).
Red469 said: Hence why I say the finished game is not superior to what once was and got destroyed. If the most you can actually keep at the same time is 30... Lets just say that the Mansion does NOT fit such a small group... more like a large house, since Mansions would have that many in servants.
Red469 said:
4. The new combat system really aint all that... compared to how it used to be... Tbh, I prefer the old to the new...
Which one? I mean, the game has changed many times. For instance, in the previous release physical skills were energy consuming, while now you can use them without limits (except waiting for the cooldown, obviously).
I think this is a good change; on the other side I miss how powerful the acid spit spell was.

Red469 said: Last Decent one that I play is 05.7d, I find this gives me the freedom to do as I see fit. Having said this, there are a few good points to the new version... as I see them and feel free to anyone that correct me on these

1. The new intimacy interactions some of them are rather nice

2. It would appear the Interface has been updated some aspects of it are a little better

3. Now you have the option to have children rather then just teens or adults...
Can anyone answer, How long do they stay kids before they go to teens?
What interactions can you have with them compared to teens and what jobs if any can they perform...


Benn Swagger

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
Wowow ... it's finished ! :D After the first time I've played it a long time ago and really like the game, I vow only to revisiting it after complete. I can't believe the day have arrived. :ROFLMAO: Gonna play vanilla first, then using modders content later.


Active Member
May 18, 2018
This is just one of the post on Patreon.
Hi A1fox3

I read the post and from what I can gather, and Please if I missunderstood correct me, SFP 2 is a distance away...

Secondly, the Various Changes the Author is proposing, most of them sound like they are likely to be good ones and others not soo much... That said, I am curious to see if he manages to top his first Classic...

I gues thats the problem with Setting such high standards, They sometimes get a little hard to top...



Active Member
May 18, 2018
Wowow ... it's finished ! :D After the first time I've played it a long time ago and really like the game, I vow only to revisiting it after complete. I can't believe the day have arrived. :ROFLMAO: Gonna play vanilla first, then using modders content later.
What modded content are you reffering to?
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