I just searched "cuck" and "NTR" in the reddit, its clean as Mr. Clean's bald head, but it honestly just says that they are deleting posts with those subjects, AKA hiding Mr. Clean's dirty shit. Reminds me of mods here, they lack the diplomatic and mature side so they just go delete stuff like the SS or Soviet Union stuff even if it is a non-troll, but I digress.
Reminds me also when I went to the Cyberpunk 2077 reddit to have a discussion about Third Person Perspective as being a cut feature to divert resources to other shit (like Multiplayer), I was expecting a healthy debate but instead I was flamed on and my post was deleted. That kind of actions from the community probably made the Devs feel a little relaxed about releasing shit, because their community licks CDPR's asshole, then all the reactions hit and here we are. I think thats gonna happen to Subverse, once it releases its gonna be hard policing those threads and reddit; they are probably gonna get flamed for awhile and then *poop* sales are poor, Studio FOW's reputation is tarnished and I'll be laughing both at the studio and to those who blindly follow them.
BTW I both like and dislike devs writing stories outside of the influence of the audience:
1. Because they write their stories whether it be good or shitty (oops where did the white knights go?)
2. Because the devs or writers feel like they are king and that any positive reaction is good and any negative constructive reaction is dismissed. And if the game goes under there is no sight of white knights, or even a public acknowledgement about the failure to heed the negative non-troll reviews.
3. Experienced devs (present in this site) know what riles up people and take note of their own precautions when writing a story (minimal to no sound complaints). New devs expect the same minimal reactions but then niche content (voyeur of a future LI being fucked with fucking animations or etc.) makes people rage when the dev should really have spent time having a general feel to the site and played popular games, so its mostly the dev's fault.
4. It produces games that become popular that doesn't exactly follow the norm (COBD, Depraved Awakening, De Luca Family, BADIK, Summertime saga and etc.,).
Humans adapt Devs should take time to think and perhaps adapt, that said Studio FOW should also adapt according to the majority of their fans and not deafen their ears.