Maybe I'm wrong, because it's not clear to me why Els is spying on the mc.
If she's indeed behind the "hack", then I hope we'll get the option to tell her to fuck off.
But I think she's not using what she knows against you, she's using it for the benefit of the mc, to make him react. So that he finally takes the steps he needs to recover.
That's a distinction without a difference. The point is, she isn't reciprocating. My MC has been open and honest with her, she's been nothing but evasive. She makes the MC work for her trust, but doesn't give any in return.
If someone with trauma isn't ready to open up, then forcing them just damages them more.
At this moment the only ones who really know the mc is Vi and Els (they are basically the same, they have the same problems, but she is ahead in recovery), and in my opinion they are the ones who are making him realise that he needs help.
McNab knows the MC and his military trauma. Vi knows about MC's past (her scars), by extension Ines does as well. Amrit knows quite a bit as well. Els might know of Valentine, but from the start of the game it didn't appear like they had a close bond. More like a working relationship. Vi doesn't really push the MC towards getting help, since she's been the one needing his support. Also, Vi propositioning MC after saying "Happy Birthday" reminded me how clueless she really is. Kana is really the only one who lets Valentine be Valentine.
I don't agree that Els is ahead of Valentine in recovery. She has hallucinations where she sees herself being bloodied. While Valentine puts up walls through humor and self-deprication, her walls are secrecy and not allowing people to get to know the real her. Because, god forbid, someone might do what she does, and use her actions/experiences against her.
This is kinda funny because you’re roleplaying a “damaged” Valentine perfectly. Push everyone away who gets too close. Go for the easy ones who don’t know the real Valentine… yet. Rinse and repeat.
Right, and that's what I have to do, because the story doesn't let me express that in any other way. I've been giving Els the cold shoulder, but sadly the game doesn't register that. Instead, the one-sided heart-to-heart had Valentine do a 180. Except, my Valentine did say he wanted something more long-term with Kana, he's not using her to run away. Of course, I still don't know why MC became a player and decided months ago to stop sleeping around, so I don't know if this actually fits.
Though this last point is probably my main criticism of the game. I actually think I'd enjoy this story more if it didn't have choices, so STWA could just tell Valentine's story, including his inner monologue. Having the choices and not the knowledge just makes the experience frustrating, because the inner monologue and interpretation is left up to the player. Again, interpretation without knowing the full context.
I thought the discussion at the pool was brilliant. Els sees through your bs and tries to talk to the “real” Valentine. Not using it against you. She is in the same boat.
She does see through him, and the way she went about it is wrong. Yes, it was important that she called him out, but getting naked came across as manipulative. The kiss was even worse timing. It turned what could've been a confrontation for the benefit of Valentine into her seducing him. What's the message here? Should Valentine "heal", so he can get in her pants?
"I kissed you because I desired a kiss."
"I entice you to come to group because I think you need it."
This is bullshit. Her asking Valentine to go to group would've been more effective as the aftermath of a yelling match, emotions laid bare. Not her coming on to him, and changing the tone of the confrontation.